Manufacturing industry - a set of industries for the processing of industrial and agricultural raw materials obtained by the mining industry in nature (mining, agriculture). This industry includes ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises, woodworking enterprises, oil refining, gas and chemical products, metalworking and mechanical engineering, food, textile and pulp and paper, clothing and footwear, construction materials.
Manufacturing geography
The leaders of the manufacturing industry in the world are economically developed countries, which focus on the knowledge-based production of more expensive and innovative products. The championship, despite the weakening of the share in world production over the past few years, is held by the US manufacturing industry, followed by Japan and the EU countries led by Germany. The superfast growth rates are demonstrated by the industrial countries of Asia, in particular, the industry of China and South Korea. Manufacturing in Russia after a significant decline in the 90s of the 20th century is now showing steady growth in many industries.
Types of Manufacturing
This type of production involves the physical and / or chemical treatment of substances and materials in order to convert them into new products. The exception is recycling. Manufacturing products may be ready for consumption or semi-finished products for further processing. Thus, the non-ferrous metal cleaning product is subsequently used for the production of primary products (for example, aluminum or copper wire), which, in turn, will be used for the production of machinery or machine components.
The structure of manufacturing in Russia and the main types of products by volume:
- Food products, including the production of tobacco and drinks (meat, vegetable and animal oils, bread and bakery products, confectionery, granulated sugar).
- Production of petroleum products (gasoline, motor gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil).
- Metallurgy, including finished products (steel, finished rolled ferrous metals).
- Chemical production (mineral fertilizers, synthetic resins and plastics, paints and varnishes).
- Production of rubber and plastic products (tires for various vehicles, pipes and pipe fittings from thermoplastics).
- Processing and production of finished wood products (lumber, plywood, chipboard, fiberboard).
- Mechanical engineering (production of machine tools for various purposes, industrial equipment).
- Pulp and paper industry (paper, cardboard).
- Textile and Sewing production (fabrics, footwear).
The importance of manufacturing
The manufacturing industry accounts for the vast majority of the product produced in the world. About 40% of the cost of all industrial products in the world falls on engineering. Significantly inferior to chemical and food processing industries. The share of these industries in total industrial production is approximately 15%. The woodworking and pulp and paper industries produce about 9-10% of all world production, and 5-7% fall on metallurgy and electric power industry.
In Russia, shares of the volume of output between manufacturing industries are distributed approximately like this:
- Engineering - 22%.
- Oil refining industry - 21%.
- Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy - 16%.
- Food industry - 16%.
- Chemical - 10%.
- Production of building materials - 5%.
Metallurgy in the manufacturing industry of Russia
The manufacturing industry of the metallurgical complex covers almost all stages of the technological process (except for the extraction of raw materials) for obtaining final products in the form of metals and alloys. This is a synergistic combination of processes:
- Preparation of raw materials (agglomeration, enrichment, production of concentrates).
- Metallurgical redistribution - production of steel, cast iron, various rolled products.
- Alloy production.
The specificity of metallurgical production is the scale and complexity of the technological cycle. The production of many types of products provides 15-18 redistribution.
Iron and steel industry as part of manufacturing
In terms of annual output of ferrous metals, Russia is significantly ahead of many countries of the world. Each of the eight largest enterprises in the country produces over 3 million tons of products every year. Ferrous metallurgy serves as the foundation for the development of the most large-scale manufacturing industry - mechanical engineering. The technological process of the production of ferrous metals as a type of processing industry covers all stages, from the preparation of raw materials and auxiliary materials to the production of rolled products and further processing. The metallurgical manufacturing industry, which is characterized by industrial combination, in Russia covers a large number of enterprises, eight of which are especially large:
- Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Tagil, Orsk-Khalilovsky metallurgical plants (Urals).
- Cherepovets Combine.
- Novolipetsk (Central Black Earth Region).
- Kuznetsk and West Siberian plants.
These enterprises process more than 90% of iron ore and 40% of secondary raw materials.
Machine-building manufacturing industries are the largest consumers of products manufactured by ferrous metallurgy. The territorial proximity of these sectors gives metallurgical enterprises the opportunity to specialize in accordance with the needs of mechanical engineering and use their waste as recyclables.
Machine-building enterprises producing difficult-to-transport products are located in areas of consumption. Products manufactured by the industry include: agricultural machinery, mining equipment, turbines, machines and mechanisms for other industries. Features of the location of heavy engineering enterprises play a large role in the supply of finished products.
Oil refining industry
Part of the country's oil industry. Since oil, unlike other types of fuel, requires mandatory primary processing for its further use, the oil refining industry is quite large. The resulting main product after oil processing: kerosene, gasoline, diesel fuel and fuel oil. Refining takes place at refineries (oil refineries), the totality of which is the oil refining industry. In Russia, there are 32 large and 80 small refineries with a total production capacity of about 300 million tons. In terms of processing, Russia ranks third in the world. The transportation of 95% of all crude oil from production sites to oil refineries in Russia is provided by trunk pipelines.
Manufacturing industry reflects the degree of industrial development of the country. This is the leading sector of world industry, which accounts for most of the value of all products. Manufacturing is closely interconnected with other industries. In many countries of the world, this industry always has advanced growth rates, and the share in total production often reaches 90%.