In the last century, in the mid-90s, the penitentiary system of Russia underwent significant changes. Its functioning is regulated by the PEC, which was put into effect on 1.07.1997. This institute is still in constant development. Let us consider in more detail what the penitentiary system is.
General information
The penitentiary system in the literature is considered in various aspects. For example, in the dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron it is understood as a complex of measures that are carried out in prisons in the execution of sentences by convicts. According to V. D. Nikolaev, the penitentiary system is a combination of places of restriction and imprisonment. These include, but are not limited to, prisons, detention centers, colonies, etc.
Modern theory
Experts believe that the penitentiary system is a state institution that regulates the execution of punishments imputed to citizens under the Criminal Code and concerning the deprivation of liberty of those responsible, the detention of persons under investigation from the moment they are detained until the trial in court begins. Modern lawyers draw attention to the fact that the direct components of the structure are methods and means of legal influence on subjects. The penitentiary system does not act as an institution that regulates the placement of prisoners. Its functioning is aimed at restoring social justice, preventing the commission of crimes in the future, and re-educating punished citizens.
Criminal Executive Bodies
The institute under consideration includes a set of special institutions created by the state. They provide the goal of re-education of convicts. As indicated above, these include prisons, colonies, correctional institutions, detention centers, etc. The activities of these institutions are regulated by PECs and other industry regulations. In all the characteristics of the system, certain organs, means, methods are mentioned, the complex of which forms the structure of the institute. In this regard, it is logical to consider it in the aggregate of institutions that implement punishment, using the tools of psychological, pedagogical and legal influence on convicted subjects.
Criminal Executive System
This institute is presented in the form of a multifunctional, social, multicomponent and multilevel structure. The penal system, according to article 16 of the PEC, includes correctional centers and institutions, inspections, and pre-trial detention facilities. According to V. B. Spitsnadel, the use of this term does not deny the understanding of the institution in question as a complex of methods and means used for the re-education of convicts.
Different aspects of the study
Given the above, the penitentiary system can be considered in a wide and narrow sense. In the latter case, we are talking about the totality of institutions and services that implement the punishment imputed to the convicted and related to their isolation from society. In modern Russia, they are correctional institutions. The institute's development programs provide for the formation of arrest houses and detention centers in the future. In a broad sense, the penitentiary system can be considered as a set of special events. They are developed and implemented in relation to convicted persons in order to achieve the goals of the punishments imputed to them, to prevent them from committing new unlawful acts in the future, and to return a citizen to society.These events are carried out in specialized institutions that form the penitentiary institution in the narrow sense.
The task of law enforcement agencies is the timely disclosure, suppression of crimes, the identification of perpetrators and bringing them to justice. The competence of the court includes establishing evidence of a citizen’s guilt and imposing punishment on him, commensurate with his action. The execution of this punishment rests with specialized agencies. Their common goal in the broad sense is to ensure the rule of law and the rule of law, acting as integral elements of the constitutional system. To achieve this, methods and means of influencing those responsible are provided for in legislation.