
The subject of the federation: what is it?

What is a subject of federation? What regulatory documents govern its activities and existence? What kind authorities Does it include a federation subject? This and some other questions will be the subject of this article.

The following organs should be included in the system itself:

  • legislative;
  • senior executive;
  • other bodies, for example, a senior official;
  • judicial authorities.

Principles of activity of state bodies

subject of the federation

All actions of state authorities are carried out in accordance with the following principles:

  • the inviolability and integrity of Russia both in the territories of regions and regions, and throughout the state;
  • sovereignty is valid throughout the territory of the Russian Federation;

The Russian Constitution has indisputable supremacy, along with federal legislation, in the entire state;

  • the whole system is one in its structure;
  • state power is divided into legislative, as well as executive branches of government and the judiciary;
  • powers are demarcated between bodies of state power and their constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as their implementation at one or another level.

Competence of the legislative branch of the Russian Federation

subjects of the Russian Federation

In this regard, the competence of the legislative body of state power of the Russian Federation should include:

  • adoption of the Constitution of the subject of Russia and introduction of amendments and additions to it;
  • ratification of budget documents of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, socio-economic programs for the development of regions and the country as a whole, as well as the adoption of reports on their implementation;
  • the establishment of tax collections that are within the competence of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the determination of their interconnectedness, at the same time the establishment of procedures for managing property of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, elections at all levels and so on;
  • approval of the established administrative system and territorial structure on the ground, the governance scheme of the subjects of Russia;
  • control and other issues related to and attributed to the powers of the subject of Russia.

Termination of activity of the legislative body of state power

federal bodies

In particular, credentials may be revoked if:

  • approval of the decision on the self-dissolution of the body;
  • dissolution by order of a senior official;
  • there is a court decision on the incompetence of a particular deputy corps and it entered into force, while the decision of the body itself on the resignation of the delegated powers is also relevant here.

Senior official

rights of subjects of the federation

If we talk about the provided subject of the Russian Federation, it is fully characterized by the powers and functions assigned to it:

  • representation of all government agencies in the domestic and world arena, in the conduct of foreign economic activity, in the signing of agreements, when powers are delegated to him on their own behalf;
  • publication of the law or its rejection when the latter was ratified by the legislator of the Russian Federation;
  • the establishment of the highest executive body of state power in the country;
  • initiation of the convocation of an extraordinary congress of the legislative body, participation in the meeting itself (at the same time has an advisory vote);
  • the exercise of other powers on the basis of the norms of the law of the Russian Federation.

Cancellation of authority of a senior official

the composition of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

To the question of what is the subject of the federation, we answered earlier. Now it's time to sort out some alternative questions. So, a departure from the performance of functions may take place by virtue of the legislative body declared to it vote of no confidence or recognition by the judicial authority of his legal capacity, as well as the loss of citizenship of the Russian Federation and so on.In particular, distrust can be expressed if he passed a legislative act that contradicts the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, and if this ultimately led to a violation, restriction of legal rights, freedoms of citizens and this violation was recorded by the court and reflected in its decision.

The supreme executive body of state power

In particular, this body ensures the implementation of regulations at all levels of government. If we talk about its internal and external structures, the order of creation executive body - they are prescribed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the standards of the constituent entities of Russia.

This body develops and implements the necessary measures for the comprehensive formation and development of the country in the social and economic sphere of the Russian Federation, takes part in the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of science and education, the financial sector and social development, ecology, medicine and so on.

He takes an active part in the development of the draft budget and programs for the formation and development of each subject of Russia, ensures the implementation of approved programs, conducts proper management and disposal of property of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, along with this, creates other bodies in the internal structure of executive bodies.

Subjects of the Russian Federation

It’s enough to remember that the federal courts, constitutional courts, and also magistrates are parts of a holistic, indivisible judicial system in Russia. Courts at the federal level include several levels - the supreme judicial bodies of the republic, the regional and regional courts, the city court of the federal level and autonomies. This includes district and arbitration courts of the constituent entities of Russia. In this case, the competence of the courts includes the consideration of disputes and the adoption of a reasonable, legal decision. Thus, the question of what constitute the subjects of the Russian Federation, we will consider closed.

If we talk about the courts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, this also includes constitutional courts, a justice of the peace - their sphere of activity concerns issues of general jurisdiction. In this case, the Constitutional Court is the highest body in the judicial branch, and its activity is aimed at protecting the constitutional system of the country. They check the compliance of the adopted standards and laws with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the constitutional activities of political forces and parties, give their own conclusions about the legality of the actions of the Head of State, interpret republican constitutions and so on.


So what did we learn during this article? First, we gave a definition of what constitutes a subject of the federation. We also examined a list of other issues. For example, what are the bodies of the subjects of the federation. Special attention was paid to the study of branches of the main topic. For example, what regulates the rights of subjects of the federation. It should be noted that at present this is a rather topical issue. In some cases, we have to turn to such a thing as the composition of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; therefore, it is generally unnecessary to talk about the relevance of the article.

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