
How much are you willing to pay for a burger? According to recent estimates, the most expensive burger costs 5 thousand dollars

The fashion for American buns with a patty today is at the peak of relevance. Burgers are served in almost every second restaurant. How much would you be willing to pay for a hamburger? Five dollars? Ten dollars? Maybe around 20 if it is served in one of America's best restaurants? And how would you feel about the $ 5,000 sandwich bill? If this is more than you could imagine, then the next selection of the most expensive hamburgers in the world will impress you.

In pursuit of the admiration of friends, acquaintances, and subscribers, one sometimes has to go to extremes. Finding something the very most is just such a way. Just imagine how popular the post with the largest sandwich in the world will be!

Where to find the most expensive burger?

There are many options for super expensive burgers. The price tag for one copy can reach 100 dollars or even more.

However, the most expensive burger in the world you will find in the American city of dreams - Las Vegas, the restaurant "Fleur", which is located inside the casino "Mandalay Bay". The main profile of the restaurant is traditional French cuisine with an American accent. Among the restaurant's popular dishes are French onion soup, poultry in wine and steaks on an open fire. This place is not among the most expensive restaurants on Earth. But one menu item really deserves mention and a world record for value - "Fleur Burger" for a record $ 5,000.

What do they offer to eat for 5 thousand dollars?

What set of products is included in the most expensive burger in the world? For example, a cutlet from a unique elite marbled beef marked "Vagyu". In addition, a large amount of fried foie gras is added to the dish, which is abundantly sprinkled with truffle chips. This high-end space burger is served with a 1995 bottle of Chateau Petrus from Bordeaux. By the way, this is one of the most valuable (and expensive) wines known to mankind.

If you add up the cost of all the ingredients, even taking into account the high price of an exclusive wine, you still won’t get the sky-high sum of $ 5,000. But if you just hit the jackpot and want to celebrate the victory in a very outlandish and rich way, no one is going to stop you.

Taste or hype

According to the stories of the lucky (or fools) who ordered this dish, it looks really impressive and the memory photos turned out really cool.But the taste of a giant and incredibly expensive sandwich let us down. Most likely, a large tunic will not be fried inside and you will have to take kilograms of raw minced meat home on dumplings.

If you are just looking for a high-quality hamburger, then it is better to save several thousand dollars and try one of the options in the classic version in a high-quality restaurant without crazy cheating. There are a large number of collections in which you can find the best burgers in any country in the world.

As for me, the race for the status of "the most in the world" is very doubtful. The example we are discussing is indeed the most expensive hamburger in the world, but not the most delicious or original one. Therefore, be careful what you choose. And money, even if it is an accidental win in a casino, can be spent on more useful things.

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