
Who is given a mortgage for the purchase of housing?

Currently, for many families, living in their own housing is just a pipe dream. Where can I get at least a million rubles to at least get a modest room in a communal apartment? And it makes no sense to talk about a separate capital apartment, with an average salary of a full-fledged family of twenty thousand rubles. As an acceptable option, today many banks offer mortgage lending, that is, buying an apartment using funds provided by a financial institution for a time subject to return. There are several types of loans under consideration. But even in this situation, not everyone can take advantage of this option for solving housing problems. This article will examine who is given a mortgage. We will also consider the option of the most suitable loan to low-income families. This is a mortgage with state security.who are given a mortgage

The concept of mortgages with state security

Many families today are considered poor or are on the verge of this status. Therefore, they do not have the opportunity to acquire their own housing so necessary for each person. For such segments of the population, some banks from the highest state structure received instructions to develop methods to significantly reduce the cost of buying apartments or houses. At the same time, the state proposed to compensate for the financial losses incurred by them from funds from its own fund.

The meaning of the loan in question is that the state helps pay those who are given a mortgage up to a third of the total cost of housing. This is possible provided that the person needs it, that is, he has a critical income level.

The law establishes certain rules and restrictions regarding subsidized housing that you need to know. In addition to the general list of persons who can resort to such a loan, there is a specific list containing information about who is given a mortgage with state support.who is given a mortgage for an apartment

Who can get state-supported mortgage lending?

Already by one name it is clear that the program of state participation in mortgage lending does not affect every interested citizen. It is aimed only at that part of people who are socially vulnerable. Therefore, there is a certain list of citizens who are given a mortgage with a surcharge from state authorities.

  1. Families with poor status.
  2. Citizens registered with the state apparatus as having the need to improve the conditions of the area and quality of housing.
  3. Families in which, with an equal division into each of their members, the area is less than 12 square meters. m
  4. Specialists, employees and other public sector employees.
  5. Military personnel.

State support forms

Currently, persons applying for mortgage lending with state support are getting the following types of assistance from the authorities when buying a home.

  1. Mortgage subsidies. Represents the payment of a strictly fixed amount of the total loan.
  2. Securing the acquisition of housing from the state fund at a price lower than the market.
  3. Participation in the payment of part or the full amount of interest on a mortgage loan.

In any case, each of the options is beneficial and gives a chance for the family to become the owner of a spacious apartment.who is given a mortgage with state support

Basic conditions for the provision of mortgages with state support

Today, lenders have very strict requirements for registration and issuance of mortgages with state support. All information about the borrower is considered very thoroughly and should be impeccable.Those who are given a mortgage for an apartment include people with an unspoiled credit history. They should also have official work, a long work experience. These citizens must be of the age set by the bank. In addition, when issuing a mortgage, the state will subsidize only the purchase of an apartment with an area of ​​18 square meters. m. per person, located in new buildings.

Before applying for a home loan, it is best to find out in the authorities the answer to the question about the forms of their participation in the mortgage. Also specify the list of banks with which they cooperate. The administration should list the list of documents that will be required from the borrower.

  1. Passport.
  2. Certificate of earnings in the form of “2-personal income tax”.
  3. Copies of all documents containing information about housing purchased in a mortgage.

It is possible that both the authorities and the bank may request additional documents necessary for them to draw up a full portrait of the borrower.

Partners with whom the state collaborates

Currently, there are a limited number of banks providing state-sponsored mortgage lending services. The most popular such institutions are considered to be Sberbank and VTB 24. In them, the conditions for granting a loan are almost the same. There is a slight difference. This is the upper limit of the interest rate. At VTB 24, it is slightly higher.

How old and who will be given mortgage at Sberbank? There is an option to take it for a period of five to thirty years. The bank makes the same conditions as described above. But in “VTB 24” the period varies from ten to thirty years. A big plus is the absence in both banks of the down payment and commission for issuing. who will be given a mortgage at Sberbank

Instead of a conclusion

It remains to point to a significant lack of mortgages with state support. It consists in a probable delay in the verification of documents, as the bank will diligently verify the information on the borrower-beneficiary.

So, now you know the answer to the question of who is given the mortgage, and who can count on state support in this matter.

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