
Responsibilities and job description of a surveyor

Surveyor engineer occupies an important position in the production related to construction, road works, as well as mining. The order of its work, rights and obligations are regulated by the job description of the surveyor. Every employee who comes to work as an engineer must familiarize herself with it.

Who is a surveyor

Surveyor - a specialist holding a position of the same name in production and performing various surveying work. These include carrying out the nature of the designed objects with the required accuracy, creating graphic data for the construction of buildings, roads, various linear structures, etc.

surveyor job description

Depending on the type of production enterprise, the responsibilities of a surveyor may vary. In any company, the field of activity of the surveyor is concentrated around the main object of industry. For construction companies, this is the removal of the project in kind, control over the correctness of construction, and for the mining industry, monitoring the status of mineral deposits.

At the enterprise, the employee reports directly to the chief engineer of the organization. Functionally, the surveyor can execute the orders of the head of the construction site where the work is being carried out, if they do not contradict the instructions of the enterprise management. The subordinate of the employee may be an assistant surveyor. It provides efficient and timely execution of work. engineer surveyor job descriptionBasic rules and responsibilities are regulated in the job description of the surveyor.

Requirements for appointment

A person with a higher technical education in a specialty without work experience or a person with secondary specialized education with experience of more than three years in a similar position is appointed to the position of a surveyor without a category.

job description engineer surveyor in construction

According to the job description in the construction organization, the surveyor of the first and second category is required to have both a higher education and work experience. For a specialist of the second category, a seniority of three years or more is required as a surveyor without a category or similar engineering position. To be appointed as a worker of the first category, a person must have experience of working as a surveyor of the second category from three years.

Qualifications required

When appointing a surveyor, a potential employee should have knowledge in the following areas:

  • decrees, codes, orders and rules for the production of geodetic works in force on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • rules for working with geodetic instruments and performing their verification;
  • requirements of normative and methodological documents for geodetic surveys;
  • the use of computer technology in the processing of data;
  • theory of mathematical measurements of geodetic works;
  • fundamentals of engineering geodesy, methods of surveying the terrain, as well as the rules for installing geodetic signs;
  • basics of economic support for the implementation of construction work;
  • basics of labor legislation adopted in the country;
  • labor protection regulations and fire safety rules for the performance of geodetic surveys;
  • Charter and rules of work in force in the organization.

job description of a surveyor in a construction organization

When performing work on the territory of the enterprise, the employee is guided by government acts, the organization’s charter, the job description of the surveyor in construction and the orders of the management.

Responsibilities of a surveyor in production

The main responsibilities of a surveyor in the job description at the factory are:

  • execution of a complex of geodetic works with the fulfillment of the set requirements: accuracy of measurements, compliance with the developed project, etc.
  • performance of alignment work in the area provided by the customer (breakdown of areal and linear structures in accordance with the set plan and regulations);
  • monitoring of possible violations during the construction of the facility and timely reporting of inconsistencies identified to the chief engineer of the organization;
  • monitoring the deformation of buildings and structures;
  • Immediate communication to management about identified emergencies on the construction site that occurred as a result of non-compliance with the main geometric conditions during their construction;
  • conducting an executive survey of structures and open underground facilities, as well as preparing the documentation necessary for presentation to the customer upon completion of work;
  • selective control over the correct execution of construction work during the construction of linear structures;
  • monitoring the proper condition of geodetic instruments and tools, performing checks to identify possible errors and malfunctions;
  • participation in the delivery of the facility to the customer;
  • observation of geodetic signs, ensuring their safety and constancy of position over time.

job description of a surveyor in construction

For non-compliance with the job description, the surveyor may be reprimanded, demoted or dismissed.

Employee Rights

According to the job description, the surveyor has the right to:

  • obtaining information on the documentation necessary for the performance of geodetic works or preparation for them;
  • compliance with the rules and norms specified in the duties and in the charter of the organization;
  • obtaining appliances, tools, as well as special clothing and shoes necessary for the performance of work;
  • making suggestions for improving and modernizing the enterprise;
  • participation in resolving issues directly related to the field of work;
  • training.

What should an employee do

In addition to rights, the employee has duties that must be fulfilled. These include:

  • the duties listed in government acts, the charter of the organization, the employment contract and other documents regulating the activities of the employee;
  • fulfillment of orders and instructions of direct and functional superiors;
  • timely provision of geodetic data for construction and other works;
  • accuracy of measurements, drafting and removal of objects in kind;
  • compliance with the rules of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Responsibilities of the chief surveyor

The chief surveyor is an employee related to the management of the organization. It performs the functions of monitoring the execution of geodetic works and directing employees who are directly subordinate. The chief surveyor is appointed and dismissed only by the head of the enterprise.

job description of the chief surveyor

Along with all of the above items, the job description of the chief surveyor includes the following duties:

  • conducting methodological coordination of employees of the organization;
  • control over the performance of work;
  • accounting for the devices and tools available at the enterprise, as well as personal protective equipment and keeping them in proper condition;
  • drawing up a program to increase the efficiency of work in the organization;
  • delivery of the finished project or object to the customer;
  • management of employees who are directly subordinate.

Features of job descriptions of a surveyor in road construction

During the construction of linear structures, the surveyor accompanies the construction process to control the correctness and accuracy of the work.In case of violations, the employee must inform the management. In addition, the surveyor must selectively monitor the implementation of the project to find possible inaccuracies in the construction of the facility. Responsibilities in the construction of roads are similar to the general rules of the employee.

job description of a surveyor in road construction

The job description of a surveyor in construction includes the basic rules and regulations governing the work process, duties, rights and responsibilities.

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