The word "partner" came to us from the 19th century, when its meaning was represented by the relations of participants in a joint performance, game or dance. Partnership in the 20th century is alreadybusiness activity (joint business, trading or business partners).
A word came from french partnaireis in English root words - parcener, portion, partition, that is, co-heir, portion, share, separation. In other words, the partner is the one with whom they inherit and share somethingor.
What is a partnership?
Partnership is a form of cooperation exists and is understood at two levels. At the first, it is an organized business registered for several legal entities or individuals. On the second - cooperation most often of legal entities, which is not fixed by constituent documents, is supported upon.
With a partnership, an organization develops as a sole proprietorship. A partnership was born with the goal of overcoming the main shortcomings of managing sole ownership. The name "partnership", in fact, explains its value. At in this form, several participants (or two) agree on the ownership and management of an enterprise. At the same time, finance and management skills are combined. DistributedNot only profit, but also possible risks, losses. It happens that all partners have an active managerial function, another case is that some partners are “passive,” that is, investing their finances, they do not participate in management.
Level 1 Partnership
Partnership organization The first level implies general economic activity. The basic role is played by a contract that regulates the obligations and rights of partners, their role in income, division of property, distribution arrived. Each partner must contribute.
Under inI understand the treasureTsya: business reputation, business relations, professional knowledge, property, abilities. Partners make an exchange assessment of the contribution by agreement. In another way, a partner can be referred to as a comrade, shareholder. A partner can be limited, general, junior, senior.
The General Partner bears unlimited liability regarding all duties. I.e lack ofhowls limit of losses that a person may incur. A limited partner has limited liability (within the boundaries of the deposit).
Partnership Forms
Business partnership it happens non-profit, commercial, strategic, limited, complete.
The basis of a commercial partnership is membership, the main goal is to make a profit.
In a non-profit partnership based on membership, the main the goal is member assistance in achievements cultural, charitable, scientific, educational and other purposes.
In full partnership, all members share a common and solidarity. a responsibility.
In a limited partnership, members have limited liability.
Level 2 Partnership
The second level partnership is withsame strategic cooperation with economically weighted naparanybody at the level of legal entities. To put it another way: one company partnerships on the other, stronger, greater in financial relations, which is capable of providing a resource for the fulfillment of strategic goals.
Partnership is organizational form with several advantages:
- Like sole ownership, partnerships are easy to organize. Bureaucratic delays minimal consists written agreement.
- The agreement may have a large number of participants. At the same time, high specialization in management is possible.
- Financial resources at the expense of participants are richer than in the sole possession. PartnersBy combining their capital for bankers seem more reliable payers.
Partnership development also has some disadvantages. There may be some problems that are not characteristic of personal ownership.
If several people participate in the management, the separation of powers may well lead to incompatibility of views, inconsistent politics to inactionwhen decisive action is required. For these reasons, management may be difficult.
Finance has limitations, although it exceeds the capabilities of personal possessions. The resources of several partners may not be enough, and this will delay potential profit growth.
- The duration of the partnership is hard to predict. The death of one or his exit most often entails the collapse of the partnership, the disruption of activities
- The responsibility lies with partners equivalent. Tak that if one made the wrong management decision, the responsibility for the result rests with everyone. A successful partner must rely on the prudence of less entrepreneurial participants.
Social partnership
Social partnership is understood as such a system of relations where hired workers and employers cooperate, and the state plays an intermediary role in resolving relations (coordinates economic interests, resolves social and labor conflicts).
WITHsocial partnership (public) - referred to as "tripartism"because three are involved in the relationship Parties: representing interest workers organizations, association employers, on the third hand - the government.
Social partnership can be called a special ideology, representing the mores of the interaction of the market-capitalist and working class, it was formed in the course of the reformist and social-democratic movement. In social partnership there are no contradictions between the employer and the wage worker, much less the dictatorship of the proletariat. There is a public contract, the basis is the realization of the interests and rights of both parties.
Government under these criteria is transformed into social. Him financial and social activity is growing. Ideand public and class world - the most important in the ideology of public partnership. Nsocial partnership itself is a softened method of exploiting wage labor in a market-capitalist relationship between the wage worker and the employer.
Definition of Nonprofit Partnership
Proper management makes this form of partnership the most successful in achieving many goals, for example in construction. Ncommercial partnership sfastened lawmakervom. This is a nonprofit organization based on partner membership. It is established by individuals or legal entities in order to achieve their goals and carry out cultural, charitable, scientific, educational and other activities. TSuch a partnership is characterized as a non-profit organization, that is, one that does not set the main goal of generating income and arrived.
A non-profit partnership is created with the aim of obtaining the right to conduct business. Transactions by members of such a partnership are committed from his name. However, there is a limitation in responsibility - members are not responsible for the debts of partners. The nonprofit partnership itself is not responsible for the debts of the members of the partnership.
Entering into a non-profit partnership, hLenas contribute any property and pay membership contributions. After Such a transfer of non-profit partnership becomes the owner of the property.When you exit the partnership, the property is transferred back to the property of members or its cash equivalent. Partners have the right to participate in solving a variety of issues that linked to partnership activities.
Public private partnership
In recent decades, a new form of partnership has emerged in the economy - the merger of power and business. This is a public-private partnership (PPP). It is an organized union of state power and personal business. The goal is the implementation of the most important public projects in various fields of activity across the whole country or a separate territory. Various forms PPP stormy are developing in many economic sectors around the world. That is why this form of partnership can be interpreted as modern, meeting the needs of the economy.
Tit so happened that state partnership andhas traditions delegations in infrastructure industries. The government bears full responsibility to citizens for providing public goods - this explains the safety of a number of industries in the hands of the state.
At the same time, mobility and a propensity for innovationefficient use of resources. Creating PPPs allows you to use both kind of partnerships together, without causing any profound economic changes and government shocks.
Modern forms of PPPs allow the state to retain some serious objects in its ownership and at the same time delegate certain functions to private entrepreneurs. What is meant? Operation, construction, maintenance of social and industrial infrastructure, their management. When the state and private partnership, uhit gives an opportunity bring in personal services and Pproducts. Which leads to rational and optimal management and use of resources.
PPP Models
ATAll newly emerging partnerships in the framework of PPP can be divided into the main models (types). AT respectivelyIn accordance with the set goals of the partnership, there are organizational types, models cooperation and financing. AT most PPP cases add up based on the main advantages differents models, as well as their combinations.
If we consider the organizational model, there is no deep intrusion into affairs. Cooperation takes place through the recruitment of third parties, the assignment of certain functions, as well as specific responsibilities. There is a transfer of objects to the external control. Current time all Rwidespread public-private organizational model partnerships - concession.
The financial forms of public-private partnership include the following forms: rent, commercial lease, various forms of leasing, integrated and pre-financing.
The cooperation model is a variety of forms, and also ways to bring together several partners who are responsible for the overall process of creating consumer prices as a public good. Such cooperatives are asked to organize complexincluding holding structures for the construction of facilities, as well as their operation in various fields of social and production infrastructure.
PPP Forms
An agreement (administrative contract) is concluded between the state and a personal company, which stipulates ways to implement the things the society needs. Common in the practice of PPP Implementation Contracts work, supply of products, the provision of services or the provision of technical assistance.
In administrative contracts, possible The danger is completely borne by the state In this case, ownership rights completely depart to him. The personal partner under the Agreement has the right to a share in the income, he is guaranteed to have a stable sales market and income, some benefits.
A lease (a lease contract or a form of leasing) is a special relationship when personal the partner for a certain time transfer the right to temporary use for a fee. Classic rent implies the age of the property being rented, sometimes there is a reservation - with subsequent redemption. If a leasing contract is concluded, then it is possible to buy out leased property from the state.
Concession is a special form of PPP when the state remains the owner in the framework of partnerships property, gives the partner the authority to carry out activities for a specified period to ensure the functioning of the subject of the concession. The right to developed products in this case belongs to the concessionaire.