Loans, financial illiteracy and instability, as well as many other problems very often happen to women immediately after a divorce. Ultimately, they find themselves with virtually nothing. Such an outcome is most often caused by financial mistakes made by women. To maintain material well-being, you should try to avoid such rash steps.
Lots of mistakes and problems
The financial literacy of many people in the post-Soviet space leaves much to be desired. Lack of loans, a lack of stable income, as well as other problems often cause a significant decrease in living standards. This is especially true for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.
Lawyers involved in divorce proceedings note that women very often make serious financial mistakes that can severely limit their material security.
Lack of equity
It often happens that only one member of a family brings income to the family. In the vast majority of cases, we are talking about representatives of the strong half of humanity. Moreover, only in rare situations does a woman not work due to a lack of desire to do this. More often she is forced to sit on maternity leave or to educate the younger generation.
Unfortunately, as a result of a divorce, such women can face serious financial problems. They have to not only perform all the same functions of raising children, but also look for a new job. All this takes time.
Similar problems may be encountered by those who are used to giving all earned money and keeping it with their husband. If we are talking about a bank account, then there is nothing wrong with that. In the event of a divorce proceedings, these funds will be considered jointly acquired property and will be divided equally between spouses. Things are completely different with situations where money is not stored in a bank, but simply on hand. Here, everything will depend on the good faith of the former spouse and on the reason for the separation.
In order to protect themselves from this problem of the situation, spouses should agree among themselves in advance and, even if they have a common family budget, leave a certain amount for their own expenses. This approach not only teaches financial literacy, but also strengthens the relationship, because now each spouse can make another surprise, requiring certain monetary costs.
Lack of payment cards
This mistake is also often made by the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, especially those who do not have their own income. As a result, after a divorce, they often have absolutely no livelihoods.
Abroad, the absence of a credit or payment history can cause a denial of many banking operations. Domestic banks are much more loyal to such customers, however, the lack of payment cards and a bank account not only limits a person to the elementary (by today's standards) benefits of civilization, but also does not allow him to protect himself even for a short period of time in case of occurrence unforeseen circumstances (dismissal from work, a long illness, etc.).
Hope for spouse’s inheritance
Wealthy parents are almost always good. At the same time, hoping for their own comfortable old age as a result of receiving their funds as an inheritance is very reckless.This is especially dangerous if it is not about their own inheritance, but about the possible future condition of the spouse.
It is necessary to take care of your own old age in advance. The state pension not only does not meet the expectations of the majority of the population, but it is also not known at what age it will be established in 5-10 years.
A way out of the situation may be to transfer funds to a funded pension fund. Currently, there are not so few of them. Among others, there are companies with a pretty good reputation.
Otherwise, you can only stay with a state pension, because there is no guarantee that the husband’s parents will not change their minds to leave the inheritance to him, especially if they have children besides him. In addition to this, relationships can simply come to a standstill and the case will end in divorce. As a result, a comfortable old age will be, but only with the former spouse.
All debts only on the wife
Even if a woman receives much more than her husband, then she should not hang all the loans only for herself. There are many reasons. First of all, during a divorce, the property will be divided equally between the spouses, unless, of course, they have previously concluded a marriage contract. As for debts, they are not divided between husband and wife, but remain to the one on whom the loan obligations were issued. As a result, there is a chance to independently pay the bill for things that were in common use, and now even belong, in fact, to a stranger.
The separation of loan obligations has a positive effect on family relations also because the spouses do not forget where exactly a part of the money goes monthly. In addition, if the family does not maintain a joint budget, then sharing the payment of debts among themselves, the spouses make each contribution.
Lack of financial literacy
Very often in the family, only one of the spouses is involved in managing money, paying utility bills, and other issues that require little financial literacy. At the same time, the second (and this is often the wife) does not even have the simplest skills, to the extent that he cannot check the condition of the meters and pay for the "communal apartment".
As a result, if necessary (a long business trip, a serious illness, divorce, etc.), the woman remains financially illiterate. In the end, she has to face a huge number of new problems for herself. They will have to be solved in an emergency, otherwise you can not only be left without utilities, but also incur penalties.