
Unexpected luck: thanks to a thief, the couple discovered a forgotten lottery ticket with a win of $ 1 million

Unpleasant events can often turn into something good. But in the case of this pair, something simply amazing happened. Spouses who wanted to keep their names a secret bought a lottery ticket, which they won. But the fact is that the couple did not even suspect this, and if it had not been for the thief who climbed into their car, they would never have known that they had become millionaires.

Thanks thief

Spouses from Seattle bought a lottery ticket at the grocery store the day before the rally and forgot it in the car. He would have stayed there forever if three months after this acquisition a thief hadn’t climbed into a car. Of all the things, the criminal took only sunglasses, but this event forced the couple to inspect everything in the car for missing items. Then they found a forgotten ticket.

Out of curiosity, the couple decided to check the numbers via the Internet. Their surprise knew no bounds when they discovered that three months ago they won the second-largest prize in the lottery - $ 1 million.

Considering that the time period when you can apply for money is limited to 180 days from the moment of the draw, the spouses could lose the prize if the thief had not climbed into the car.

“The situation is simply unbelievable! - say the couple. - After all, the stolen sunglasses were on the lottery ticket, but for some reason the thief did not take it! If we had the opportunity to thank the person who climbed into our car, we would definitely do that. ”

What will the money go for

Of course, journalists asked the lucky ones what they plan to spend their winnings on. “We have already bought a bottle of champagne,” the couple said. - We also planned to visit Paris and Iceland this year. In addition, we want to direct part of the money to repair our home. ”

An amazing story, right? She convincingly argues that if fate has prepared a gift, she will make sure that you must receive it.

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