
Work, home, husband, children: modern women reduce their hours of sleep in order to be in time

Modern women are so unlike old generations, mothers and grandmothers. These are women who have equalized rights with men who work, hold leadership positions, drive a car, and at the same time continue to bear and give birth to children, to educate, care for and take care of them. In addition to the above, these women manage to maintain order in the house and try to always look good. How do they manage to keep up with everything?

Modern women and their predecessors

At all times, women have been a model of humility, chastity, and humility. Today, a modern woman has completely turned over the traditions established in the past centuries. This is the woman who is free in her actions, decisive and purposeful, smart and principled. A woman in the modern world is no longer just a faithful wife, a loving mother and homekeeper, she is a strong personality who herself achieves her goals and provides for herself, and sometimes herself and her children or even the whole family.

Working women have less time left for a full sleep! After all, things tend not to end.

Gender equality

At what point did this happen? This happened so smoothly that the women did not have time to notice how they had taken on tremendous work! Working women sleep less and spend more and more time in the office. But at the same time, a woman should always look great and feel good! And no one has canceled childcare and homework.

It turns out that a woman simply does not have time left for herself, for her favorite pastime, a hobby. After all, when the couple return home, a woman prepares dinner. And she also washes the dishes after dinner, with rare exceptions. And then he bathes the child and puts him to bed. What gender equality are we talking about? After all, it turns out that a man needs to conscientiously serve a day service and go on a well-deserved rest.

How women manage to be such women

It seems that women compromise with the time they spend on leisure and sports in order to spend more time on their growing work obligations. Perhaps women should learn to delegate part of their responsibilities to colleagues at work, to their husband and children at home, to allow themselves an hour of a fitness club, for example. Or just be alone with yourself. Or go to bed an hour early. After all, a rested woman is a happy family!

Working women spend only three hours and 45 minutes a day on leisure, exercise and communication, while working men spend about four hours and 40 minutes on it, which is almost 50 minutes more than women. Women’s sleep hours also fell slightly over the year, a recent survey found.

So who is such a woman?

Woman is a powerful bunch of energy, it is a great power of the Universe, it is an endless stream of love! A woman is a mother, protector and ally. But modern women sometimes have to be tough and ruthless, although the original nature of a woman is softness, tenderness and love. What will be next? Will not the most brilliant qualities in a woman burn out? Will her true destiny in this frantic rhythm of life, in this race for gender equality, go by the wayside? What made a woman so? Striving for power and independence.

In a real world, a girl from an early age says: “You must be self-sufficient. You yourself must be able to earn. You must be able to feed yourself and your children. ” World turned upside down. But the main thing is that, most likely, the women themselves are happy with everything and have no plans to return to the past.Dear women, in the pursuit of the status of “strong woman” do not forget that nature has created you weak in the brightest and best sense of the word. You are light, love, warmth! Remember your true destiny.

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