
Categories and types of land. Land Code of the Russian Federation

The intended purpose of the land involves the division of the territory into plots depending on their legal status and permitted use. This classification is applied in accordance with the LC and other regulatory acts. Let us further consider what categories and types of land exist. types of land

General information

Types of land are determined depending on the specific economic use of the allotment. Those or other territories designated in the classification have certain properties. Currently, the following types of land are distinguished:

  1. Fallow territories.
  2. Land under marshes, roads, streets, water bodies, buildings.
  3. Arable land. They are used for the production of agricultural plant products.
  4. Land forest fund. These include territories under tree-shrub plantings.
  5. Meadow land. This area is a natural land used for livestock feed.

Agricultural land

These include such types of land as agricultural land, plots occupied by:

  • roads, plantations designed to provide protection from negative man-made, man-made, natural phenomena;
  • buildings, structures, structures necessary for the production, storage and processing of products.

In the same territories engineering communications can take place. land settlements

Land settlements

These territories are provided by the municipalities, cities and other administrative units. They carry out the construction of residential and industrial buildings, the laying of roads, the construction of auxiliary facilities. All of them are intended to ensure the life of the population within a specific administrative-territorial unit.

Forest land

These territories include areas covered or not occupied by vegetation, but used to restore perennial plantings. Citizens also conduct forestry activities on these lands. These territories also include swamps, clearings, roads, if they are used for these needs.

Special Sites

Such territories are located outside settlements. They are used to ensure the functioning of enterprises and the operation of communications, transport, industry, broadcasting, energy, computer science, television, defense, space activities, security and other special tasks. forest land

Other territories

Stock lands are in municipal / state ownership. These territories are not provided to legal entities or citizens for use. As an exception, reserve lands are assigned to the land redistribution fund. Separately, the classification indicates water areas. They are occupied by surface water areas, as well as hydraulic and other structures. There are also specially protected areas. They include types of land with environmental, scientific, cultural, historical, health, aesthetic, recreational or other significance.


In each indicated category, there are types of land determined in accordance with their permitted use. Citizens, as a rule, are provided with agricultural territories or plots located within the boundaries of the Moscow Region. Land settlements are divided into plots intended for construction:

  1. Individual, multi-and low-rise residential buildings.
  2. Multifunctional shopping, office, entertainment centers. land designation

Agricultural territories, in turn, are classified into plots that are used for agricultural production with an indication of a specific type of activity (cultivation of perennial plantations, livestock farming, arable farming, etc.) and intended for gardening, horticulture or summer house construction.

Classification Nuances

It must be said that the above list is not considered exhaustive. This allows you to implement a variety of land use options. Meanwhile, in practice, the decision of the local authorities will be of decisive importance. It is the administration of the settlement that sets the rules for the use of specific territories. All changes that occur with the land are subject to registration. Corresponding entries are made in the Unified Register and are reflected in title documents received by the owner of the site. categories and types of land

Building Areas

Often, citizens need to acquire land for the construction of a residential building. From the whole variety of sites, experts recommend choosing the territories reserved for private housing, private partnership, or summer house construction. Land used for farming includes allotments intended for the production of agricultural products. They, in turn, are subdivided into plots located within the municipal territory (homestead) and located beyond its borders (field). In the first case, residential construction and other household buildings can be erected subject to the Town Planning Code, as well as other industry regulations. In the field, construction is not allowed. In the territories that are reserved for private housing, one residential building can be erected. Moreover, its height should not be more than three floors. Other objects are not allowed to be built. This prohibition applies to both residential and utility buildings. A house built on a plot under IZHS can act as a place of permanent registration. Not the territory allotted for cottage construction, you can also build a house. At the same time, the legislation allows registration of a permanent registration in it. Land for cottage construction are cheaper than other areas. arable land

Plot translation

The type of land use can be changed in two ways. The first involves the transfer of the land to a different type in accordance with the Federal Law No. 172. The owner of the allotment can also use the norms of the Town Planning Code (Articles 37, 38). In this case, the transfer of land from one category to another is not carried out. If the owner decided to use the provisions of the Federal Law No. 172, then any type of use can be assigned to his site. In the second case, a new species may be selected from those listed in the legislation.

Town Planning Code

The change in the type of use is made in accordance with the schemes of territorial planning of districts, general plans, and regulations, subject to the provisions of technical normative documentation. To carry out the procedure, the interested person sends a statement to the local authorized authority. After its consideration are appointed public hearings. They are attended by citizens who live within the borders of territorial zone where the plot is located, as well as the owners of adjacent plots. All of these individuals can submit suggestions and comments. The results of the hearings are published in the official publication. In accordance with the conclusion and recommendations of the special commission, the head of the local government decides on changing the type of use. The applicant may be denied to satisfy his request. meadow land

Practical part

Work on changing the type of use includes the following activities:

  1. Legal due diligence of materials and documents provided by an interested person. During the audit, their compliance with the requirements of regulatory acts is determined, and an action plan is formulated.
  2. Coordination and establishment of allotment boundaries (if they were absent).
  3. Registration of the site (if it has not been done before).
  4. Preparation of a documentation package.
  5. Coordination of changes in the type of use with competent government agencies, local structures, as well as specialized agencies.
  6. Ensuring the adoption by the territorial institute of power of an appropriate decision.
  7. Entering information on the assigned type of use in the Unified Register and Land Cadastre.

As a result of the measures taken, relevant documentation is drawn up. In particular, a cadastral plan (map) of the site is drawn up. It contains information about the modified use. In addition, the procedure is carried out in accordance with a decision adopted by the authorized body of territorial authority. It must be properly designed. As a rule, work is carried out within 1-5 months. The duration of the events will depend on their scope. The need to change the type of use is due today to a shortage of land for the construction of residential buildings. In this regard, many citizens seek to transfer plots intended for agricultural activities to the territories allocated for private housing. One of the undoubted advantages of such allotments is their cost. It must be remembered that carrying out this procedure may require certain knowledge from the person concerned.

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