Online trading is gaining momentum. In a few quick clicks, a visitor to your online store suddenly turns into a customer. Despite the fact that the checkout process lasts only a few minutes - significant funds, efforts and marketing techniques were invested in the acquisition of a new client. At the same time, you should not only search for new customers, but also try to keep them.
Online shopping
Probably every Internet user at least once made purchases in the online store. Online shopping is one of the most popular activities for buyers today. Today, buying things on the Internet is becoming more commonplace. For many people, this is one of the most convenient ways to shop. They believe that this is more profitable than going to the mall. You can just sit comfortably at home, move the mouse and click on the items you want to buy. A trip to the mall will take much longer. On the Internet, you can buy any item, from books to clothing or household goods. In addition, the goods in this case can be delivered home to the buyer or relatives and friends.
If you are the owner of your own online store, it is very important for you to establish interaction with customers. It starts from the very moment when the visitor becomes a client. Your task is to increase the conversion after the first purchase. By improving customer service, you can expect increased loyalty and future purchases. In the world of e-commerce, this kind of communication between customers is called post-purchase interaction.
To save customers, simple but effective measures for interaction after the purchase are suitable, which the seller can apply in the marketing tactics of his store.
Verification and emails
Both after the customer has completed the purchase, and after you have sent his order, emails are automatically sent. You can configure each of these two emails in several ways to help wait for a new product to arrive. In the end, the buying decision is exciting! Encourage the excitement of your customers with these emails have positive language, visual effects and links to your website or social media channels. Use these calls to action to motivate a new customer to follow you on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or Twitter, or to follow links to your website’s blog or frequently asked questions page.
You can customize these emails by going to the toolbar of your store.
Ask for product feedback
A useful measure of interaction after a purchase is to ask your customer to leave feedback. We live in a world of constant exchange. People want "social proof" of successful purchases. Whether it’s an exchange of good or bad opinions about the product, and the experience of shopping in a particular online store, most likely your customers will want to tell someone about it. Why not send this information back to your site? Not only will the online reviews on your website help boost your product’s credibility by encouraging other visitors to make purchases, these reviews will also add useful, relevant content to your website and help you understand how to make improvements.
It is estimated that more than 80% of customer purchase decisions are dependent on reviews posted on the Internet. If most of your products do not currently have reviews, it's time to consider launching a product review campaign! With the help of special tools, you can simply edit and include recall requests by sending a customer an email after purchase. A link to what your customer bought will be automatically included in the letter.
Do not send a request for product evaluation immediately after purchase; instead, give your customer some time to check out the product. Send a request for verification of goods within 7-15 days after the arrival of the goods.
Respond to good, bad and terrible reviews
In the online world, a person is more likely to complain than to praise. Alas, this is human nature. The answer to each comment, direct message and tweet depends on you (or your social media manager). If this is a complaint, apologize and try to help your client feel happy. In the end, they just want to be heard. They have invested time and money in your product and for some reason do not feel satisfaction. Not only your satisfied customers will feel a closer connection with you, but those who are not satisfied will see your efforts and quality service and attentive attitude towards customers. Such social activity will only play into your hands.
Sending replenishment emails
Depending on what you sell, it is worth sending an email with information about the receipt of a new product. Suitable dates for such emails will vary depending on the type of business you have. For example, if you are selling cosmetics, try to send an email with replenishment information 8-12 weeks after the first purchase. For industrial goods, a longer period of time is suitable: a period of 12-14 months will give better results.
Birthdays and important dates
If the user created an account in your online store, you most likely have a date of birth and the date the account was created. On birthdays, visitors to the site feel the need to “pamper themselves” with something new! By sending them a small discount in the form of a birthday greeting or free delivery, you can increase the chances of conversion!
Do not forget about data verification. These additional steps will not only improve the overall perception of your brand by customers, but will also expand the circle of regular visitors. A satisfied customer will definitely share positive experience with his friends and family, and the seller will receive a long-term relationship with his customers. After all, an active customer supports your e-commerce business. Try to keep your customers passionate and keep shopping.