
A single mother worked hard and barely saw her daughter. Then she quit and went with the girl on a journey around the world

A single mother spoke about why she spontaneously quit office work and went to travel the world with her nine-year-old daughter.

Evie Farrell from Sydney said that she rarely saw little Emmy because her daily schedule began when she left for work at 7 in the morning and returned home only after 8 in the evening. She lacked communication with Emmy due to the load at work. It was wrong, but such is life.

Many of us work long hours. But when you have a small child and you are a single parent, then it is doubly difficult for you to leave him alone.

Evie bitterly said that she and her daughter almost did not know each other, since they saw each other very rarely. She was afraid that she would die, not showing Emmy anything but her back, and decided to change something.

Woman quit work for daughter

Therefore, the mother decided to live an adventurous life with her daughter, which many dream of leaving their office work.

The idea to go on a trip came after she tragically lost her friend in 2015, who was an avid traveler.

Evie took all her determination into a fist, withdrew 30 thousand dollars from her account and, with her then five-year-old daughter, set off on an adventure.

By renting her house, selling things and doing freelance work, she could maintain her comfortable and comfortable life abroad.

Not only did she have a decent savings account, she said that the cost of accommodation, transportation and food was much more affordable than she expected.

They traveled almost half the world

In August last year, she told how she spent 42 dollars for breakfast in Sydney, although this money would have been enough for the whole day on a trip for the whole family.

They stayed in a beautiful guesthouse with gardens, pools and breakfast, costing $ 27 per night in Vietnam, where Ms. Farrell said she would spend about $ 40 a day.

To overcome any difficulties with expelling Emmy from school, Evie taught her daughter through the NSW elementary education program for distance education.

Nevertheless, after visiting places such as the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, Borneo, Bali, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, China, London and Paris, the adventurous mother said that she knew that she needed to pause - as in a personal, so financially.

After 18 months of non-stop travel, you need to stop a bit and make money.

Evie shared that they could settle in Asia, where living is much cheaper. But for her, at the moment, it made sense to work at home in Sydney and chat with family and friends.

It was not easy for her to return to normal life

After a eventful life, she had to adapt again to the routine and get up at 7 in the morning to work. This is a normal life for most families. But Evie realized that she did not want to return to this lifestyle again.

Although she admitted that she was glad to see family and friends, she still wants to go on a journey again and see the world.

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