
The main causes of fires at work and at home

To improve fire prevention measures at the enterprise or at home, you need to know exactly what are the main causes of fires. Thus, it will be possible to create the best system that allows to detect a fire in the early stages and undertake all protection methods: acquire all the necessary fire fighting equipment, carry out preventive trouble with the personnel of the enterprise and residents of the city. But before you understand the main causes of fire, you need to learn about the classes of fires, and there are several.

Fire classification

By external signs of burning, fires can be divided into several types:

  • Outdoor.
  • Internal
  • Indoor and outdoor at the same time.
  • Open.
  • Hidden.

Before you consider the main causes of fires in the enterprise and in everyday life, you need to study each of the classes in more detail.

main causes of fires

External fires include those that can be visually assessed. Most often, this class occurs when burning buildings, warehouses, oil products in a tank, in open process plants, forests, and so on. Outdoor fires are always only open.

The internal ones include fires that occurred inside the building, and they can be either open or closed.

Open fires can be assessed by visual inspection, for example, during the burning of property in buildings, equipment, materials, and others.

Hidden fires most often hide in the voids of building structures, ventilation, peat deposits. At the same time, signs of burning can be detected, they often go out through the cracks, but it is very difficult to assess how strong the fire is. Besides such kind of fire unpredictable and can dramatically change its direction.

Causes of Fire

Fires in everyday life or at work can occur for various reasons - it can be both social factors, and man-made or natural. The main causes of fires are listed below:

  • Man himself treats lightly with fire in everyday life and in nature.
  • Precautions were not taken when working with devices and equipment.
  • Self-ignition of objects, if left in a suitable environment, for example, rags soaked in flammable products left in the sun.
  • Explosions of hazardous components in the home or at work.
  • Fire due to natural causes - lightning, thunder.
  • Intentional arson.
  • Worn and broken equipment.
  • Security measures are not followed, which leads to a fire.
  • Incorrect installation of heating appliances, electric and gas.

Factors Affecting Fire

Factors that affect the main causes of fires at work and at home:

  • Open fire - bonfire, burner and others.
  • The intake of components that contribute to ignition - oxygen, heat and others.
  • The human factor is negligence, an irresponsible attitude towards fire safety.

For what reasons, a fire occurs in a domestic environment

The main causes of fires in everyday life are most often an oversight of the person himself, but there are others:

  • Negligent use of fire - smoking in bed or improper use of fire in cooking.
  • Broken electrical wiring.
  • The use of electrical appliances unsuitable for domestic electric network.
  • Fire due to improper use of electric welding equipment in everyday life.
  • Games for children with matches.
  • Companies carrying out all kinds of work that are associated with fire.

What are the main causes of fires, figured out, and now you need to decide what to do in order to prevent serious consequences, which very often result in death. How to avoid all this?

main causes of fires and sunbathing

What to do in case of fire in everyday life

The main causes of fires and sunbathing in everyday life have been considered, and now we will talk about what measures to take in case of fire. If suddenly in your house you felt an unpleasant smell of smoke or sparking, then first of all you need to tell the firefighters, and then, if possible, take measures on your own that will help save lives and prevent the fire from spreading over a large area:

  • Bring out the children and the elderly.
  • To protect against burning, use a wet flap of tissue.
  • If it is possible to partially extinguish the fire, then take all possible measures for this.
  • The fire can be covered with a wet blanket or other material.
  • If there is a guarantee that the current will not hit, you must try to turn it off.
  • When extinguishing a fire, direct the main stream toward the main fire and, as far as possible, try to do everything possible so that it does not creep further.
  • Substances considered flammable must not be extinguished with water.
  • The electrical wiring is extinguished with powder fire extinguishers.
  • If the furniture is on fire, it is better to cover it with a wet blanket.
  • Do not open either windows or doors, otherwise the fire will even more inflame.

If the fire is small and it is possible to extinguish it yourself, then take all possible measures, if it is impossible to do this, then you must urgently leave the room and entrust the fire extinguishing. But situations happen not only in everyday life, but also in production. What are the main causes of fires in production?

main causes of fires at work and at home

What are the causes of fires in the workplace

Industrial enterprises are at risk, and fires occur on them for the following reasons:

  • In case of non-compliance with safety standards.
  • Improper handling of open flames.
  • Damage to electrical equipment or wiring.
  • Consequences of an explosion if a leak occurs explosive substances.
  • Welding work.
  • Arson.
  • Litter of jobs.

The main causes of fires in production are known, but in most cases, fire occurs due to improper operation of electrical installations. For this reason, fire prevention methods are very important, which are monitored by a special department that is present at every large or small enterprise.

main causes of fires and explosions in enterprises

Fire prevention measures at the enterprise

To prepare a person for work in an enterprise where there are various kinds of equipment and explosives, you need to tell him about all fire prevention measures. He should also be aware of the main causes of fires in production and their prevention, after which he is allowed to work. All this is also recorded in a special journal. Without such a signature, it cannot be allowed to work with electrical and other types of equipment.

main causes of fires in production

In addition to what every employee must know about fire prevention, the enterprise must be equipped with fire extinguishers and other types of fire equipment. It is possible to extinguish a fire most often due to the rapid response of personnel and the presence of fire extinguishers. And what to do with endogenous fires?

Causes and prevention of internal fires

In the already developed spaces of mines there is a danger that peat or coal will ignite. In addition, endogenous fires often occur in the holds of tankers that transport combustible materials, and in the warehouses where they are stored. And not always the main causes of fires and explosions depend on the human factor, spontaneous combustion often occurs and this must be taken into account.

In many mines, as a preventive measure, an irrigation pipeline is laid through which water is supplied to any point in order to immediately extinguish a fire. And also special rooms or arches are arranged where there is not only sand, brick, clay, but also other materials that allow you to very quickly cut off fire from other areas, blocking it without giving air for an even greater fire. Also, only non-combustible materials such as concrete and metal are allowed to be used in mines, and wood is treated with a special solution.

How to prevent a fire in everyday life

No wonder they say that it is better to prevent trouble, this also applies to fire. Therefore, you do not need to use faulty electrical devices, simultaneously connect several devices to the same outlet or with high power. Also, they are not advised to use unverified home-made devices.

Leaving home, be sure to check gas and electrical appliances and turn off all equipment, it will be safer, because even if it is serviceable, then where is the guarantee that there will be no power surges and it will not short circuit.

Be sure to watch the children and do not let them play with matches, light stoves, gas stoves and turn on electrical appliances. Also watch out for lighters, because they have the ability to explode when exposed to sunlight.

Do not melt the stove with flammable liquids, do not dry firewood and clothes on the stove, and do not throw coal near residential buildings or household premises.

main causes of fires and explosions

But not only do you need to protect your home from fire, you should also monitor your workplace in the enterprise so as not to cause a fire and serious consequences.

How to protect yourself from a fire in the enterprise

We have already figured out what are the main causes of fires and explosions at drilling facilities and enterprises, but you also need to know the safety measures by which you can avoid a fire. Measures to protect against fires and explosions include:

  • Equipping each even the smallest enterprise with all necessary fire extinguishing means, such as fire extinguishers, fire alarms and others. A special department should be created at the enterprise, which will conduct safety training, and monitor all fire extinguishing means, changing them as they fail.
  • Carrying out activities that will quickly stop the spread of fire and not bring to a technological disaster.
  • Strict control of the enterprise management over the services responsible for fire safety.


We examined all the main causes of fires and explosions at enterprises and in domestic conditions, understood the classification of fires and safety measures. And, as is clear from the above, it is better to take all necessary measures and prevent a fire than to extinguish it later, especially if it is hidden, and it is very difficult to determine how much it has spread.

main causes of fires in production and their prevention

Only properly organized safety measures at the enterprise will allow working without harm to the health of each employee, and at home, the control of the owner of the house will protect yourself and your family from fire. About 50% of fires occur due to human negligence, and only an accurate estimate of how much a fire can be dangerous to a person will help to avoid it. Be responsible and vigilant citizens and do not allow a fire, then the fire is not terrible for you at home or at the enterprise. Remember: it’s better to prevent it than to extinguish it, especially if it happened indoors and almost nothing is known about it.

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