Asking for a pay rise or bonuses is always difficult. But there are ways to impress your boss or manager in evaluating your work. Follow these rules, following which you can achieve a significant increase in salaries.
Work to become an invaluable team member
One of the easiest ways to get a promotion is to determine what your manager really needs. This makes you a more valuable member of the team. The key point here is the opportunity to become so priceless that you can use it when the time comes to raise the issue of promotion.
Set clear performance goals
Set quarterly performance indicators with your managers and fully rely on a formal and informal review process to evaluate performance. When these indicators and deadlines are set, the employee is fully informed about what he needs to do in order to be able to get a promotion.
Create meaningful relationships
If you take the time to really develop a positive relationship in the workplace, this will increase your overall value as an employee of the company. Feel free to meet top managers and supervisors. If you like your work and you do it well, you will be much closer to the promotion you deserve.
Boost your skills
Managers value employees who themselves strive to grow and improve. Before evaluating your work, consider taking the time to take certification courses or further training.
Exceed expectations
To do only what your work requires of you is in many cases not enough to earn a raise. Don't just achieve your goals - transcend them. Most employers will take note of this, and their rating will be reflected in your bonus.
Be positive
Whenever a company’s budgets are reduced, merit-based bonuses require more than just the ability to do the job. While the timely completion of work is critical, employees must also ensure that they show a positive attitude. If you grumble about every challenge or obstacle, this will be surely noticed by the leader.
Analyze any job opportunities you don’t use
If you are looking for ways to increase your salary, make sure that you take advantage of all the opportunities that you have at your fingertips. When was the last time you had a promotion? Are there bonuses, incentives or benefits that you do not use, but could take advantage of? Are there overtime or additional jobs? Having studied all the benefits that you do not use, you can add additional accruals to your salary.
Do research on how your work has improved your company's bottom line.
Workers seeking promotions should find out if their work has led to additional income for the company. Sometimes this can happen indirectly, so spend some time exploring all the ways that you could contribute.
Have clear goals when negotiating a promotion
You need to focus not only on what you have done, but also on what you will do. When you start negotiations, make sure that you can clearly express not only why you deserve to be promoted, but also how this will contribute to your desire for further success in the company.In essence, how the company will benefit from an increase in your salary.
Put yourself in an employer position
When you ask for a promotion, it is important to remember that your manager is likely to justify the extra costs for his boss. On the other hand, if your supervisor owns a company, raising the rate deprives the business of profit. Thus, you will be better off if you evaluate the process of evaluating work from its position.