
Educational license: how to get and renew?

A license for educational activity is a document that gives institutions the right to implement a program of general, preschool and additional education. It can be secondary, primary, postgraduate or higher.


educational license

Before you issue the desired certificate, you must go through the following steps:

- register a non-profit organization;
- find a room and the necessary equipment for training;
- recruit a staff of qualified teachers;
- Form a medical service and nutrition system for all employees and students;
- buy educational literature and make plans for future work.

After everything is completed, you must contact the appropriate authority of the Russian Federation issuing the right to receive commercial benefits from training.

It should be noted that if you draw up a document for the first time, then the validity period will be three years, and with further re-issuance, you can continue to work for five years. An educational license may also be limited in duration if the lease agreement is completed earlier and not renewed by the required time.


educational license

To get permission, you need to quickly prepare the following papers:

- statement;
- extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of Legal Entities);
- receipt of payment of state duty;
- documents of the founder;
- lease agreement for the premises or certificate of ownership;
- conclusion of the SES (sanitary-epidemiological service);
- papers on providing employees and students with medical services and nutrition;
- staffing table;
- curricula for the year;
- documents about the material and technical support of education;
- conclusion of the Ministry of Emergencies (Ministry of Emergency Situations);
- Help about the educational literature.

After all the documents have been submitted, obtaining a license for educational activities will not take long. For this, it is required to provide securities from September 1 to February 28 once every 3 years, and after - once every 5 years. Then registration takes place, but in order for it to complete successfully, you must fully comply with the rules. To issue the necessary document, a meeting of the commission must take place, which makes the decision.


obtaining an educational license

Obtaining an educational license cannot take place without completing certain tasks.

1. The availability of the curriculum for special and library funds.
2. A staffed staff for which this will be the main place of work. All teachers must have the appropriate qualifications and education.
3. Requires modern manuals and training aids for each of the studied disciplines in sufficient quantities.
4. The presence of premises that comply with technical and sanitary standards, fire safety rules. This is necessary in the first place, if there are special rooms, computer labs and laboratories, as this may not always be safe.

Naturally, in order for the educational license to be obtained quickly enough, it is better to consult with a specialist who will check the entire set of documents and compliance with the necessary requirements.

Choice of premises

educational license

The most difficult step in obtaining a license is the selection of a suitable building that will fully comply with the standards set by the commission.And also the organization must have the right of ownership or permission on a rental basis in order to legally use the selected premises. Do not forget that the classes should be fully equipped, so that classes are comfortable and clear.

Some educational organizations feed students, so new requirements appear: compliance of the kitchen with sanitary standards. Cooks in the dining room must have good cooking skills.

And also, in order for a license to carry out educational activities to be issued, do not overlook the requirements for personnel. The staff is fully staffed with specialists who will be useful in specific programs. It is not recommended to provide untruthful and unverified information, as the consequences can be very serious, most often it is suspension of work or refusal to issue, and then the owners are punished by administrative or criminal liability.

Who does not have the right to engage

The law defines the groups of persons who cannot be granted an educational license, these include:

- Entrepreneurs having a court verdict depriving them of the opportunity to carry out pedagogical and educational activities;
- Those who have been prosecuted and convicted of serious and medium crimes of any complexity;
- citizens officially recognized as incompetent;
- Persons who have certain dangerous diseases (most often viral).

All these restrictions are the reason for the refusal to provide an authorization document.


educational institution license

As the Federal Law of July 21, 2014 No. 221-ФЗ “On Amending Chapter 25.3 of Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation” states, from January 1, 2015, the state contribution for work related to the licensing of educational activities is new, more high amounts.

1. For the first time you need to pay 7500 rubles.
2. For the change of documents or their confirmation is also required to pay money. This item may include the introduction of additional information about the addresses, completed and rendered work, the cost will be 3,500 rubles.
3. For the renewal of an educational license you need to pay 750 rubles.

When there is no need to open

There are cases when it is not required to obtain permission to provide services in the field of pedagogy. First of all, we are talking about one-time seminars, lectures and classes that are held for the purpose of training, but without final testing. As a result, diplomas should not be issued.

Issuance Procedure

In order for a license of an educational organization to be granted, a rather complicated procedure must be followed, which does not always end positively for the applicant. The decision is made by the expert commission, which draws its conclusions after checking the documents and leaving the room where the pedagogical activity will take place. The purpose of the audit of securities is to verify compliance with all rules and regulations. Field inspection is aimed at detecting violations in the equipment of the training room.

Then, over a period of 60 days, the commission adopts a verdict on the grant of a license. The term of consideration may be exceeded by 20 days, starting from the moment of registration. The examination is carried out 30 days from the moment the commission begins to work. If a positive decision was made, a written response is sent to the applicant, and then an educational license is issued.

Refusal to provide

obtaining a license for educational activities

A negative decision in turn can be obtained in two cases:

- if the documents contain inaccurate or distorted information;
- when the commission came to the conclusion that the conditions in which the training will take place do not comply with state standards.

A notice of refusal is in writing. It must be sent to the applicant no later than three days after the decision.It must necessarily describe the reasons due to which the commission came to the proposed decision. Each entrepreneur can challenge such a verdict in court.

The consequences of illegal labor

renewal of an educational license

If it is proved that the work carried out by persons without a license brings commercial benefits, then responsibility will be required.

1. Administrative penalty is paid and may be imposed on:
- individuals - from 2000 to 2500 rubles;
- officials and individual entrepreneurs - from 4000 to 5000 rubles;
- legal entities - from 4,000 to 50,000 rubles.

And also at this moment educational materials and all equipment are confiscated.

2. Criminal punishment in the form of:

- a large fine (up to 500,000 rubles);
- arrest (up to 6 months)
- forced labor (up to 5 years);
- imprisonment (up to 5 years).

Such measures are taken if there has been great damage to organizations, citizens or the state and the receipt of income in especially large amounts has been confirmed.

In the case when such work did not bring any monetary benefit, then it is subject to such fines:

- officials - 30000–50000 rubles;
- individuals - 500-1000 rubles;
- individual entrepreneurs - 30000-40000 rubles, or suspension of activity up to 90 days;
- legal entities 170000-250000 rubles.


For the license of an educational institution to be re-issued, the grounds that are described in such a regulatory framework are necessary:

- Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012, “On Education in the Russian Federation”.
- Regulation on the licensing of educational activities, approved by Government Decision No. 966 of 10/28/2013.
- Federal Law No. 99-ФЗ dated 04.05.2011 “On licensing of certain types of activities”.

As the above regulatory framework states, re-issuance is allowed in such cases:

- change of the name of the legal entity, as well as its reorganization in the form of transformation;
- change of address and location of a building or name, surname, place of residence of an individual entrepreneur;
- transition to the provision of other services and work performed;
- affiliation of another legal entity when it also has such a license;
- if the entrepreneur intends to conduct his activities in the branch, which was not indicated in the original documents;
- in case of changes in educational programs, work schemes and other organizational issues.

It should be noted that there are no other grounds for reissuing at all, since they are not provided for in the legislative framework.

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