For some reason, many people believe that in order to become successful in business, you need to give up sleep. However, this is actually not the case. As practice shows, if you sleep at least 9 hours every night, then you become much more productive. So let’s consider what good sleep will bring to your body and work.
Peak performance
According to research, a good night's sleep brings clarity to thought. Subsequently, this has a very good effect on the quality and speed of decision-making.
So just keep in mind that if you don’t get enough sleep, you won’t be at the peak of your performance. Believe me, no caffeine can replace you with that charge of energy that you get from a full night's rest. In addition, sleep also brings calm, which allows you to make decisions calmly and carefully.
Sleep well, eat well, move well
Many people often say that they are too busy to get enough sleep, eat right or exercise regularly. However, you must understand that if you give up these good habits, then you only harm your health. If you do not pay attention to your own needs, this will lead to burnout, which will ultimately affect your performance.
A few tips for better sleep (and better
Below are some tips on how you can get a full and quality sleep. Some of them are compromises, as there are a limited number of hours during the day:
1. Reading a book before bedtime calms the mind. But the smartphone screen, on the contrary, makes it work more actively.
2. If you have a computer or TV in your bedroom, then you will never be separated from your working world. Better leave all the gadgets outside your restroom.
3. Your body desires an established routine in order to go to bed and wake up normally. So, set for yourself the obligatory deeds that you will do every morning and evening.
4. During the day, engage in meditation in order to clear your mind for relaxation, and also regularly engage in physical activity.
5. Television and video games take a lot of time to spend on exercise, reading, talking with family, or preparing quality food. So it’s best to devote your time to what you need and what you value most.
Remember that regular sleep is incredibly important for your health. With it, you achieve the perfect balance of chemicals in your brain that will guarantee you success during the work day.