One of the most important resources in a modern company, for which there is a fierce struggle, is talented employees. There are two strategies: to raise a first-class specialist within the organization from scratch or to invite a ready-made expert from the outside. Which one to choose? This is the question for the modern employer.
The modern rhythm of life and doing business dictates its own conditions. In any professional industry, qualified personnel are required to complete tasks. However, only the employee who arrived, alas, will never have the same level of commitment to the culture and values of the company as the employee who has been working in the organization for many years. In order to maintain “their” personnel, it is necessary to constantly engage in retraining and advanced training.
Train or replace?
The first thing you should pay attention to is that hiring new employees with the required level of qualification is not a panacea for solving the personnel problem.
Often, the right specialists are either very expensive in the market, or there are no free applicants at all. In addition, high staff turnover does not benefit the company.
The best solution is planning for the future and investing (or investing) in those employees who already work for you. These people are better aware of the specifics of the company. So, they will be able not only to gain new knowledge, but also to work out issues of how best to put them into practice, taking into account the characteristics of their own organization.
Learning as motivation
An important feature of training is that the employee is aware of his importance to the company. If the organization invests in me, then I respect and is in demand in this team.
In addition, in contrast to the irreparable costs of paying compensation to the employee, training involves further growth and career advancement. For the company, this is also a win, because a more qualified employee can bring great benefits and profits.
It is also worth noting that in the process of training existing personnel, there is a tendency to reduce the time for introducing effective innovations and optimizing the work process. Since the employee is already familiar with the nature of the work, other colleagues, then applying the acquired knowledge is faster, easier and more efficient.
We grow talents
As already noted, talented free employees are a rarity in the market. Thus, training is a real opportunity to grow your unique cadres that will bring financial success in the future.
This will lead to the fact that the trained employee will be more committed to the project, grateful for growth and career development. The psychological connection with the company will become a powerful force for its retention. In addition, professional development affects the general atmosphere in the team and improves the perception of the working environment.