Bank cards are becoming more popular. The organizations that release them insist that using them helps to secure their own funds. However, credit card fraud is booming.
What do intruders need?
Some gullible cardholders often lose their own money. To do this, it is not at all necessary to transfer your card to an outsider.
Having acquired personal data, attackers can gain access to the funds stored on your bank card. Personal data includes a PIN code, a three-digit CVV or CVC code, which is usually indicated on the back of the card, as well as one-time passwords to confirm transactions.
If you only know the name and surname of the holder, as well as the card number, you will not be able to write off funds. That's why you can safely pass this information on to those who will transfer money to you.
Let's learn more about the methods of fraud and how to deal with them.
In the shop
You need to understand that not only a suspicious person can turn out to be a fraudster, but also an employee of any store where you pay with a credit card. He can quickly take pictures of the personal data indicated on the card, and then use it for personal gain.
Try not to transfer the card to the store employee, and enter the PIN code so that no one can spy it. If you are informed that the payment failed and you are asked to re-enter the PIN code, ask for a receipt confirming the failure or refusal to complete the transaction. For added security, turn on SMS informing to always be aware of all charges made to your credit card.
Perhaps everyone has long been aware of the use of the so-called skimmers that cybercriminals install on ATMs. Such devices are designed specifically to steal personal data from a credit card. As soon as you insert the card into the ATM, the skimmer reads and copies information from the magnetic strip. To steal a pin code, they can use a keyboard overlay or a hidden camera.
Having received the necessary information, fraudsters can even make a duplicate of your bank card.
To prevent the theft of personal data when using an ATM, be careful. Before using the device, make sure that there are no suspicious elements on it. When entering the PIN code, make sure that no one is spying on you. Stop using ATMs installed in suspicious places.
Not only in the store or ATM you can encounter intruders.
If you receive a message that your card is blocked and the number you need to call is indicated, do not rush to do this. Having received such a message, most people panic and do not even pay attention to the number from which the message came. This is what scammers are counting on.
If you call the indicated number, then an attacker who will introduce himself as a bank employee will talk to you. He will ask you for personal data or even offer to go to the nearest ATM and take certain actions. Trusting users do not even suspect that in this way scammers gain access to their money.
If you receive a similar message, first of all, do not panic and do not call back to the specified number. If you are afraid that the card is really blocked, contact the bank.To do this, use the number that is indicated on your card, and not in the SMS message. This will not become a victim.