
The man lost his job, but did not give up. He handed out his resume on the street and is now receiving hundreds of job offers.

After the dismissal, I can’t find a new job? This requires a creative approach, such as the one shown by a resident of Arizona. So, 30-year-old Patrick Hoagland decided to hand out a resume to passers-by. A bold undertaking, isn't it?

What is the cause of his problems?

Career covered. The young family man was fired from the metal processing company and for a month he could not find a job. The family's income was small, and the concern for the maintenance of households, in fact, fell on the shoulders of his wife. Patrick did not want to put up with this. He submitted a resume for a number of vacancies online, also tried to pass interviews, but all to no avail.

In such an oppressive atmosphere, a strange thought suddenly occurred to him. As Patrick admits, at first he himself felt ridiculous: he imagined how he stands at a busy intersection of the city with a sign in his hands and gives out his resume! But then he began to seriously think about this idea. There was no other way out, and our hero ventured on a desperate step.

Summary to all

So, for three consecutive days, Hoagland handed out resumes to random passers-by on busy streets for several hours. To increase the chances of success, he held a sign in his hands with the inscription: “Please take a resume. Fired. Looking for a job. " And his efforts nevertheless yielded results.

One day, Melissa Di Gianfilippo, owner of Serendipit Consulting, stopped by his side. She was surprised that the stranger was not distributing leaflets, but his resume. A woman took a resume from a man and even photographed it. At first, she wanted to offer him a position in her company, but work required communication with people, and he did not have such experience. It would seem a failure again.

Friend help

Nevertheless, Melissa felt sorry for the unemployed head of the family, and she decided not to leave her new friend in trouble. The company has a wide network, and the woman decided to use this to post information on social networks. The business woman posted a photo on Facebook and Tweeter. But the most interesting resume was on LinkedIn.

Patrick Hoagland was pictured with his 2-year-old son, Bo. The family man received hundreds of job offers during his visits to the busy intersections of Phoenix. Finally, things got off the ground. People contacted him by e-mail, and the once unemployed loser was now simply happy. He became a real star! Of course, many people did not send job offers to the post office, but simply best wishes. But this brought Patrick a lot of joy.

Supporting friends is exactly what you need.

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