Trying to maximize productivity indicators, without reducing the pace of the workflow, many managers are trying in every possible way to deprive their wards of normal rest. In principle, the idea of a long vacation seems to them something archaic and not necessary for members of their team. They can keep in mind the example of Bill Gates, who worked for years at all seven days a week.
Of course, many experts from the field of psychology and management negatively perceive the concept of depriving workers of leisure, noting that this position of the bosses will harm primarily the company itself. One way or another, managers often practice specific techniques aimed at limiting or completely depriving vacation of their employees.
1. Providing vacation at the wrong time
In a sense, this is a compromise, since the boss, in principle, does not refuse to subordinate in rest, but puts his important condition. At a time when the company is least interested in the work functions of this employee, he is invited to take a vacation. Moreover, the head indicates that there may be no other opportunities during the year, therefore, for the sake of his career, it is worth agreeing to such conditions.
2. Financial tricks
This example shows that in the understanding of many leaders, vacation is not a full right to rest, but a formality that he can manage at his discretion. If an employee refuses to take a vacation and stays at work, in some cases the boss decides to leave the vacation days without payment, which will appear in the statements.
3. Vacation work
Modern communications allow even in distant countries to remain in the workflow. Many bosses require employees to take a vacation so that they always remain available and, if necessary, help solve particular work problems.
4. Psychological pressure
Even if an employee took a full vacation without any problems, this does not mean that he has everything in order with the boss. Upon returning from vacation, superiors can shame in every way such an employee who allegedly put his interests above corporate ones, demonstrating an example of disloyal behavior. Reception does not have any legal leverage, but often has a much greater impact on the team.
5. The requirement of labor compensation for days of rest
Having determined in advance the vacation time with the leader, you can prepare for another problem - excessive workload of duties and responsibilities. According to such superiors, their subordinates may well compensate for the time spent on vacation with more intensive labor activity.
6. The requirement of working days off
In principle, the same method of compensating for rest with labor, but after vacation. Returning to the working process, one will notice a sharp increase in the working material, as well as a number of additional tasks that will need to be performed outside the work day.
7. Own example
Another way of more likely psychological impact is to use your own example to show the lack of need for vacation. The boss may either not go on vacation at all, or use the same format of being in constant contact with the office using new means of communication. As a result, the employees will also be expected to be ready for similar forms of relaxation or completely abandon it, since such a behavior was set by the head, as the main ideologist of corporate culture in a particular company.
8. The concept of well-deserved rest
According to many bosses, a vacation itself may well take place, but only if the employee deserves it. Or, if he is willing to pay it. That is, in any case, rest is not considered as the basic right of the employee, but as something that needs to be earned.