
We replenish the vocabulary: arbitrariness is ...

Sometimes we happen to hear the phrase "What kind of arbitrariness!" or "Stop this arbitrariness!".

We consider the meaning of the word “arbitrariness”, talk about its morphological characteristics, determine which part of speech it refers to, and also select synonyms for it. So, let's begin.

Arbitrariness is

If you carefully look at the word "arbitrariness" it immediately becomes clear that it is somehow connected with the noun "will". To test our conjecture, we clarify the meaning of the word in the explanatory dictionaries.

What is arbitrariness?

Arbitrariness is unlimited power, self-will, despotism, self-rule.

Morphological characteristics, declination

Arbitrariness is a common, inanimate noun of the masculine gender, of the second declension.

Case Question Singular Plural
Nominative What? How long can this terrible tyranny go on ?! arbitrariness
Genitive What? I’m so tired of the arbitrariness happening in our department, I probably need to look for another job. arbitrariness
Dative Why? Arbitrariness must end. arbitrariness
Accusative What? Do you think I don’t see the arbitrariness that is flourishing here? arbitrariness
Instrumental case Than? I will fight arbitrariness, and fight cruelly and severely punish the guilty. arbitrariness
Prepositional About what? The young journalist wrote an article about the tyranny in the team. about arbitrariness

Arbitrariness: synonyms

Now that the meaning of the noun “arbitrariness” is known, it will not be difficult to find synonyms for it:

Arbitrariness: synonyms
  • lawlessness;
  • permissiveness;
  • tyranny;
  • despotism,
  • self-control;
  • iniquity;
  • arbitrariness.

Phrases with the noun "arbitrariness"

What may be arbitrariness?

Complete, unlimited, royal, all, any, short-term, cruel, unlimited, tough, existent, unheard of, unseen, uncharted, untried, experienced, police, judicial, cruel, absolute, justified, unjustified, unbridled, uniform, explicit, hidden, royal, imperial, perfect, vile, arrogant, former, present, similar, similar, bureaucratic, former, rude, administrative, egregious, terrible, lordly, landowner, capitalist, medical.

What can arbitrariness do?

Begin, end, continue, spread, stop, come to light.

What can be done with arbitrariness?

Stop, begin, end, fight, censure, perplex, reign, dominate, spread, outrage, amaze, surprise, hate, give birth.

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