
Servicing a current account in Sberbank for individual entrepreneurs: conditions, tariffs, reviews

Servicing a current account for an individual entrepreneur at Sberbank is one of the best among all banks that operate in the state. This level was reached as soon as possible, since two or three years ago, Russian banks, and Sberbank was no exception, refused to serve individual entrepreneurs.

Current account role for private entrepreneurs

A few years ago it was difficult for an individual to open a bank account. The reason for this was that almost all banks in Russia were not eager to provide their services to business. Formally, they did not. Instead of officially abandoning the provision of their services to individual entrepreneurs, Russian banks set too high tariffs for using their services, which forced an individual to refuse to apply to banks.

Servicing a current account in Sberbank for IP

The current legislation of the Russian Federation does not stipulate anywhere that the founder of an IP must necessarily open his personal settlement account. Many of them do not have it. But for a large number of individuals, having a bank account in one of the banks is an urgent need.

First, you need to select a list of banks to open a current account for individual entrepreneurs. By the way, banks realized that individuals are capable of generating large revenues, and began to offer their services to individual entrepreneurs. One of these banks is Sberbank.

Pros of Sberbank

One of the advantages of opening a current account for an individual entrepreneur in Sberbank is the convenience of banking operations. The account holder has the ability to remotely control accounts. The bank also provides a number of other products that make doing business more convenient.

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The current account for an individual in Sberbank makes it possible to optimize the cost of banking services. This is achieved through a properly designed tariff policy. The Bank provides a wide selection of transaction packages that meet the requirements and needs of customers.

Benefits of a current account with Sberbank

The location of the bank's branches is so thought out that almost always there is a branch near the client. The settlement system, which was created by Sberbank itself, covers both the territory of Russia and other countries. This makes it possible to make a large number of payments in Russia and abroad.

Sberbank provides the ability to provide cash management services on the same terms as large holdings that operate in the Russian Federation.

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Any client can contact the bank branch, where employees will advise him on all issues. Also, a bank client receives all the necessary information and assistance in working with bank products.

Account reservation

An individual entrepreneur has the opportunity to remotely reserve an account number. To do this, go to the Sberbank website and select the “Current account number” section.

After that, the user will see a clickable inscription “Get the account number”, clicking on which will display on the monitor screen all the conditions for the bank to provide its services.

After reading the conditions, you must click on the inscription "Reserve". Then a window will open where the founder of the IP should enter his data. It is also necessary to indicate the annual income, contact details and the division of the bank where the businessman wants to be served.Then confirm the account reservation. If you want to open a current account for an individual entrepreneur in Sberbank is already his client, then you can immediately register an account online.

How to open an account

There is nothing complicated in opening an account with Sberbank for an individual entrepreneur. Also, individuals have the opportunity to get a discount on creating an account, as the bank sometimes holds various promotions. All banks for opening a current account for individual entrepreneurs give their customers different advantages. Sberbank is no exception.

At the very beginning, the client needs to choose how he plans to create his current account. There is an option to register as a legal entity or as an individual entrepreneur. Also, in the application on the site, you must specify the email address and mobile number. There is a second way in order to open an account with Sberbank for individual entrepreneurs. To do this, the client needs to come to the bank branch.

Sberbank account for IP rates

Another reason that deserved the opening of a current account for individual entrepreneurs at Sberbank of positive reviews is the speed of service. After an individual entrepreneur applied to the bank, he should fill out all the necessary documents. After that, the account can be issued by the bank within 60 minutes. By the way, the connection to Internet banking is best done at the time of opening an account.

Servicing a current account for an individual entrepreneur at Sberbank should be provided by bank employees immediately after the account has been opened. Bank employees are required to provide their services in accordance with all the rules and on time.

In addition, Sberbank is responsible for the safety of funds. The bank is also required to withdraw funds from the account at each request of its customers.

Current account conditions for an individual in Sberbank

Many individual entrepreneurs choose Sberbank. I must say that the terms of the current account for an individual entrepreneur in Sberbank and other banks are approximately the same. However, Sberbank provides its customers with several advantages.

In order to create an account, you need to bring a document with you to the bank that confirms your identity (passport, for example), a certificate of registration of the company, as well as the taxpayer identification code. Other documents may also be required. A complete list of them should be found on the website of Sberbank.

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When issuing a card at the bank, some problems may arise. This may be due to the fact that the card must contain the signatures of those people who will have the right to manage the account.

Account Opening Procedure

First of all, an individual entrepreneur must collect the entire package of documents that is necessary to open a current account. It must be remembered that only original documents should be provided to the bank. The cost of certification of one document will be approximately 50 rubles.

Already at the bank, the client must fill out all the necessary papers. This procedure is not complicated. An employee of Sberbank will assist in filling out all the documents. The client only needs to put crosses in the right places, read the contract and put his signature.

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After completing all the documents, the current account is open. It should be paid cash. Also, a businessman can activate the Internet banking service, which will allow him to manage his current account via the Internet.


Servicing a current account for an individual in Sberbank is provided in several service packages. Tariff plans are called “Basis”, “Asset”, “Optima”, “Minimum”, “Salary” and “Trade plus”. A ruble account is opened for free. It should also be noted that an individual entrepreneur may not buy the package in full, but pay for the services that he needs. You can familiarize yourself with account tariffs for IP in Sberbank on the website.

As already mentioned, Sberbank provides its customers with services that make it possible to conduct business on the Internet. This service is shareware. It is part of the basic tariff plans, but it is necessary to take into account the fact that in Internet banking there is a limit on the number of operations. If the businessman has exhausted the limit, then he will have to pay an additional fee.

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Maintenance of a current account for an individual entrepreneur in Sberbank will cost a businessman 500 rubles a month. The commission for cash withdrawals is 1 percent of the amount of cash. You can top up your account with a commission of 0.3 percent.


To find out how much it costs to service an account, you should contact the bank, because the cost may vary depending on the region of the Russian Federation. The following is the cost of opening an account for the capital of Russia:

  1. Commission in the amount of 3 thousand rubles.
  2. Signature in the sample card - 500 rubles.
  3. Certification of documents - approximately 200 rubles.

Thus, having calculated how much an individual account in Sberbank is worth, it can be understood that the price for opening an account with this bank is very slightly different from the others.


The cost of servicing a current account for an individual entrepreneur at Sberbank depends on the selected package. The least expensive is the "Minimum" tariff. For him per month, an individual entrepreneur in Moscow will have to pay 1 thousand 700 rubles. The disadvantage of this tariff plan is that the businessman will be able to make no more than five electronic payments per month.

There is also a limit on cash acceptance - up to 50 thousand rubles. For everything else, an individual will have to pay extra.


Tariff “Basis” is the second in cost. The monthly fee will be 3 thousand 100 rubles. And even though its cost is almost two times higher than the cost of the “Minimum” one, this tariff plan is also significantly limited.

Cash receipts can be taken twice as much - up to 100 thousand rubles. The limit on electronic payments has also been increased. If in the “Basic” tariff plan it was possible to make five payments, then in “Basic” they can be made up to twenty.


The difference between this tariff and the previous one is that after a purchase from a businessman there will be an opportunity to make up to 50 electronic payments.

The tariff "Asset" is also limited in cash acceptance. As in the Basis plan, the amount of cash receipts cannot exceed 100 thousand rubles.

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