The most difficult psychological stage in human life is considered the transition period, which significantly affects the formation of the individual as a person. This time can be called a bridge between two lives: a child and an adult. Often, the crisis of adolescence affects not only the adolescent, but also his environment. Indeed, a person's values change, new stereotypes appear, and his own point of view is being formed. This period is considered quite painful and difficult, so you need to know how to cope with problems that may arise precisely in adolescence.
Most difficult age
Few people know about the crises that occur in a person aged three and seven years. But the transition period and the difficulties that are associated with it are known to everyone. Almost all parents are horrified at the onset of a transitional crisis at their offspring. Many even try to prevent this stage and create all the conditions for this. But in most cases, such attempts are useless. Despite all the efforts of parents, adolescents push the limits of what is permitted, incite conflict situations, do not comply with the rules and break the prohibitions. Mostly teenagers act as provocateurs. They appeal that parents and relatives do not want to understand them. But through such disagreements and difficult situations, a teenager learns himself, learns to defend his own positions and grows up.
Offensive time
Representatives of different countries and religions determine the transitional age in their own way. In some adolescents, it can come to fourteen years, and in others to twenty. This transition can be realized both simply in obtaining a passport or reaching adulthood, and accompanied by various serious conflicts. At this age, puberty sets in, legal responsibility for one’s actions appears. The transition period is very difficult for the individual and his environment. Psychology argues that the onset of this stage is purely individual. It depends on many factors, such as cultural heritage, religious beliefs, environment, social circle.
Difficult behavior of a teenager
During adolescence, a teenager is constantly trying to defend the right to their independence and independence from adults. This desire manifests itself in such important moments as behavioral difficulties, pronounced obstinacy, negativism, increased conflict, open disobedience, and upholding one’s own opinion on any issue. Often, adolescents demonstrate their non-conformism when communicating with peers, and also deliberately contrast themselves with adults. The problems of the transition period are mainly that the teenager creates the opposite of an obedient teenager. A child can behave in this way for a long time. Although in some cases, the climax of the crisis of adolescence is calm. There are two opposite scenarios by which this stage of human formation can develop.
The first, classic version of development
The adolescent has traditional symptoms that accompany any age-related crisis. The teenager behaves obstinately, stubbornly, shows self-will and negativism, is critical of the requirements of relatives and teachers. At this stage of growing up, a teenager aggravates a sense of ownership.He begins to protect his belongings from prying eyes and hands, values personal space. Often, the transitional age is characterized by the fact that a teenager forbids parents or acquaintances from entering their monastery. He becomes secretive in communication. It may seem to relatives that the child is hiding something terrible. But do not worry. A teenager is undergoing major changes in the inner world. The system of human values is changing, new principles are appearing, a worldview is being formed. In this difficult period, the teenager tries to protect his emerging personality, and therefore behaves in a non-standard way.
Second option
But everything can develop according to another scenario, which is directly opposite to the first. A teenager is completely dependent on parents and teachers. Excessive obedience and a return to former interests are characteristic signs of the behavior of a teenager undergoing a transition period according to the second option, which is also called the “crisis of dependence”. A person often returns to the old system of values and relationships with others. His goal is to find support and gain comparative carelessness. Regardless of the scenario in which the teenager’s self-determination proceeds, at this stage of development, the determination of the life position takes place. If in the first case the teenager focuses the attention of others on the fact that he is no longer a child, then in the second case he wants to continue to remain in his childhood.
Positive results
The transition crisis has many positive results. A teenager is fighting for his independence, trying to assert himself, to learn his own abilities and capabilities. Such a fight should take place in a safe environment. As a result, a teenager develops a sense of self-confidence. In addition, it is precisely the youthful age and the difficulties that are associated with it that help a person learn independence, discover qualities within himself that will help him in the future to solve difficult situations.
Character traits
Transitional age is characterized by the fact that a person actively develops cognitive processes. The teenager goes to abstract thinking. He begins to like reasoning on abstract topics. Features of the transition period are that the sensations and perceptions of a person move to a new, higher level. The teenager is increasingly analyzing his actions and the actions of others, focuses on important things, selectively refers to the choice of a future profession. Creative and intellectual abilities are actively developing. In addition, the motivational sphere is changing, which is beginning to take shape on the basis of clearly defined goals.
Communication foreground
For a teenager, comrades and friends become the most important people. Youthful age is a time of active communication with peers. Constantly in contact with each other, adolescents learn social interaction. Through communication, they satisfy their need for emotional contact, which increases in adolescence. A major role is played by puberty. In a teenager, the hormonal background changes, which leads to a change in behavior in society, interests and self-awareness. At this stage, it is important not to limit the teenager in communication. This can lead to nervous breakdowns and prolonged depression. A teenager must communicate with peers. After all, this is an important factor in the formation of their own opinions.
The teenage period and its task
The teenage transition is characterized by the fact that a person goes to a new level in physiological and social terms. The most important acquisition that adolescence entails is the development of such a feeling as personal identity. The desire of a teenager to isolate himself from the obsessive attention of parents can be considered quite normal.To identify himself as an adult, a teenager needs to overcome emotional emancipation. A teenager must gain freedom by “stepping over” children's emotional relationships. To enter adulthood, a person needs to gain intellectual independence.
During the transitional age, a teenager learns to think critically, begins to independently solve important issues. Behavioral autonomy, which manifests itself in a variety of areas of life, is also an indicator of growing up. The teenager chooses his own clothing style, social circle, interests and preferences. This period does not carry dire consequences or excesses. Parents only need to be condescending, calm and with understanding for their child.