When purchasing a product, we often do not think about why we really prefer a certain type of product. But a well-thought-out marketing move is an informed decision. The classification of goods greatly helps in the promotion of goods. Although buyers do not think about it. As practice shows, customers express a number of requirements before purchasing anything. Therefore, manufacturers, in order to stay on the market, are forced to follow the wishes of customers. If they offer exactly what they need, they will keep sales. In this case, it is best to be able to predict the aspirations of customers. In this case, it turns out to make really large-scale sales. But here is how to set the system a variety of offers? This is the classification of goods. It allows you to structure the variety of modern offers.
For a product to be sold, it must be in demand. The type of buyer for whom the offer will be intended is selected in advance. But how to make the number interested in this type of product customers only increased? Marketers are actively working on this, constantly inventing new proposals. After all, only an interesting product to a consumer is able to withstand significant competition.
Separation by terms of operation
The classification of goods separates them depending on the period of use. Such a division is evident in large supermarkets. Departments selling perishable goods have a lower temperature than where clothes and equipment are sold.
Every modern person knows that there are goods of long and short period of use. The first include items of technology, electronics, furniture. These products are usually purchased for a long time. Therefore, customers choose them with due care. Of course, there is a certain contingent that prefers exclusively new products. That is, when the model is obsolete, it is safely replaced by a newer one.
And the second includes products designed for 1 or more cycles of use. It can be consumables, food products, services. Such products tend to end. Therefore, their presence must be constantly monitored and replenished. If people cannot imagine themselves without similar products, then they become regular customers. Each company is committed to providing the most attractive offer. Indeed, only in this case, customers choose it for a sufficiently long period.
Consumer habits classification
Such a classification of goods is most common. Indeed, the implementation really depends on personal preferences. It is represented by several groups. One of them is consumer goods. Such products are characterized by a high level of sales over a short period of time. Among them are correspondence, personal hygiene products, and bakery products. These products are divided into 2 groups:
- Impulse purchase (the client instantly makes a decision on the acquisition, guided by elementary availability).
- Accompanying goods (these are elements of passive demand, the appeal to which is not provided in advance). These include insurance and funeral services.
Also included are items in special demand. They correspond to the concept of "brand". Indeed, such products have a number of specific characteristics.Regular customers prefer special individual the quality of the goods. Such products can be so stylish and unique that customers are willing to spend extra money and time on them. Classification of the assortment of goods distinguishes this group as products that are characterized by special and constant characteristics.
Some products must be pre-selected. Before buying, customers engage in comparisons between identical competing positions. A similar approach is observed during the acquisition of products that are selected by comparing quality and price. It can be cars, mobile phones, household appliances.
There are emergency products for which demand appears at a given time and in a special place. These include raincoats, protective equipment, snow removal devices.
By the number of satisfied needs
Product classification also divides products according to how many uses exist. As you know, consumers usually make a purchase after first familiarizing themselves with the characteristics of the products. When choosing between two phones of the same cost, we usually prefer a model equipped with a large number of functions. Although, with a tendency to use products of a certain brand, the consumer often chooses the product that he prefers. This happens even at a higher cost and fewer desired functions.
In any case, there are goods purchased because of one useful quality. These are can openers, batteries, shoe spoons, cutlery, knitting needles, fishing tackle and more.
Multifunctional products have a number of useful features. It can be Swiss knives, crock-pots, notebooks. Groups of goods, the classification of which is presented in the article, greatly simplify the work with them on trading floors, in specialized stores and supermarkets.
Separation by season
Seasonality also plays a role in the classification of goods. In accordance with it, products are divided into the following types:
- Consumer goods (presented consumer basket average consumer). These are products that are difficult to manage without. First of all, such products are represented by a product line.
- Seasonal goods are items of clothing or products used in a given period. Also included are car tires, electric blankets, rubber heating pads, inhalers and more.
- Top-selling products. They are characterized by a sharp fluctuation in demand during the minimum time period. These products are represented by Easter and New Year's sets, holiday cards, seeds.
This quality is connected with the fact that in summertime in stores you usually don’t find coats, short fur coats and even warm tights. In anticipation of the off-season period, the cost of such goods drops markedly. Then products of this kind are completely removed from the windows. Before the onset of the season, it is again exposed, but at fairly high prices. After the peak passes, the price drops again. This is due to lower demand.
Also interesting is the fact that sausages are sold slightly better in the cool season. People prefer more nutritious food when they need more energy. In summer, vegetables and fruits sell better.
Also, goods are purchased in accordance with sexual characteristics. And this does not apply to the clear difference between fishing rods and dresses. Women prefer lighter foods. These include fruits, vegetables, cheeses, poultry. Men prefer more high-calorie and harmful food from the point of view of the fair sex.
Depending on the market
The market also highlights the basic classification of goods.A similar division is to highlight the goods of domestic producers. After all, products oriented to export from the country are also of great importance. In addition, distinguish goods supplied from other countries. The classification is as follows:
- Domestic goods are mostly oriented to the domestic market. They are issued mainly for citizens of the same country.
- Exported goods are intended for sale abroad. Therefore, it is fully consistent with foreign standards.
- Imported goods are those that are imported from abroad. This product has a fairly high cost, which is associated with additional taxation. Imported goods are in demand among people who satisfy their own curiosity. They are also liked by those who like to treat themselves to foreign delights.
By the nature of novelty
The classification of consumer goods is a fairly multifaceted phenomenon. The appearance of a new product on the market is always associated with its increased popularity. This is often associated with the established opinion that any new product is better than the same product after any period of time. Indeed, manufacturers are able to change the properties of a product in order to preserve its value in case of widespread price hike.
The promotion of a new product is usually facilitated by good advertising, without which customers would not be able to find out about the products. Commodity classification of goods is based on knowledge of the specifics of the products sold. Available knowledge suggests that an updated product can also be in demand. It appears if you add some features of this product, as well as improve the performance. This is done on the basis of a study of consumer demand.
It can be quite difficult to cope with personal preferences and deny yourself a favorite product manufactured by a famous brand. Moreover, the consumer obviously knows what the quality of the goods is. The classification provides for the customer's disposition to such an assortment as Coca-Cola, Kinder Chocolate, Nutella. Usually the first acquisition of such products is caused by ordinary curiosity. But the taste of the products, provoked by the need to maintain the brand, contribute to the repeated return of customers. As you know, if a person has used the services of the same company 7 times, then he becomes a regular consumer.
Purpose of goods
Also, products can be classified according to their purpose. The following products represent her:
- Military (used only for appropriate purposes). It can be weapons, ammunition, equipment.
- Civilian products that are widely available.
- Goods for which there is a dual purpose. A good example here are canned goods.
The classification of goods in marketing is not absolute. It varies depending on the products. It also affects the behavior and attitude of customers.
Trade classification of goods consists in combining products into groups:
- Bakery.
- Confectionery
- Fruit and vegetable.
- Milk and butter.
- Wine and vodka.
- Fish.
- Egg
- Meat.
- Tobacco products.
- Edible fats.
And in trading practice, food products are divided into grocery and gastronomic. The first can be used in food after heat treatment. And the second are ready-to-eat products. These are smoked meats, meat cooking, cheeses, alcohol, dairy products.
More about food products
This group is very extensive. The classification of food products consists in the separation of items. This is done depending on common symptoms.
First of all, the classification of the assortment of goods distinguishes such a group as grocery or grain products. These are flour, grain, pasta and bakery products, cereals. Such products are mainly represented in the grocery departments.
Flavoring products are also a separate category. These include drinks (including alcoholic drinks), as well as salt, spices, food acids, and tobacco products. The products of this group are combined with pronounced taste and aroma. Types of classification of goods also indicate that an important feature are substances that can affect the central nervous system. These products are used to improve the taste of food and increase appetite. It is enough to apply them in small quantities.
Edible fats are represented by vegetable oils, margarine, mayonnaise. That is, they are enough high-calorie foods. The group also includes animals and cooking fats. The content of vitamins A, D, E is characteristic of these products. The classification of food products highlights meat products. They are represented by sausages, smoked meats, semi-finished products. This product is made from poultry and animal meat.
Egg products are products that are highly digestible. Their biological value is quite high. These are bird eggs, powder, melange.
Fish products are represented by fresh, dried, salted, smoked and dried fish, canned goods, caviar, seafood (crabs, shellfish, seaweed and others). Classification of the assortment of goods of this group combines products with high nutritional and biological value. In addition, this product contains a number of proteins, vitamins and fats.
Classification of goods according to HS
Of no small importance is the classification of goods according to the HS. It operates in accordance with a number of rules. These installations are a consequence of the provisions in force in an international format. At the same time, 6 basic rules have been adopted.
Statements 1-5 define the headings in which the goods are classified. One of them is made up of 4 characters. Now in the classifier of codes of the HS of Russia there are 1244 such commodity items. Rule No. 6 defines 6 digital subheading characters. Such structuring is very convenient. It also provides 10 subheadings.
FCS classification solutions
Customs classification of goods is an important element. More and more participants in foreign economic activity are inclined to obtain a preliminary decision regarding the structuring of goods. The indicated tendency is caused by the contestation of the HS codes of the HS, which are declared by the declarant. Moreover, the designations adopted for customs authorities are often not acceptable in relation to the declarant. The reason is the need to provide permits. This is due to the high rate of customs duty.
Preliminary classification of goods adopted by the Federal Customs Service of Russia and RTU. The formation of the performance of customs posts consists in the formation of funds collected in the budget. Their position can be very different from the direction of the customs post. To consider the request for a classification decision, the FCS and RTU act in accordance with the general rules and apply to the HS, as well as international practice regarding the structuring of similar products. In this case, the application submitted by the participant in foreign economic activity is taken into account. The documents presented by him and a description of the products sold also play a role.
The article provides the basic classification of goods. They were created with an increase in the market. To win the attention of customers, you need to create interesting offers. Therefore, the market is constantly growing. After all, it is regularly filled with new goods and services. In addition, in order to withstand competition, existing proposals are being updated. That is, a huge amount of goods and services needs to be structured.