The United States of America is a very economically developed state. The high level of development of the US economy indicates that it is the most powerful post-industrial country in the world. The gross domestic income of the power is about eight trillion dollars annually.
Mining industry
In the extraction of energy resources, the United States of America occupies a leading position among other developed countries.
The mining industry generates the main income from oil: in the US oil industry, they occupy a share equal to eleven percent of the total world market. The center of oil production is the southwestern part of the country. It is the regions of this part that supply fifty percent of all oil produced in the state. Strategically important deposits of combustible matter in the ocean depths are also being developed: the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific coast of California are considered the most promising. The table of distribution of oil production by state below.
State | Percentage of production |
Texas | 27 |
Alaska | 20 |
Louisiana | 14 |
California | 13 |
Oklahoma | 13 |
The level of development of the US economy shows not only the high development of mining, but also processing industry. The state has powerful enterprises for the production of petroleum products. And if the extraction of this substance is carried out in states located mainly in the southwest, then processing plants are located in the east of the country. This geographical dispersion is due to the fact that it is in the eastern part of the country that the largest industrial centers, transport interchanges, ports, and trans-trunk oil pipelines are located. That is, in other words, the main places of consumption of this type of fuel.
In terms of natural gas production, the United States is second only to the Russian Federation. Gas towers are located mainly in the same places as oil ones: in the states of Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas.
Coal mining has been going on in the USA for a long time. Historically, the main coal basin is located in the region of the Appalachian mountain system. Fossil is mined in an open way. The country is also rich in brown coal. The deposits are located both in the southern (Texas, Arkansas, Alabama) and in the northern states (Dakota). It is in North Dakota that the largest brown coal basin is located.
Heavy industry
Not only energy characterizes the level of development of the US economy. A table detailing this indicator, as a rule, includes enterprises of heavy industry. Fundamental in this sector are four areas:
- engineering;
- metallurgy;
- electric power industry;
- chemical industry.
It is these industries that account for half of all US income.
Raw materials for the metallurgical industry are provided by both domestic and foreign (Canada, Venezuela, Brazil) mines. The state has developed mining of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. The center of the steel industry is the northern United States of America. In the smelting of non-ferrous metals (aluminum, lead, gold), the country also occupies a worthy place in the world. Such high rates are associated with the presence of full-cycle plants operating on cheap electricity.
The smelting of rare metals (for example, copper) has recently been transferred to areas of large seaports. The reason for this is the rapid processing of imported raw materials.
The level of development of the US economy is constantly increasing due to the development and development of new territories. The main such area is Alaska. There are also looking for deposits of non-ferrous metals.
The chemical industry of the state is represented by the production of various polymeric materials, mainly on an oil basis: rubbers, plastics, polymers, resins, chemical fibers. Also, enterprises, in addition, are engaged in the production of fertilizers. Chemical plants are dispersed throughout the country.
The level of development of the economy of the USA and Canada is approximately equally high. In both countries, the leading heavy industry is engineering.
The state’s automobile monopolies are known all over the world, because the automotive industry, in principle, originates from the United States of America. The world center of automotive industry is the city of Detroit, where in the nineteenth century the largest cell of this industry was formed.
The state also has a powerful aerospace complex. Most aircraft and rocketry enterprises are located in the Pacific states. The most famous in this area is the Boeing Corporation.
High percent electricity production also characterizes the level of development of the economy of the United States and Canada. The table presented by leaders in this field includes these two states. It is not only thermal power plants that produce electricity; hydroelectric power stations, which are located mainly on large rivers and waterfalls, give a significant share. Do not forget about a fairly dense network of nuclear power plants.
State (state association) | Energy production, in GWh per year |
China | 5 649 500 |
USA | 4 297 300 |
European Union | 3 166 000 |
Commonwealth of Independent States | 1 526 179 |
India | 1 208 400 |
Russia | 1 064 100 |
Light and food industry
Not only by heavy industry is this state known to the world. Textile and leather-footwear products are also in great demand. The products in this sector were greatly influenced by advances in chemistry, therefore, synthetic and artificial fibers began to be used increasingly in production.
Food industry enterprises are located in all states of America. Meat, dairy, canned products and other goods are produced. Tobacco products are exported.
Agriculture fully provides not only the domestic needs of the country, there is enough capacity to sell products to foreign partners. The level of development of the US economy is well supported by this strategically important industry. A suitable climate, soil, and topography make it possible to grow wheat, soybeans, corn, sugarcane, and other crops in many states. Livestock farming is oriented more towards the domestic market.
The level of development of the US economy can be briefly described in just one word - leading, because the state has succeeded in almost all sectors. Most sectors of economic development depend on energy and fuel resources, but there are plenty of them in the country. A characteristic difference is the presence of a large number of high-tech industries. It is logical to conclude that such a powerful development of the United States indicates a high standard of living.