
7 reliable strategies to increase employee engagement in your business

Have you heard that the effectiveness of the enterprise depends, among other things, on the involvement of employees in the labor process? Experts agree that with the maximum return of employees, the company's profit increases significantly. So, in one study it was said that due to an increase in employee involvement of only 1%, the annual income of the enterprise increased by several million rubles.


About 66% of employees at various enterprises are still not interested or dissatisfied with their work. And it is likely that these workers are also less productive and indifferent to your business.

Employee involvement is a key factor in the success of your business. She can work miracles, significantly transforming the approach and attitude. If you notice in employees indifference to the workflow, what can be done to increase their interest? Let's find out.

Recognize Their Achievements

Of course, the location of your business is important for success and maximum profit. But here is what some leaders forget: it is important to recognize the accomplishments of others.

When subordinates see your approval (and when you tell them about it), they have a motivation to work further, completing tasks with even greater zeal. Yes, acknowledging the success of employees is key to their greater engagement. There will be no trace of indifference: the employee will be most interested in completing the task.

What is required of you? Be sure to find out the employees who do the job well. Do not skimp on congratulations when they reach the goal. Make them happy: give them a small bonus on their birthday or wedding anniversary. Take them for lunch as a thank you for attracting your desired customer.

Appreciate the hard work of your employees. Thanks to this, your business will be as effective as possible.

Trust management on committees

Do you help your employees achieve leadership positions? According to one study, only 19% of organizations are effective in developing leaders. If this reflects the state of your company, we have a solution for you: create committees under the guidance of your employees. Why is it important?

Employee-led committees are ideal for encouraging a collaborative spirit and demonstrating that you value their input. In addition, committees can help employees develop leadership skills and engage others in hard work.

Most likely, some employees want to lead. So entrusting them with leadership positions is a great idea to use their desire in the right way. Do not hold all power in your hands: expand opportunities for employees.

What can such committees do? Discussion of issues to improve the workflow, operations and marketing strategies. Show that you deeply appreciate the work of workers: they will help you develop great ideas, increase interest in others and strengthen teamwork.

Conduct social events

It is good when communication is not limited only to work matters: sometimes it is useful to join the general fun. So, in one company, employees never knew what surprise awaits them tomorrow: a trip to the ice rink, free cocktails, corporate party or barbecue in nature.

If you want to do your best, think outside the box, suggesting ideas for classes.Social events are a way to show employees that you value their hard work and dedication. Events like this give your employees a good opportunity to chat.

Encourage employees to express their opinions

We encourage customers to talk about their wishes, aren't they? So why not apply this procedure to your subordinates? This will greatly improve your interaction: they will see that you care about what they think.

If you want to improve and maintain interaction, you must take the views of your employees seriously. Consider conducting semi-annual or quarterly surveys or surveys. This way, you can keep abreast of how your employees feel. And you can find out what to improve in the future.

When drafting questions, don't be afraid to find out the truth. If you really want to pinpoint problem areas and increase employee engagement, ask them: “What is your favorite part of the job? And the least favorite? What can we improve in the future?” And listen to them carefully.


Perhaps the level of employee engagement is zero because they lack proper training? People need to feel needed while learning all the intricacies of your business. If you notice that employees are experiencing difficulties, do not make a hasty conclusion that they are lazy or lacking zeal. Show sincerely that it bothers you: make sure that they receive appropriate training.

Consider their individual needs.

As you can see, attention must be paid to all aspects of your business, including employees. If you want their involvement in the labor process to be maximum, consider their individual needs. Pay attention to them: use meetings and social events to increase knowledge about employees. Be sure to use their opinion to participate more effectively in further work.

The more you recognize an employee individually, the more they will be interested in the work process.

Offer a free schedule

Are you flexible with your employees? Managers who think about efficiency do not focus on the number of hours (which you can just sit in the office), but on the result, the result of the work.

What can be done? If the situation requires it, make concessions to them: let them work remotely. If this is impossible, there is no need to build a rigid framework: let people be able to take a day off or leave early.


We hope that these strategies will help you interest subordinates in overall success and profit. To accomplish such goals, nothing is impossible: be flexible, trust more responsibilities, pay attention. We are confident that these recommendations will help you achieve maximum success.

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