The labor process, in principle, does not have the best effect on the well-being of a person. You can, of course, talk about fatigue as a positive factor that indicates the normal state of the body, which is in a healthy state. But there can also be factors that speak in principle about the physiological rejection by the body of a particular work environment.
Research in this area is carried out by specialists studying labor protection issues and, in particular, the implementation of the healthcare system at production sites in a local format. As a result, experts came to the conclusion that employees themselves can record the negative impact of the working environment on the body according to external signs, which will be discussed below.
Bad dream
Sleepless nights, it would seem, are also a normal attribute in work - for example, before a crucial event in the office. But the fact of the matter is that there must be specific reasons for excitement and anxiety, and not the situation at work as such. If you regularly think about work at night, this is an occasion to change your current job.
This symptom occurs when a person enters the stage of overvoltage. The muscles of the neck, head, and shoulders can strain and cause headaches, the main cause of which is chronic stress at work.
Muscle pain
Another sign of constant stress and strain is pain throughout the body. The nervous system, which is constantly in an excited state, transmits alarm signals to all cells of the body, producing stress hormone. But the constant stay of the body in this state does not pass without a trace - as a result, muscle cells can not cope with the load and begin to give a return signal in the form of pain.
Mental decline
If there are already mental illnesses, it would be logical to expect their exacerbation. Mainly negatively affects a person in a hostile environment with conflicts and rough treatment by the authorities. But even without obvious signs of aggression and rudeness, such employees can acutely experience the slightest facts of injustice in the work environment, which leads to the same stress and depression.
Decreased immunity
Seasonal diseases also appear, since chronic fatigue amid stress cannot but affect immunity. The body becomes less protected from viruses and bacteria.
Emotional burnout
A constant feeling of fatigue, apathy and loss of interest in business is what primarily characterizes burnout at work. Again, these are not signs of a specific time period, but constant symptoms of a reaction to a specific atmosphere. Another thing is that not all factors can become equal causes. Somewhere the main contribution will be made by workload as such, somewhere - the climate in the team, and often the management style of the bosses.
Change in appetite
Feeling of hunger is directly related to brain activity, so reactions to stress may well manifest through appetite. Depending on the nature of the action of the stressful situation, the brain can stimulate or suppress the digestive system. For example, acute reactions give a command to reduce hunger, as if freeing up resources to preserve the body at a particular moment. If we are talking about prolonged stress on the background of the production of the hormone cortisol, then appetite may increase. By the way, eating sweets sometimes dulls feelings of negative emotions, but it is still not recommended to abuse this habit.
Stomach problems
All signs of an upset digestive system can be considered as consequences of the same stresses caused by an unacceptable work environment. The basic processes of the stomach and intestines are disturbed, which leads to constipation, bloating and regular pain.
What to do if the body resists work
First you need to realize that in this vein, working life cannot continue. It is important to make efforts to change the situation. To do this, you can offer several tips with options for action.
First of all, you need to think about a long vacation. Sometimes a change of scenery with complete abstraction from work matters is beneficial, the body begins to perceive labor activity in a new way.
If vacation does not help, which is often the case, then you will have to change working conditions. The work schedule, general working conditions and relationships with employees can become a subject of negotiations with superiors in terms of making adjustments that improve the situation.
If no favorable changes are expected, then the workplace will have to be changed. And this is not a reason for the next stress or depression. Such periods of temporary release from labor duties help to draw the necessary conclusions about a career, professional self-realization and, of course, about the attitude to one's own health.