
Calibration of measuring instruments. Calibration of measuring instruments. Metrology

In the world there is no such area of ​​human activity where measurements are not required. Every minute, millions of such actions take place.

The results of measurements carried out in any places should be compared with each other. Only in this case do they make sense. To achieve the necessary comparability, reliability and accuracy allows the current in Russia state system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements (GSOEI), created in strict accordance with the provisions of metrology.

What is metrology

In the broad sense of the word, metrology refers to a science that studies measurements, methods for their implementation, means to achieve their unity, and methods whose implementation provides the necessary accuracy.

calibration of measuring instruments

The basic concept of this science is precisely measurement. It is customary to call a similar term the receipt of quantitative indications that characterize the essential properties of everything that happens in the world around us and in every material object. The mentioned values ​​are obtained experimentally (i.e. by experimental means). And the information obtained in this way is called measuring.

When making measurements, the final results are influenced by objective laws existing in nature. The receipt of the above information is associated with the mandatory observance of certain rules and norms that are defined by applicable laws and regulations.

Subject of metrology

Like every science, metrology has its own subject. This is the extraction of measuring information about the properties of any processes and objects with the required degree of reliability and accuracy.

Depending on the subject, it is customary to distinguish the following basic varieties of metrology:

  • fundamental (subject - development of the foundations that are the foundation of metrology);
  • legislative (subject - the establishment of technical and legal requirements that are mandatory in the process of using means, measurement methods, standards, etc., which are aimed at ensuring the accuracy of measurements and their unity in the interests of the whole society);
  • applied (subject - issues related to the direct use of the development of the two sections discussed above).

The verification of measuring instruments and the calibration of measuring instruments are considered in this section of metrology.

Calibration of measuring instruments

Verification of instruments used for measurement is a set of several operations that are carried out to confirm the fact of conformity of the mentioned instruments with current metrological requirements.

Measuring instruments used in areas subject to state regulation, carried out in the framework of ensuring the uniformity of measurement on a national scale, are subject to mandatory periodic and initial inspections. Base:

  • the law of the Russian Federation under No. 102-FZ dated 06/26/08 (as amended by the text as of 07/13/15);
  • Government Decision No. 250 (it was adopted on 04/20/10 and the last time it was edited Editorial 12/08/12);
  • Order No. 1815, issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation on 02.07.15.

SI calibration

Calibration of measuring instruments (SI) is a set of operations that are carried out to calculate and confirm the actual values ​​of metrological parameters and / or the suitability of calibrated measuring instruments for further use as intended.

measuring instrumentsIn fact, this is the same list of activities that are used in verification. The difference lies in the fact that calibration is carried out by SI, which does not have to be subjected to mandatory state supervision and control as part of metrological verification. Moreover, calibration tools are often similar to those used for verification.

Today, the concept of calibration has combined the activities previously carried out with departmental verification and metrological certification of SI.

Verification is a mandatory operation, which is carried out and controlled by authorized state bodies and structures.

Calibration is a voluntary function. Either metrological services operating in the organization or other organizations performing it within the framework of the concluded contract are entitled to carry out this work.

Russian calibration system

In fact, verification and calibration is a single set of procedures, but they are performed in relation to various measuring instruments. Based on the results of these works, the further suitability of measuring instruments is determined.

verification and calibrationSuitable products are those whose metrological characteristics fully comply with the technical requirements formulated in current standards or established by the customer. The conclusion that the device is suitable is made by the calibration laboratory that performed the work.

Despite the fact that the calibration of measuring instruments is a voluntary procedure, this does not relieve the relevant organization service from the obligation to comply with a number of requirements.

The main one is the “linking” of the calibrated product to the standard existing in Russia. That is, the mentioned procedure must be considered in the context of an integral part of the state system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

Given that the SOEI operating in Russia includes principles that are most harmonized with international norms and rules, we get a calibration procedure adapted to the global SOEI.

Additional reasons for the need for reference to the standard

The measuring instruments to be calibrated should be tied to the national standard also because the measurements themselves are an independent part of the technological processes performed, having a direct impact on the final quality of any product.

calibration of measuring instruments metrology

In this regard, the results obtained must be able to compare. This can only be achieved by transferring the reference dimensional unit, while observing the rules and norms of legislative metrology.

The seller of this or that product will enjoy great confidence on the part of the consumer if he has the opportunity to confirm that the measuring instruments used by him in the process of work have an official SI calibration certificate obtained from a national specialized metrological organization.

Specificity of calibration in Russia

The introduction of calibration in our country has clearly expressed national characteristics. The Western system was built taking into account the needs due to increased competitiveness of goods and a minimum list of SI, which are subject to verification.

measuring instruments to be calibrated

Our calibration of measuring instruments is, first of all, the state’s refusal from total control over the serviceability of measuring instruments.

The rejection of mandatory total verification stimulated the emergence of a calibration procedure.

The lack of proper competition in the market for the provision of such services creates a paradoxical situation. The company received the right to choose the procedure for calibrating measuring instruments and to carry out the mentioned work independently. In the absence of proper competition, it is not interested in obtaining accreditation in specialized state organizations conducting calibration with the highest quality.

This is one side of the problem. And the second makes any such organization constantly remember that the isolation of the test structure from the national system of state standards of measures and weights significantly reduces the result of calibration of measuring instruments.

calibration of measuring instruments

Existing Calibration Options

  1. The organization carries out calibration on its own, without prior accreditation of its testing laboratory in a specialized calibration system.
  2. A company that pays due attention to the continuous improvement of the competitiveness of manufactured goods undergoes accreditation at DGC and receives documents confirming its right to carry out such work in its interests, but on behalf of the state structure under which they are accredited.
  3. The presence of accreditation in the DGC allows the organization that passed it to provide services such as calibration of measuring instruments on a commercial basis.
  4. Along with accreditation, the company receives a certificate, the presence of which gives a legal right to carry out calibration work in the areas of measurement listed in it.
  5. HMS bodies and other metrological institutes are registered with the RCC in two directions at once: as an accreditation body on the one hand and a calibration company on the other.
  6. A Russian company has the right to be accredited in a foreign specialized structure of an open type as a laboratory having the right to carry out SI calibration. In this case, the calibration technique of measuring instruments will have to comply with accepted global standards.

calibration tools

Principles of organization of the Russian calibration system

The main principles on which the State DGC is based are:

  • voluntary participation;
  • obligatory use of reference sizes of units of measurement;
  • technical competence and professionalism of all DGC members;
  • self-sufficiency.

RSC Membership Benefits

The main incentive that encourages a legal entity to join DGCs is the desire of the latter to provide growing confidence of potential consumers of the mentioned service to quality indicators.

This explains the significant increase in the number of accreditation systems of existing testing laboratories in which measuring instruments are calibrated. An additional advantage of membership in the DGC is the possibility of the necessary information support for members of the organization involved in the calibration of SI.

Today, the self-sufficiency of the system has become a real principle, due to the ever-growing demand of the market for reliable and accurate measurement results.

Scheme of the current calibration service in Russia

The main subjects of the service are:

  • Metrological services created in organizations and having accreditation that allows for activities such as calibration of measuring instruments (metrology), provided that they use standards subordinate to state units.
  • Gosstandart of the Russian Federation (the central body of the system under consideration), which is entrusted with the responsibility of coordinating the work of all members of the DGC.
  • Metrological institutes established under the State Standard of the Russian Federation, HMS bodies that have been registered with the RSK as bodies entitled to issue accreditation of third parties, which provides the latter with the legal right to carry out SI calibration.
  • All-Russian Research Institute of Metrology, which is entrusted with the functions of information, methodological, organizational support for the functioning of the RSK.
  • The advisory body of the service is the Council dealing with issues of discussion and the formation of draft decisions on issues related to the technical policy of DGC.

Accreditation procedure in DGC

The main regulatory document governing the activities of the DGC, the accreditation of new members and the procedure for performing calibration work is RD DG 02-2014, the text of which was approved by Rosstandart on 10.07.14.

In addition, there are a number of rules on metrology, which, along with applicable standards and legislative acts, also regulate issues related to legislative and applied metrology. For example, PR 50.2.018-95, R RSK 003-07, PR RSK 005-03, etc.

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