The birth of a child in Russia is accompanied not only by joy, but also by a small headache for parents. After all, they have to deal with the design of some documents for the baby. Otherwise, life in the country will be much more difficult for the child. For example, it is important to apply for an MHI policy for a newborn. Where to get it? How to do it? Why does a baby need a health insurance policy at all? Everyone will be able to find the answers to all these questions below. With proper preparation, the procedure for drawing up the mentioned document does not cause any particular trouble.
Terms of reference
How to get an MHI policy for a child? It is necessary to contact the registration authorities for the implementation of the task. But how fast? Are there any time limits on this?
By law, no. Parents can contact special institutions at any time to apply for children's health insurance policies. And myself too. But experts advise making the mentioned document in the first month of a newborn’s life. Without a compulsory medical insurance policy, a child will not be able to receive medical care free of charge.
Why do i need
And why is this document needed? Is it so important for newborns?
As already mentioned, without a compulsory medical insurance policy, a person will not be able to receive medical care for free. Also, newborns will not be vaccinated in the clinic, they will refuse to be examined by a pediatrician on a free basis. In addition, the baby will not be able to bind to a specific clinic. But such restrictions begin to apply from the moment the child is 3 months old. Before this, you can do without a policy - a newborn must be examined and admitted free of charge in the clinic.
This implies that parents who are counting on free medical care need to think about where to get the MHI policy for a newborn. If the child is planned to be treated and examined only for a fee, then you can get by with the VHI policy.
Before paperwork
The operation under study requires a little preliminary preparation. Do I need an MHI policy for a newborn? Where to get it in a particular case? Actually, this is not so difficult. But first, parents must draw up other important papers.
Which ones? Before obtaining a policy, it is mandatory to acquire a child’s birth certificate. Also, the baby will have to be prescribed with one of the parents. Experts say that recently, before obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy, it is required to order and receive SNILS for a baby. Only after that it will be possible to implement the idea without problems.
Where to go for help
Do you need a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn? Where to get it?
Today in Russia, compulsory medical insurance policies are issued by a variety of insurance companies. They must be participants in the CHI system. In each city there are insurance companies where you can get compulsory medical insurance policies.
For example:
- "RGS-medicine";
- "MAX-M";
- Sogaz-Med.
This is not an exhaustive list of insurance companies. In fact, there are many more. From now on, it is clear where to get the MHI policy for a newborn. But how to do it exactly?
Everything is quite easy and simple. How to get an MHI policy for a child? This will help step by step instructions.
It looks like this:
- Decide on a company that will offer insurance services.
- Prepare a specific package of documents for registration of the compulsory medical insurance policy.
- Apply with the application and papers to the insurance company.
- Pick up a medical policy at the appointed time.
It would seem that there is nothing difficult in this. Only parents will have to consider some of the features of the process. They will be described below.
The role of registration
Do you need a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn? Where to get it, of course. Does registration play any role in solving the problem?
Yes. The legislation of the Russian Federation indicates that citizens should receive health insurance policies at the place of their registration / residence. Otherwise, the UK has the right to refuse to provide services. So, it is really necessary to worry about the registration of the newborn in advance.
To register a baby, you need to contact the passport office at the place of residence of one of the parents. Bring with you:
- passport of the parent with whom the baby will be registered;
- the consent of the second legal representative to register not with him;
- baby's birth certificate;
- arrival sheet (issued at the passport office);
- statement (made on the spot).
Within a few days it will be possible to pick up a certificate of registration. During its registration, the birth certificate of the baby will be taken away. He will be returned during the issuance of a certificate of registration of the newborn.
Documents for the policy
And what documents are needed to issue a policy to a newborn? The list depends on the nationality of the baby. If we are talking about citizens of the Russian Federation, then it will be required:
- passport of the applicant parent;
- statement;
- birth certificate;
- citizenship insert (if any);
- Help with the registration of the baby.
Foreign citizens are additionally required to:
- migration card;
- the parent’s civil passport and birth certificate translated into Russian;
- documents with registration of legal representatives of the newborn.
On this list of papers can be completed. Nothing more is required. Some people doubt whether SNILS is needed to obtain an MHI policy in Russia. What can be said about this?
SNILS and policy
The procedure for obtaining a medical policy is already known. Does the kid really need SNILS for registration of the studied paper? Or can you do without an insurance certificate?
Recent changes in Russia have led to the fact that now when issuing all medical policies, it is mandatory to provide SNILS. This rule applies not only to adults, but also to children.
The insurance certificate is issued in the FIU. He needs the following documents:
- Application completed by one of the parents;
- baby's birth certificate;
- passport of the legal representative.
It is advisable to register the baby with one of the parents at the time of SNILS registration. The certificate of the established form must be taken with you. Pension Fund staff may request it.
After applying
Now it’s clear how the compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn is drawn up. Where to get it is also not a mystery. For security reasons, it is recommended not to issue this paper with agents outside the official offices of the insurance company. Otherwise, there is a risk of acquiring a fake document.
What happens after applying for a policy? The parent will be given a temporary policy for the newborn. Its action cannot exceed 30 days. During this time, a standing document will be ready. If this does not happen, then after a month you can again contact the insurance company for a temporary policy.
Once the original document is ready, you can come for it. Any parent can do this.
We already know the documents for issuing a policy to a newborn. There are not so many of them. With preliminary preparation, the procedure for obtaining this paper will not cause any difficulties.
How long is the compulsory medical insurance policy issued? It all depends on what category of population the child belongs to. Today in Russia the following rules apply:
- permanently residing in Russia - indefinitely;
- refugees - for the period indicated in the received documents;
- people without citizenship and temporarily staying in the country - for the time allowed to live in Russia.
Replace the current MHI policy will only be required if the data about the child has changed. Or in the event of loss / theft / damage to existing paper.
We learned where and how to get a medical insurance policy. Even a poorly versed in bureaucracy citizen can do this.
The medical policy is included in the list of primary and important documents for babies. Therefore, it is recommended to draw it up as soon as possible.
Do you need a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn? Where to get it, parents decide for themselves. The main thing to remember is that this service is provided only by insurance companies participating in the MHI program.