Finance occupies by no means a small part of human thoughts, this is not surprising. Without money in our world it is impossible to survive. Some of them will definitely be needed. But what to do when something went wrong and the money in a strange way bypasses your accounts, wallets and places of "stash"? Of course, rethink spending. Perhaps finding a different job. Along with various measures, Feng Shui experts advise you to get a money tree. Two other names for this miracle plant are: Crassula and Crassula.
Purchase Rules
The vitality of a succulent is sometimes simply astounding. You can even propagate the plant by separating a plump leaf with a heel, and then drying it at room temperature for 3-8 hours. Next, the leaf is planted in a suitable soil and waiting for the roots, so that another money tree is born.
There are some points on how to increase the likelihood of a fat woman. Take the shoot (or leaf) in the place where the money is found. You can quietly borrow it from richer neighbors. You can break off a branch in the bank (but be careful). Take, preferably, a very small process. Only then will the tree live up to its nickname and bring profit in the future. With a leaf, it’s easier: take any (or several) and grow your money plant with love.
And, of course, you can buy a fat girl in a special store. However, here it is also necessary to take into account the importance of plant size: a large tree is unlikely to serve as an impetus for enrichment. In the flower shop, choose a more modest copy, in terms of growth.
Rituals and signs
It is believed that rounded fleshy leaves absorb good energy and share it at a time when this is urgently needed. Therefore, in addition to the monetary name, the fat girl is said to be a "tree of happiness."
Thick elastic leaves indicate that finances will not be long in coming and will soon appear. If the leaves become lethargic and even fall off - be patient. Money fiasco awaits you soon. But also, check the roots of your fatty, probably you have flooded it and you need to change the soil.
Talk with your tree and ask for increased finance. But do not be insolent - even plants do not like this.
Some plant lovers and followers of oriental teachings put a flower pot with a tree on a flat pallet and “treat” the tree with a certain bill, after each rush of money into the house. And others, from each salary, put a fat girl on a coin.
Also, to attract finance energy, it is recommended to decorate several branches of succulent with scarlet ribbons. Do not overdo it. Too much decor on the plant, like too many coins in the ground, can bring undesirable consequences. Remember that everywhere you need a measure.
On New Year's holidays it is allowed to decorate your fat girl. And the money will come, and the mood will not take long. But again, remember the measure. Do not over tighten the bows on the branches, or worse - pierce the leaves.
Where to position the money tree
It is preferable to settle the money plant in places where households gather. People who daily appear in the "field of vision" of a fat girl take part of her monetary energy from her.
Putting a flower pot with a tree is better at the window. But in no case near household appliances, so as not to disrupt the peaceful flow of energy.
The window, of course, is preferable to the southeast. Here, the fat woman will "go" in full force. But on others, the flower feels pretty good.
What to take a cache-pot. Important Points to Care for a Money Plant
Suppose you bought (or borrowed a plant).What to do next? The tree will grow and attract money if you place it in a pot of red shades. The material of the pot does not play a special role. It grows well and pleases the master florists of Crassul and in plastic.
We take soil for succulents. Ask in the store and the seller will tell you.
Drainage. Its presence is mandatory if you need to grow up a healthy, in every sense of the word, instance.
The root system of the Crassula is small. With watering should be very careful. In order not to make a mistake and not to fill the plant, we remember the rule: we dry the soil completely between waterings. We give moisture a little and in several stages. The larger the gap between soil moisture, the smaller the internodes of the plant. Accordingly, the crown develops strong and squat. If you water a fat girl, not knowing the measures, its branches will stretch and are even able to break, under the excessive weight of the leaves.
Would you like to see flowers on your beauty? Expose the plant in the summer in the air. It can be a balcony or, if you live in a private house, any other suitable place. There should be no scorching (especially midday) rays of the sun. Summer living in natural conditions contributes to the healing and strengthening of your money tree. And in the fifth year of life, you will see how a fat woman can thank not only for profit, but also for flowers.