It is not always easy to determine whether our demotivation in the service is associated with a toxic environment or simply with boring work. But suppose you can be sure of you: every morning you reluctantly go to the office and think more and more about flying to new horizons, just to see, for example, whether the grass is greener somewhere else.
So, are you close to exhaustion or do you just need to change jobs? What to do? And how to deal with it?
Can not disconnect
According to psychologists, the difference between work that we are tired of, or work that changes our mental health, manifests itself in our emotions. If you feel a little lethargic, unmotivated or feel a little unwell - this work is not very interesting for you. If you feel anxiety, irritability, depression or panic, if you are literally thrown into a cold sweat - this is toxic.
Another sign that does not deceive: the place that your work occupies in your thoughts outside of working time. If you cannot turn off and take all the negative energy home in the evening, then it is likely that the world in which you work is not very healthy.
Even if you are not satisfied with your work, you can almost always find positive points in it. For example, your tasks annoy you, but you love your colleagues. But if you went beyond this stage, and nothing pleases you, then you are probably just on the verge of collapse. This is a warning sign.
The problem is not in you
Lack of recognition, moral or sexual harassment, colleagues or a malicious hierarchy, overwork, too noisy environment or inability to concentrate ... There are many reasons for a toxic work environment. And sometimes you start to doubt yourself. But if your emotional well-being is disturbed at work, outside the home, and you lose sleep, think about it. The most important way to deal with toxic work is to understand that the problem is not with you, but that leadership creates such unbearable conditions for you.
Take a step back
Saying “this is not for me” may not prevent colleagues from making your life impossible, and probably will not encourage bosses to boost you, or help you build a career, but it will allow you to take a step back from the current situation. Naturally, this solution is not viable in the long run. Indeed, if you have reported a problem several times, clearly and accurately, the only way to get rid of this toxic environment is likely to be a job change.
And if you can’t leave your work right away, try disconnecting whenever possible. Do not allow yourself to check your email outside the office, take a few days off and just have a good rest.