We can not always objectively assess the level of our intelligence. Some believe that they are smarter than they really are. But this, in fact, is a good quality, because a person has a desire to strive for success, albeit in such a strange way. The situation looks much worse when a person underestimates his abilities. Perhaps you are the very person who does not know the real value of his intellect. Now you have the opportunity to find out.
Music lessons
If you learned to play a musical instrument (even in early childhood), you definitely have extraordinary abilities. Scientists have proven that children from the age of four to six, who took music lessons for a month (just!), Are much more likely to succeed in adulthood. Moreover, this does not have to be music, this list includes completely different areas of activity.
Older child
It is proved that older children in the family have a higher level of intelligence than younger sisters and brothers. That is why usually older children in adulthood become more successful in all spheres of activity (they make a career and occupy leadership positions).
Slim figure
Scientists have proven that a tendency to be overweight is a sign of a lower level of intelligence. Twelve-year-olds who did not pass exams poorly grew by the age of forty much larger than their thin peers. And it is not only a genetic predisposition. There is good news! Caring for your health from childhood (naturally, with the parents) is a guarantee that you will become much smarter and more successful. So monitor the weight of your children and do not allow yourself to eat beyond measure - this will help you achieve your goals.
It is a guarantee that the child will be much smarter than his peers. This was confirmed by research scientists. People who ate breast milk as a child scored seven points more when they passed the test than those who ate mixtures and other baits.
Early reading
Some people remember only a few books they read from the school curriculum, and sometimes not just one. And others cannot even remember at what age they began to read and how much literature they had to see in their lives. Even without much experimentation (just knowing how they succeeded) you can determine which of these categories is smarter. Definitely it will be those who began reading at an early age. It is proved that this lesson allows you to improve the verbal and non-verbal abilities of the child, which positively affects the level of his intelligence.
Left handed
Now it’s no secret that left-handed people are more capable, creative and original people compared to those who are used to doing everything with their right hand. In left-handers, both hemispheres of the brain are involved and equally developed, which gives them the opportunity to absorb more extensive information. This is due to the fact that such people are prone to divergent thinking, which in turn is a type of creative process. They resort to it to solve problems and problems, so left-handed people will always find a way out of the most difficult situation with benefit for themselves.
It has also been proven that those people who are more worried (not to be confused with panic!) Are smarter than those who are indifferent to everything. Perhaps this is due to the fact that anxiety forces a person to use his thought process to the full.At least in order to do everything qualitatively and then not to worry about him.
High growth
Tall children studied much better and passed exams more successfully. This does not apply to everyone without exception, but the figures speak in favor of children with high stature. In adulthood, they became much more successful in their careers and businesses, making more money than their undersized peers. Therefore, straighten your back yourself and teach children to play sports. The odds will be much higher.
Illegible handwriting
You probably noticed the handwriting of the doctors. Some people think that they write in such a way that patients cannot read their diagnosis. In fact, this is not so. In smart people, handwriting is often far from perfect. Creative disorder is considered a concept that was created many years ago. This is confirmed by studies that say that it provides fuel to people with a creative character.
Curious people always hunt for new information, so they have the opportunity to develop their mental abilities. If curiosity also joins banal curiosity, there is no limit to perfection at all. Such a person is able to master and understand much more than an indifferent and passive outside observer.
People who constantly strive for excellence and set higher demands on themselves always have a high level of intelligence. Stamina and hard work are added to the desire to own a large amount of information. In a complex, this is the most favorable environment for a person to become educated and successful.