
General educational institutions: types, types, differences. Preschool educational institutions

Education is an integral process of the formation of man, without which the existence of a modern society would be impossible. After all, to be a useful state unit, you must necessarily learn something. It is for this that pre-school and general educational institutions, as well as vocational education institutions, have been created. The article will talk about educational institutions - their types, types and characteristics.

educational institutions


When considering this topic, you first need to figure out what is educational institution. This is a special institution where the pedagogical process is carried out, where programs for the education, upbringing and development of children are implemented. In turn, there is a whole list educational institutions which are divided by type.

  • Preschool. Here, depending on the type, the age of children ranges from 1 to 7 years.
  • Educational institutions
  • Vocational education institutions in which they give specific knowledge of a narrow focus and receive appropriate qualifications.
  • Correctional institutions where children belonging to the category of students with special educational needs fall.
  • Institutions for orphans or children equated to them. These are orphanages where children not only study, but also live.
  • Institutions of additional education for children and separately for adults (postgraduate education).

preschool educational institutions


The first educational institutions that children attend are pre-school. Educational institutions will be the next step. Most kindergartens accept children from two years old. In addition to education, which is free of charge, the kindergarten provides childcare, as they spend almost the whole day at the institution. This service is paid by parents, but not in full. The municipality covers 80% of the costs, and the parents pay for the remaining 20%.

Graduation of groups in kindergartens is carried out on two grounds - age and orientation. The classification takes into account the age of the child at the beginning of the school year (September 1) and includes groups for children 2-3 years old, 3-4 years old, 4-5 years old, 5-6 years old and 6-7 years old.

The focus of the group is determined by the contingent of pupils, in accordance with which educational programs are selected. Thus, they distinguish:

  • general developmental groups;
  • combined focus groups;
  • compensating orientation groups.

About educational institutions

The longest time children attend general education institutions are from 7 to 18 years old. If for further education a teenager chooses an institution of primary or secondary vocational education, then he finishes school at the age of 16.

state educational institutions

Types of educational institutions

Primary School. These are the first four classes of a child’s education. In grade 1, children enter according to the results of certain tests to determine the degree of their readiness for learning at school. The main task of teachers here is not only to give children knowledge, but also to teach them to learn, to instill an interest in science.

Secondary school. It can be said that this is an intermediate link between primary and high schools. Takes a period from 5 to 9 grade, the age of students ranges from 9-10 to 14-15 years.After the end of this period, those who wish can enter either high school or vocational education institutions (primary or secondary).

Old school. Children are taught in grades 10-11, whose age is from 15 to 17 years. Here there is a deeper study of sciences, preparation for admission to universities. At the end of the students receive a certificate of secondary complete general education. For some activities this is already enough.

educational institution secondary school

Special education

There are also corrective or special educational institutions. Who are they for? Children who have certain developmental problems or limited health abilities are identified there. However, it should be noted that modern education system offer an alternative option - inclusive education for the successful socialization of such kids. Although in practice, not always everything turns out as excellent as in theory. Another alternative for these guys is distance learning. However, even here problems arise with the further introduction of children into society.

Cash Issues

Having figured out what an educational institution is (a secondary school, a primary and a secondary school), it should be noted that such institutions can also differ in the type of financing. Such there are types:

  • State or municipal schools that are completely free.
  • Private schools where parents pay a fee for teaching children.

The question here is only in payment for the learning process itself. Parent money to improve the material and technical base of a class or school does not apply to this section at all.

Grammar schools, lyceums

State educational institutions may also be called lyceums or gymnasiums. In fact, these are ordinary schools. And after graduation, the child receives the same certificate of secondary education. However, their peculiarity is that they offer a more detailed study of certain subjects. Sometimes such OSs collaborate with universities, preparing future students to study in them.

special educational institutions

Evening schools

Looking at general education institutions, you also need to understand what evening schools are. The practice of their work today is not as active as in the days of the Soviet Union, but they still exist and function perfectly. Who are they for? In our country, secondary complete general education is compulsory. Unlike higher. So, without a certificate of completion of secondary education, the employer cannot provide the employee with a good place. If on time, in adolescence, for some reason, it was not possible to finish school, later a person can be sent to finish their studies in the evening. The name already speaks for itself. People come here after the end of the working day. After completing training in evening school, a person receives a certificate of secondary general education.

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