
There is a side job: Apple promises a reward of $ 1 million for those who can hack the iPhone

Apple has significantly increased the amount that it offers hackers to crack top models of phones and computers (iPhone and Mac). The amount of remuneration is up to 1 million dollars. This is by far the most generous offer to find technical errors worldwide.

IPhone cracker will become a millionaire

The starting prize for hacking "apple" devices is $ 200,000. The open collection of applications is scheduled for this fall. If earlier only special program winners could take part in such competitions (for example, the “Bug bounty” tournament or the “Error award”, participation in which was possible only at the invitation of the company), this time the campaign is open to any talented hacker.

Apple's obsession with security systems doesn't end there. The company launches additional activities to find bugs in the smart watch Apple watch, as well as the television set-top box Apple TV. Announcements have already been announced, so hacking lovers can make some pretty good money. The main platform for event marketing was the Black Hat IT conference in Las Vegas, where security director Ivan Krstic made a presentation on the security of iOS and macOS operating systems. In it, he noted that since the launch of the practice of searching for errors, about 50 serious irregularities have been identified and eliminated.

Now hacking IPhone is available to anyone

As announced, participants in the hacker tournament will receive all the necessary tools from the company, including specially prepared tele-iPhone models. As planned by the organizers, this will be another reason to more carefully dive into the study of the work of gadgets on iOS. For example, in this case, you can pause the processor and see how the data in memory behaves at that moment.

It should be noted that the practice of conducting competitions to find mistakes is not new. They want to crack an iPhone for more than a year. Earlier, a company called Zerodium announced that it was ready to pay $ 2 million for a remote hacking iPhone.

Both technology and personnel

In my opinion, the practice of finding errors in their own devices kills two birds with one stone.

On the one hand, ideas really arise to improve the software and hardware, which directly affects the quality of the product. This is probably what iPhone and Mac users are overcharging for.

On the other hand, such tournaments are an excellent frame vacuum cleaner. The best minds in the subject and with interest in the subject come to you themselves. It remains only to take them to work.

It is hoped that our Russian companies will take a closer look at international practice and also launch something similar.

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