Public administration is an integral part of social management activities, which are mostly covered by administrative law standards. What is concept and signs of public administration? What role does it play in the development of society? You can find answers to these and other equally interesting questions in the process of reading the material of this article.
Public administration: concept, features, types
Today, public administration is understood to mean subordinate legal power activities in terms of executive and administrative activities on the part of state bodies aimed directly at the implementation of laws. In addition, this type of management is closely related to the practical implementation of state tasks and functions.
The concept and features of public administration suggest that it is through this kind of activity that the influence on social relations, which is of an organizing nature in the economic field, as well as in the areas of administrative-political and socio-cultural construction, is realized.
Origin of the term
As far as is known, the term executive branch refers to a certain branch of the state. This concept began to be applied as a “management” immediately after the founding of a democratic system. It is important to supplement that signs of governmentI set the starting point for my formation just then.
The term was used earlier, even in the days of the Soviet Union, but the division of power into three groups led to the abolition of the original meaning of this concept. Although he even today has a strong connection with the legal phrase “executive power”. However, one cannot set such a narrow framework and use only this concept. Although in terms of its content, the type of legal activity under consideration serves precisely as state administration.
Public administration: types, signs
To begin with, it should be noted that the characteristics of public administration are determined by its place in the general mechanism. In addition, its role is important.
To date, the following are known. signs of government:
- Under public administration can be understood a certain type of activity aimed directly at the implementation of the unified power of state bodies. It is necessary to add that it, as a rule, is endowed with a unique specificity of a competent, as well as a functional nature, which distinguishes it from other forms of exercising power.
- The essence and signs of government also suggest the promotion of executive and administrative activities. It is interesting to add that its key direction, one way or another, is the implementation, in other words, the implementation of laws, as well as regulations of a subordinate nature. By the way, this goal is achieved through the use of certain powers of a legally imperious nature.
Additional signs
In addition to the above, the following are known today. signs of government:
- Under public administration, the prerogative of a special kind of entities should also be considered. They are generically designated as bodies of executive and administrative power of the state, or managerial.
- A sign of government is executive activity, which is implemented directly in the course of both daily and current construction management. As a rule, it is economic, socio-cultural or administrative-political in nature.
By-Law Activities
Listing main features of government, one cannot but recall such a characteristic of it as the activity of a by-law nature. It is carried out, as a rule, on the basis of, as well as in fulfillment of the law. It must be added that this activity is secondary to the current system of operations of a legislative nature. By the way, this characteristic is considered to be key in legal terms, despite the fact that signs of government play an important role.
Specific Characteristics
The above characteristics are paramount. However, there are specific signs of government. Among them, it is necessary to highlight the following:
- Verticality in relation to the system of executive and administrative state authorities.
- Mandatory in certain situations, the exercise of legal authority, which belong directly to the subjects of public administration, in an administrative order. By the way, in another way, this order can be called extrajudicial.
- AT signs of government it is necessary to include the possibility provided for by administrative law in terms of administrative law-making. The latter is interpreted as a combination of the concepts of law enforcement and law enforcement.
- Signs of the subject of government They also include the inclusion directly in the mechanism of state management of not only the executive bodies of authority, but also absolutely all other systems of the administrative apparatus.
Functional in terms of public administration
In this article, it will be advisable to study the current functions of public administration. What is one function? As a rule, this is a key area of government activity, one way or another connected with management processes. Through these, the fulfillment of state tasks and the achievement of the goals that the legislator sets directly in the framework of administrative law are carried out.
It should be noted that today there are two classifications in relation to the functions of government, so it would be advisable to consider them separately.
Orientation and place of influence
Depending on the place of influence and orientation, the following functions of public administration exist:
- Socio-organizational represents the direct influence of public authorities on the object to be managed.
- Intraorganizational is equivalent to management processes within the administrative apparatus of a state.
Content and Character
In accordance with the content, nature and extent of influence of individual functions, the following classification is adopted:
- General functions.
- Special features.
- Functions of an auxiliary nature.
It is important to note that some units have common functions. It is advisable to consider some of them.
Planning and organization
Planning is the starting point for the management process. In other words, a certain subject of legal relations is obliged to decide what, when, how, and by whom this or that order should be executed. To implement this function, it is necessary to clearly determine the state of the actual problem, as well as the goals and the procedure for achieving them.
It is important to add that planning is classified into three categories.Strategic is considered the highest level; tactical is tantamount to defining goals of an intermediate nature in the process of achieving goals of strategic and corresponding tasks (relates directly to the middle level). In addition, there is planning for the long term and operational, which is considered the lowest level.
Under the organization you need to understand the formation of relationships that are temporary or permanent in nature, between different units of public authorities, as well as determining the conditions and order of functioning. In other words, this process is tantamount to uniting people directly to achieve their intended goals.
Forecasting and control
In addition to the functions presented above, forecasting and control should be included in the general totality. The latter should be understood as a series of actions aimed directly at ensuring discipline and legality. Prediction is defined as a prediction of a scientific rank or a study of a systematic nature in relation to the structure, state, dynamics, as well as the prospects of processes and phenomena that one way or another relate to management.
It is important to note that the special functional describes the characteristics of specific entities (for example, the president of a country or local government) or management objects (for example, areas such as socio-cultural, economic or administrative-political).
Functions of an auxiliary nature allow the processes accompanying the implementation of the general and special functional to be fully realized. Among them, the most important elements are planning (both strategic and current), financing, staffing, incentives, diagnostics, management and other functions that are no less interesting in the legal aspect.
Principles of Public Administration
Today, the principles of public administration play an important role in legal activity. They represent ideas of a fundamental nature, as well as relevant scientific positions. By the way, in administrative science there is no consensus regarding the species diversity of the principles of state management or the grounds for their specific classification. That is why the standard separation below is appropriate:
- System-wide principles.
- Structurally-targeted principles.
- Structural and functional principles.
The following units would be appropriate for the first group:
- The principle of objectivity in terms of the implementation of management activities by state authorities.
- The principle of democracy in relation to the implementation of public administration.
- The principle of legal ordering in the conduct of public administration affairs
- The principle of legality, which relates directly to the management of public authorities.
- The principle of distribution of power in relation to the implementation of public administration.
- The principle of publicity in public administration.
The structurally-targeted group should include the following principles:
- The principle of consistency directly with the goals of management activities of state authorities among themselves in terms of basic parameters.
- The principle of complementarity of goals. Its implementation implies that one goal, as it were, contributes to another.
- The principle of subordinating private, local goals to common goals related to activities on the implementation of managerial activities by state authorities.
In conclusion, it is important to note that all of the above functions, one way or another, are interconnected and interdependent.Therefore, it is impractical to exclude at least one of the above groups. This will directly favor the process of public administration.