Imagine that you got a prestigious job and informed friends about it. Most likely, everyone will be delighted with this news, including yourself. However, after several years, you may be surprised to find that you made a mistake in your choice and that work does not bring any joy. In fact, many people become hostages of this unpleasant situation. A dream job may not be so enjoyable and even lead to burnout. Let's try to figure out why people spend so much time on an unloved business.
It brings income
I must say that most people actually hate their work, but continue to work hard to earn income. For the same reason, people do not abandon the hated business. This becomes especially true in the presence of children who need to be supported for many years.
In the presence of large material obligations, a person bears a great oppression of responsibility, from which he cannot escape, because he understands that he will let everyone else down. Even a change in the sphere of activity for such a person becomes an inadmissible luxury, because there will be interruptions in income, which again will jeopardize the financial situation of the family.
For the sake of society
Psychologists have long developed a host of self-determination tests. However, when choosing a future profession, they are often ignored. Most people strive to get a prestigious job in order to earn a lot and envy others. However, they soon realize that hated work is disgusting to them, and high incomes do not always bring joy.
That is why when choosing a profession you need to be guided not only by public opinion and stereotypes, but also by your own preferences. In addition, you need to try to collect as much information as possible about the chosen field of activity in order to avoid mistakes.