
What is regress? The correlation of the concepts of "progress" and "regression"

Today we’ll talk about such an important concept as “regression”. This, as the name suggests, is a specific process. Its features are in the field of our attention.


"Regress" in translation from Latin is "reverse", "moving backward". Of course, in every science the word is endowed with its own meaning. Moreover, in different eras, completely different phenomena can be called progress and regression. For example, in Soviet times, progressive states were considered to be those that professed the same ideology as the USSR, and regressive, respectively, those that "did not reach" a true understanding of things.

Regress is not always a bad thing. For example, in biology, this is the process of simplifying the structure of the body. But, as we remember from the school course, the creature thus adapts to certain conditions of existence. What old darwin told us about. Without him, we would not have known about this.

As for social science, now countries are considered regressive in which the informational, digital era has not yet arrived. It is difficult to say in what century some African states live, but on their example you can clearly understand that there is a regression.

The ratio of regression and progress

regression is

It goes without saying that if there is a decline, then there is growth. The growth and change of the system, its transition to a higher level also has a name with a Latin root.

If regression is a simplification of the body, then progress is a complication. And again we turn to C. Darwin and learn from him that progress has not always been beneficial to the survival of the species. Complex organisms became extinct, they could not adapt to the changing environment.

There is such an expression: "Be simpler and people will reach for you." If we translate into the language of our discussion today, then in the said saying the person is called upon to make a regression (we have already considered this concept). For example, he reads L.N. Tolstoy and V.T. Shalamov, and the entourage encourages him to read Coelho or D. Dontsova. And perhaps a person will even benefit from a change in literary tastes.

Dialectics of failures and take-offs as an example of ordinary life

progress and regression

Reading M.A. Bulgakova, a person can understand: the categories of good and evil are relative. Evil is the shadow of good. Perhaps with the concepts of "progress" and "regression" the same story. Take for example the old man (not from the story of Hemingway, but the usual one). If life taught him something, then he is wise. This is progress, and the regression expresses itself in the fact that the body of the old man has become decrepit and sick. A stream of time pierced him, and the flesh could not stand the test. But without old age there would be no wisdom. True, in fairness it must be said that not everyone is lucky, and not always old age comes with wisdom, sometimes it is one.

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