The question regarding how much a Schengen visa costs is worrying many travelers. Almost everyone wants to get it. After all, it is a pass ticket to many European countries. If you get a Schengen visa, you can travel from one state to another - Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, Denmark ... So you can travel the whole European world! Well, it is not surprising why many are so concerned about applying for a Schengen visa.
Financial questions
So, speaking about how much a Schengen visa costs, you should immediately specify the amount. The official value of this document is 35 euros. But in reality, unfortunately, applying for a Schengen visa is much more expensive. And all because the employees of certain foreign embassies want to make their life easier and dump the unpleasant routine work related to processing documents on others. For this, even separate organizations have been created. These include travel agencies, as well as visa centers. Many travelers are familiar with the names of these organizations - not one thousand tourists went through them using the services offered.
In fact, it’s convenient - you don’t have to spend a lot of time collecting and processing documents, standing in long lines, enduring failures, etc. Everything is done by professionals. But you have to pay for it, and quite a lot of money. Sometimes a person taking the Schengen visa on himself can save about several tens of thousands of rubles! So, for example, put the coveted stamp in international passport for three years it can cost more than two thousand euros! The amount varies depending on which Schengen country is required. A stamp received through a Hungarian embassy, for example, costs 2,000 euros. So before you use the services of visa centers, you should carefully consider the costs that you will have to incur. For some, this is a trifle, but for others, a fortune.
Self Visa
Many people, having learned how much a Schengen visa issued through an agency costs, decide to deal with this issue on their own. What is needed for this? So, the first thing is to call the embassy or consulate of the country to which you need to get a visa. The second is to find out which document is required. It is also advisable to clarify all the details and nuances regarding the process of filing documents and applying for a visa. The fact is that the package of documents required to obtain this stamp differs from country to country. In some consulates, everything is more complicated - you need to come on a certain day of the week, stand in line to make an appointment for an interview. And in others it’s easier, they agree on a meeting by phone.
Then you need to collect the documents and submit them to the embassy, and then go through the interview procedure. Then it remains only to wait. If everything went well, the visa will be on hand.
Required documents
If we talk about how much a Schengen visa costs, it is also necessary to tell what documents are necessary to obtain it. So, this is a passport, two color photographs (their size is strictly defined by standards - 3.5 by 4.5 centimeters), copies of all pages of the passport of a citizen of the country, a certificate of employment, a medical insurance policy, as well as financial guarantees. The latter include a bank statement. So, for example, if a person needs a visa to Germany, and he plans to stay there for a week, he should have 315 euros in his account (at the rate of 45 euros for every day).But we must remember that each country has its own standards, so everything needs to be clarified.
It is also important to provide proof of place of residence (reservation of a hotel room, an invitation from friends, a rental contract, etc.) and intentions to return home (a certificate from the place of work), as well as tickets for the trip (round trip). Often, precisely because of the lack of something from the above embassies, a visa is refused. So you should carefully consider the process of collecting documents.
How to fill out an application?
And, of course, to obtain the coveted stamp you need paper such as a Schengen visa application form. What is it and how to fill it? In order to understand this, you need to find a sample of a Schengen visa - you can get it at the embassy of the country.
This document indicates passport data (in Russian and in the language of the country where the trip is planned), place of residence, registration, year of birth, name of father and mother, marital status, professional activity, main country of destination (if, for example, it is planned to obtain a visa in the Italian Embassy, then, accordingly, the name of this state must be indicated), the purpose of the trip, as well as the length of stay. Application forms usually vary, just like the set of documents required for submission, but on the whole it looks like that. The most important thing is not to make a mistake, because otherwise a person can be easily refused a visa.
"Underwater rocks"
Here, as elsewhere, there are some nuances to be aware of. Making a document like a Schengen visa is a very difficult process. And the most unpleasant thing that almost everyone can face is the refusal to receive it. Some embassies do not issue a visa just because the person did not complete his trip in the country of entry, but in some other state. This is the attitude of the embassies of Italy and France. But this, fortunately, is rare. More often than not, people are denied the coveted stamp because of their inappropriate behavior that they showed during their previous trip. Also, the reason for the refusal may be an insufficiently large amount of monthly income or criminal actions. Plus, of course, loan debt.
Job interview
And finally, briefly about what many “pierced”. The interview is what this is about. Not everyone succeeds in making a good impression on a consular worker and all the more so convincing him that he has no reason to prohibit leaving the country. Well, in fact, everything is simple - it is a matter of psychology. No need to worry and fuss. You should behave calmly, unobtrusively. You shouldn't talk too much.
Appearance, by the way, is also important. It should look solid, but discreet. And, of course, give the “right” answers to the employee’s questions. “Red color” marks the revelation that the trip was planned to find a “place in the sun”, successful work or the love of one’s life. The employee should have a confident opinion that the potential traveler actually loves his country and will definitely return to it. It is worth remembering this.