For several months now, rumors have been circulating around the Facebook case. Finally, the US Federal Trade Commission issued a verdict - the social network was fined $ 5 billion. The reason for the initiation of the case was the leak of data from millions of users into a company that advised President Donald Trump.
5 billion for 87 million
This precedent for America is the largest in history. A fine of $ 5 billion is 20 times larger than any other fine issued for violating the privacy of citizens. The company’s misconduct is the misuse of user information, which led to the disclosure of personal secrets. At the same time, the company intentionally drained information.
According to the accusing party, the social network guaranteed the confidentiality of data and access to its management exclusively to the user. But it turned out to be a hoax. The total number of users involved in the proceedings was 87 million.
Additionally, the issue of limiting the authority of the CEO of the company Mark Zuckerberg is being considered. By order of the commission, a special independent committee should be created, which will be responsible for the safety of data of lovers of social networks.
Your problems, our money
Cash compensation from the company, however, will go not to the affected owners of personal pages, but to the US Treasury. It is clear to everyone that it will not be shared with deceived "mere mortals."
As professional American lawyers note, this is a common practice in the States. It turns out that the interests of one subject have suffered, and the state is benefiting. Democracy, bravo!
Meanwhile, financial analysts say that for Facebook the amount of the fine is quite lifting. According to estimates, the company generates such a profit in 49 days of work.
It is also worth noting that in the stock market the stock price of the giant continued to grow, without reacting to a decrease in the news of a 5 billion fine.