
Going to work earlier than 10 am is torture for the body. So says science

Many feel unwell when waking up early in the morning to go to class or work. Do not blame yourself for being lazy or for going to bed too late. Although sleep cycles are individual for everyone, there are general patterns in the work of internal organs, which are activated and relax at certain hours.

Opinion of Dr. Paul Kelly

According to Dr. Paul Kelly, a leading researcher at Oxford University, forcing people to get up early to get to work before 10 a.m. is actually a common form of torture.

People have their own internal clock, or circadian rhythm, according to which all organs work. This genetically programmed cycle is regulated independently with the help of the brain, the level of energy and the production of hormones in the body depend on it. Waking up early and starting to work before 10 o’clock is easy for someone, but for someone it’s real flour that negatively affects the natural balance in the body.

Dr. Kelly explains that people cannot voluntarily change their 24-hour rhythms or learn to get up at certain times, because our liver and heart have different schedules that should actually shift by two or three hours.

Setting the schedule

An 8-hour work day was introduced at the beginning of the 20th century. It was installed without taking into account the natural hours of the human body in order to make the most of natural light.

Dr. Kelly claims that this affects the physical condition, emotional sphere and performance, thereby harming the body. A week with less than six hours of sleep without taking into account the biological timer leads to 711 changes in the functioning of genes in our body.

According to the scientist, a person should start work at 10 am, and many people are chronically deprived of the opportunity to have a good rest all over the world. He believes that work fatigue will be less if simple changes are made to the work schedule.

Dr. Kelly and other neurologists urge you to pay attention to these features of the functioning of the body at different ages, taking into account sleep cycles.

Teen flour

Many remember themselves as eternally sleepy high school students and students falling asleep at lectures.

Artificial sleep disturbance begins in adolescence, as adolescents are biologically predisposed to go to bed around midnight, and it is difficult for them to get up early.

Nevertheless, they lose an average of 10 hours of morning sleep per week due to the strict schedule of classes in the early morning hours.

On weekends, as a rule, they do not go to bed until late at night, so it is difficult for them to constantly adapt to the early regimen, which is designed for a 55-year-old person.

Experience at a british school

Dr. Kelly’s theory that school should start at 10 a.m. and not at 8:30 a.m. was tested at a British school. After some time, students' grades, attendance, and overall activity increased significantly. This indicates that the inclusion of such changes in all sectors of modern society could undoubtedly create a productive, happy, healthy and less stressful environment.

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