The first impression is always important, especially at a new job. That is why your behavior should be impeccable during the first week. However, only later will you be able to understand what place you managed to take among your colleagues. New employees should do their best and avoid serious mistakes. You do not need to become a superhero in the first week, but instead you must be open and observant.
Here are the biggest mistakes made by new employees during the first working week.
Dine alone
One of the biggest mistakes new employees make is lunch alone. After the first two days, people may stop making efforts to greet you, but this does not mean that you should stop taking the initiative to communicate with new colleagues.
Making new friends at work can be difficult, but you should at least try to make contact. This is a great way to meet people in your company informally and get to know the company a little better. You must surround yourself with people with experience.
Come earlier than everyone or leave later than everyone
From the perspective of applicants, they must prove that they deserve a job. However, new employees fall into the trap, wanting to impress their boss and colleagues too much, sometimes arriving earlier than others and leaving after everyone else has left.
However, working in such an intensive mode quickly depletes. You must show a strong work ethic while remaining reasonable when you begin your work.
Draw hasty conclusions during the first week
You will need time to understand what you like or dislike about your work.
Experts insist that it takes 90 days to really understand the dynamics of the company. Your perception is subject to change. Do not draw conclusions about your new job during the first week. Ask questions to your colleagues and boss during the first week to get to know the atmosphere and get used to the organization more quickly.
Afraid of a new beginning
Many new employees may assume that each new colleague will have the same opinion about them as previous colleagues. However, with the advent of a new company, you have a chance to open up from a completely different perspective. If you immediately got to the previous job at the university field, you could be treated like a child. In a new place, you can establish yourself as an accomplished professional.
To be inappropriate
Even if you want to be friendly, do not become too intrusive. Feel free to meet new colleagues, but at the same time your acquaintance should be appropriate. Avoid meeting your colleagues in the hallway or toilet. Make sure that they are not busy with anything when you contact them. You can join them during the break to establish contact and not burden anyone.
Tell personal
Do not turn into a person who talks about his personal life to the first person he meets. These people have just met with you, so there is no point in loading them with unnecessary information, especially if you are on a trial period. It is very important not to abuse alcohol, reduce consumption to a minimum or completely refuse.
Comply with a strict dress code
You do not need to dress as if you are going for an interview after you have been hired. If employees are usually in jeans and a T-shirt, coming to work in a suit may indicate that you do not fit well with the company's culture.You need to worry about matching the mood of the company. Dress like you want to go to work, but so as to fit into the team.
Continuously talk about your old work
The trap that many new employees fall into is constantly talking about their old company. For example, when you start a love relationship, it’s best not to talk too much about your ex and what you had before. A similar principle applies to the old job with which you quit.
Do not demonstrate your skills
Often during the interview it is not possible to discuss all aspects of the resume. During the first week, make sure your boss knows your skills. Thus, he will think about you when it comes to vacant vacancies or promotions.