
4 small mental changes that will help you feel more confident: the rule of opposites, practice

Most people perceive confidence as an inborn feature: it is either there or not. But the truth is that confidence can also be raised, like all other human qualities. Practice and this will soon lead to excellent results. Specialists are ready to share secrets on how to do it right.

Life by the rule of opposites

Pay attention to the people around you. Some of them are very brightly dressed when it is completely inappropriate. Others with the help of clothes or makeup (tattoos, piercings, etc.) try to shock others. We may even notice that some people apply tattoos in the form of phrases in Russian (so that everyone understands). See how you dress and comb your hair? Do you always want to be noticed? If the answer is yes, then you are a self-doubt person, like all these people who want to attract attention in a variety of ways.

What a person lacks, he tries to compensate in various ways. Popular artists try to look less bright in everyday life, very rich people will never emphasize their viability with their appearance (meaning in everyday life, and not at official receptions), and those officials or specialists who have made a career in communication make an impression of the simplest and most friendly people. All this because they lack confidence and their own achievements.

Confidence cannot be bought

The most confident people in the world are those who have gone through tremendous life challenges. They climbed their steps and paved their way in life. Nobody gave them answers, they themselves found them for themselves. That is why they never seek the approval of others, because they are confident in their own rightness. That is why it is so important in life to choose your own path, go through all the possible changes (age, status, etc.).

You need to boldly set off on the path of self-knowledge and experience everything from your own experience. This will certainly help you become more confident, feel strength, determination and independence from people and circumstances. When you embrace this practice (you will not rely on anyone and focus on your strengths), you will immediately feel the change.

Ongoing practice

We agreed (it is written above) that all qualities can be cultivated in oneself, and confidence is no exception. Try to leave your comfort zone daily. For example, it’s hard for you to communicate with strangers. Every day, plan for yourself at least one conversation. Start a conversation with the seller of the store, the waiter in the cafe, the passenger in transport, a passerby on the street. Ask how to get to a certain address, find out the time, think of your reason to contact.

If it’s hard for you, in principle, to communicate with strangers, then with representatives of the opposite sex - and even more so. Therefore, over time, complicate the task and start talking with them. After a short amount of time, you will realize that all this is very easy and simple. No one will be opposed to exchanging a couple of phrases with a pleasant stranger. You will cultivate a sense of confidence in yourself, and maybe you will find new friends.

Recognition of other people's true confidence

The more you build confidence in yourself, the more accurately you will determine the nature of those around you.You will see that the appearance and what lies on the surface is fundamentally different from what is hidden inside. Really worthy people will appear in your environment who use their confidence for good purposes.

You will feel better hypocrisy and hypocrisy, you will not need compliments and flattering words. There will be plenty of your own significance in its objective perception in you, so there will be no need to draw it from unworthy people. As soon as you feel that you have become better at understanding people and in yourself - know that you have achieved tremendous success in this direction. You can already be called a confident person today, but are you not going to stop?

Instead of a conclusion

You probably understood that confidence is not what we want to demonstrate to others. This is what we are trying to hide or just keep silent about it. Do not be afraid to take responsibility, help other people, do not flaunt your preferences and status. It is easy to communicate with all who contact you and do not be afraid to start the dialogue first. And the most important thing is to always have your own point of view and do not ignore self-esteem.

However, do not be arrogant and arrogant. It is only at first glance that this list seems endless and difficult to implement. If you want to gain self-confidence and begin these practices, all this will seem easy and natural to you. Therefore, do not waste your time and start right now. You won’t even notice how quickly you succeed.

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