
Public sector salary: is it expected to increase in 2016?

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the salary of state employees is the most pressing financial issue. Constant economic downturns, instability of the national currency, low GDP growth rates lead to rather complicated consequences. In 2015, the Russian Federation entered a new phase of the economic crisis. This was followed by a reduction in the financing of budgetary institutions, including a decrease in the stability and wages of workers.

Inconsistency of the situation

The constant rise in prices for food, medicine, basic necessities and a simultaneous decline in the size of citizens' incomes leads to an increase in socio-economic tension in Russian society. The government annually approves a minimum wage. As a rule, the change occurs in the direction of increase, but this does not provide coverage of real costs. In this situation, the most vulnerable are budget workers: teachers, doctors, cultural workers, etc.

Public sector salary

The ratio of the minimum wage and the cost of living

Each subject independently sets the size minimum wage in the region, which, in accordance with the federal law on minimum wages, cannot be lower than the all-Russian indicator. According to official information, currently the minimum wage in Russia has stopped at 6,204 rubles. His last increase occurred in January of this year. According to the statement of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev, the minimum wage for Russian citizens this year may be increased to 7.5 thousand rubles. If appropriate measures are taken, the salaries of citizens of our country should grow by almost 21%. In the meantime, the minimum wage of state employees still remains at a sad level - below the subsistence level.

Forecasts of the dynamics of public sector wages

What is the salary of state employees waiting in 2016? According to some reports, despite the difficult economic situation, the depreciation of the national currency and other unfavorable factors, in October of this year we can expect an increase in the remuneration of citizens employed in the public sector. It is also known that the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is ready to increase employee salaries by a small amount, preserving budgetary federal funds as much as possible. At the same time, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation will advocate for large-scale salary increases.

The attitude of the majority of Russian citizens to such news is very mixed. Many people think that if an increase in salaries does occur, it is solely due to a reduction in the number of employees. It must be recognized that it is precisely for such a measure that the Ministry of Finance stands. In addition, there are many versions about how all the same means the salaries of public sector employees will be increased and how soon this will happen. In particular, it is planned that wage growth should be expected only for certain categories of workers, and the implementation of the planned measures will be carried out in several stages.

what is the salary of state employees

Controversial issue

In the fall of 2015, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a new methodology for calculating the indicator indexation of wages. It was found that for this the wages of workers who are employed in the small business or are individual entrepreneurs will be taken into account. Up to this point, salaries of employees of medium and large enterprises were taken into account.Previously, it was planned to increase the amount of wages paid to state employees by 4%, but the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation advocated the idea of ​​completely abandoning the indexation policy. Thus, the department expects to achieve savings of 6 billion rubles. There is every reason to expect that the Government of the Russian Federation will even decide to keep the nominal wage at the level of the past 2015.

As funds that can be used to increase wages, supporters of the new reform offer budget organizations to find them from domestic monetary assets. They, in turn, must be released by reorganizing the structure of the institution, changing staffing levels and at the expense of funds received for the implementation of income-generating activities.

minimum salary of state employees

Effective contract

It is expected that the salary of state employees will soon also depend on the fulfillment of the criteria of the so-called effective contract. Currently, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation is actively working to develop a radically new wage system for those people who work in the public sector. That is, it is understood that each of them will have the opportunity to independently influence their level of wages. Everything will depend on improving the quality and volume of work performed, achievements. It is assumed that the salary of state employees will consist of the salary part (base) and the tariff.

public sector salary

Expected results

Financial experts came to the conclusion that the application of this methodology will contribute not to an increase, but, on the contrary, to a decrease of about 12.5% ​​in the average income of Russian citizens. As a result, such an “increase” may seriously affect workers in educational and medical institutions. It should be recognized that the news about the salary of state employees, announced on January 1, 2016, has ambiguous interpretations and so far only mislead Russians. The salary of state employees of the Russian Federation is significantly inferior to European indicators. So far, Russian citizens can only wait for the final decision of the Government in this matter, as well as the fulfillment of these promises.

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