The hardest test that a person can suffer is to be rejected by society. People who are left without work, without a roof over their heads, face daily humiliation, condemning the views of others. It is difficult for them to get out of the trap in which they find themselves.
However, there are caring people in the world who cannot pass by someone else’s misfortune. The category of such people includes sixteen-year-old Briton Charlotte Howard. She turned the homeless into a worthy member of society. However, first things first.
Thirty-six-year-old Anthony Johnson roamed the streets for nine years. He could communicate only with a dysfunctional contingent, but he felt that he could not afford to completely sink to the social bottom. The man tried to find work, but in vain. Who would have thought of hiring a homeless person?
Anthony was completely desperate, but still did not give up. On a piece of paper, he wrote a brief summary of the following content: “I will do any work for free to show my abilities. I have no bad habits. I can do dog walking, window washing, cooking, washing, cleaning, cooking, car washing, shopping, gardening - anything to earn a living and become a worthy member of society. ”
With this note, a man stood at a bus stop and held out a leaf in the hope that someone would take it. However, passers-by, seeing Anthony, pulled away and passed by. Nobody cared about a homeless person who was in trouble.
Responsive girl
Only one sixteen-year-old girl named Charlotte was not indifferent. She was not shy and did not disdain to take a note from the hands of an untidy man. After reading it, the girl realized that just could not leave Anthony to the mercy of fate. In her arms help him to his feet.
The first thing Charlotte published was a Facebook post and attached a photograph of her resume. She then launched a fundraising campaign on a crowdfunding platform. Work is work, but a man still needs to live somewhere. Since buying a house or apartment is not a cheap pleasure, the trailer seemed to her the most optimal and suitable option. Charlotte found out that it costs £ 100 (in the region of eight thousand rubles). The goal of the campaign is twenty three thousand rubles. The girl explained that the man needed this money to buy a trailer and to provide for himself until he found a job.
Life is getting better
Interested people responded to Charlotte’s announcement and collected as much as one hundred thirty thousand rubles. And that’s just six days! All the money transferred to the penny Anthony. He was able to buy a trailer. A charitable organization was at this time searching for a suitable job. He was eventually hired by a gardener by a man named Nelson Smith.
Nelson said he had experienced some mental health problems lately. When he saw Anthony's announcement, he realized that who, if not him, should lend a helping hand to a person who is fighting for his life, destiny and well-being.
Anthony is deeply grateful to Charlotte for her indifference. By the way, he says that his former friends in misfortune, who slept with him on the street, were also able to get to their feet. Some have become pastors, others are engaged in educational work.