
How to choose a glucometer? Ratig and glucometer comparison

What to do to the person who was diagnosed with diabetes by an endocrinologist? Does he have to constantly go to the clinic and defend the queues there in order to pass tests?

But how to control the level of sugar in the interval between these visits? Those who have all these questions may be advised to purchase a personal blood glucose meter.

Home helper

how to choose a glucometerWhat is a glucometer? This is a special device. Use it in order to determine the level of glucose that is in a certain organic substance (blood or cerebrospinal fluid).

The most popular portable blood glucose meters. They can easily be used even at home.

How is such an analysis carried out? To determine the glucose level, a small drop of blood is applied to the indicator plate. This disposable element interacts with a special biosensor built into the device. After a few seconds, numbers appear on the screen of the device, indicating the concentration of glucose in the blood. This indicator is called glycemia.

The kit, as a rule, includes scarifiers, with the help of which a finger is punctured, as well as a syringe pen, necessary for the introduction of insulin.

Types of disease

There are two types of diabetes. The first of them is insulin-dependent. What are the causes of this pathology? Insulin-dependent diabetes occurs with a viral or autoimmune lesion of the pancreas, that is, the organ that produces insulin. How can this pathology be determined?

In patients with type 1 diabetes, insulin is either absent in the blood or detected, but in very small quantities. This type of disease can be determined by its pronounced signs. Among them: drinking plenty of water and frequent urination, a constant feeling of hunger and sharp weight loss, as well as the appearance of acetone in the urine. In order to improve the patient’s condition, he is constantly given the required dose of insulin. There are no other methods of treatment for this pathology.
The second type of diabetes is non-insulin dependent. The disease occurs with a decrease in the activity of pancreatic cells. In this case, they begin to produce insufficient amounts of insulin for the body.

Pathology can also develop with a violation of sensitivity to one's own insulin. In this case, there is some insufficiency of this substance. Type 2 diabetes is caused by heredity or being overweight. Moreover, in the elderly, the disease appears due to the extinction of the functioning of beta cells.

In order to keep the state of their health under control, patients with diabetes need to constantly monitor glucose levels. Today it can be done at home using a special device.

Best appliance

The term “glucometer” includes the lancets and test strips attached to the device, designed for blood sampling. Each of these components performs a specific function. In this regard, each of them has certain requirements. The best blood glucose meter for the patient is one whose all components are convenient in operation and satisfy the requirements for them. The rating of these devices depends on customer reviews.

How to choose a good device?

You can buy a glucometer not only in medical equipment stores. A large number of offers are found on the Internet. Everyone can purchase any model and brand of device.And how to choose a glucometer to an uninitiated person? Solving this problem yourself is not easy.

blood glucose meter reviews

The most popular brands to date are Bionime, One Touch ultra and Accu Chek. If you do not know which meter to choose, then on sites on the Internet you can find a comparative table of models. It shows all the parameters of various devices, up to the foam formed on the test strips (often this indicator is crucial when buying).

The cost of the device

When deciding on which glucometer to choose, many begin to look at the cost of the device. The price category for most people is the main criterion. Patients with type 1 diabetes are forced to measure glucose levels up to five times a day. In this case, they will need 155 test strips for a month (this figure is approximate). The cost of these consumables is likely to become the main criterion when choosing a device. It should be noted that the amount of costs for the strips will be considerable.

Patients with type 2 diabetes measure their blood glucose less often. The analysis is carried out either once during the day, or even every other day. In this regard, they will not have any problems with spending money on buying test strips.

Method of measurement

How to choose a glucometer? When buying an apparatus, you should pay attention to the type of measurement of glucose in the blood. There are currently two types of them. The first of them is photometric, and the second is electrochemical. A glucometer with a photometric type of measurement determines the value of the required indicator, based on a change in the color of the blood that occurs when a particular enzyme, glucose oxidase, interacts with a special dye. As for the electrochemical method, it is more modern. It is based on the principle of measuring the current arising from the interaction of glucose oxidase and glucose.

According to this characteristic, how to choose a glucometer? The reviews of patients using the device under consideration at home indicate that the device operating according to the electrochemical method is more convenient. To obtain indicators, such a glucometer requires a smaller volume of blood, in addition, it is itself absorbed into the test strip area. What about accuracy? For these two methods, it is approximately the same.

Result calibration

Glucometers are able to determine the value of the glucose level not only in the blood, but also in the plasma. How does this happen? The device automatically recalculates the result obtained from whole capillary blood, translating it into accordance with the value that is available in the plasma. These results will differ significantly from each other. The discrepancy will be eleven percent. As for sugar in whole blood, its level is lower than that determined in plasma. How to compare the readings of a glucometer with such features with those obtained by laboratory tests? To do this, you need to multiply the result by a factor of 1.11.

Blood drop volume

What needs to be considered when deciding how to choose a glucometer? An important indicator in determining the right device is the minimum amount of blood that will be required to obtain a result. In some devices, it is from 0.3 to 0.6 μl. Many patients prefer to have just such a glucometer at home. User reviews indicate the ability to produce a minimum depth of puncture, which is not so painful and allows the wound on the skin to heal faster.

Measurement speed

This indicator does not affect the accuracy of the results. How to choose a glucometer for this parameter? Before buying, it is worth considering that the speed of obtaining data for all models is different.

how to choose a glucometer reviews

It can range from five to forty-five seconds. In the event that the patient uses the device exclusively at home, this indicator will not become the main one for him when choosing the device.However, sometimes patients use glucometers on the street or in public places. In this case, it is worth giving preference to a device that spends a minimum amount of time to determine the result.

Zones for applying blood to test strips

These consumables for different devices are arranged differently. In some test strips, the area on which the desired amount of blood is applied is located at the end, and in others, from the side or center. The most advanced devices have been developed. In them, test strips are able to draw the necessary amount of blood themselves. If you do not know how to choose a glucometer for an elderly person, a child or a visually impaired patient, then you should pay attention to this indicator. It will provide ease of use of the device.

How to choose a glucometer? When buying a device, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the test strip. If the device is needed by an elderly person or a patient who has limited small movements, then when inserting these consumables into the meter, certain difficulties may arise. In such cases, preference should be given to a device for which rigid test strips having large sizes are intended. In addition, before buying a glucometer, you need to make sure that supplies are constantly on sale. Otherwise, you will have to periodically search for them.

A specific batch of test strips is assigned its own code. When you purchase a new tube, you will need to compare it. If the new code differs from that available in the meter, then it can be replaced either manually or using a special chip that is included with some models. This feature of the devices should also be considered when buying.

Battery Type

The specified parameter should also be taken into account when buying. There are devices in which the battery supplied by the manufacturer cannot be replaced.

Its charge is enough only for a certain number of measurements. There are devices powered by replaceable batteries. Which meter to prefer? User reviews recommend devices powered by standard AAA batteries. To purchase such power sources is not difficult.

Sound accompaniment

This feature is optional. For whom is it best to buy such a glucometer? User reviews indicate the convenience of this function for those who have low vision. Such devices completely guide the patient's actions and report the result.


An important function of the device, which is recommended to pay attention to when buying, is the amount of information stored by the meter. Statistics are needed in order to constantly monitor their health.

Today, instruments are produced that can store in their memory up to five hundred results of recent analyzes. If you do not record the measurements made in your home diary, then you should choose just such a glucometer. User reviews do not recommend the purchase of such models for the elderly. Additional functions for it will only complicate the operation process itself.

Some models of glucometers are able to show measurement statistics for a week, as well as for a month and three. They also derive the average value of the indicator.

Product Dimensions

The user who adheres to an active lifestyle should pay attention to the size of the meter. It is more convenient to carry a compact appliance with you. Modern manufacturers offer many great mini-options.

Computer connection

This function is far from the most mandatory for a glucometer. However, someone who is used to working with a PC can purchase a device that comes with a special cable. Such a function will make it possible to maintain an electronic diary of self-control.

glucometer comparison

In addition, the device data can be processed by special analytic programs, which will allow the doctor to determine the most effective directions in the course of therapy.

Devices with type 1 diabetes

With this type of disease, how to choose a glucometer? Instructions for use of the device should contain information on the availability of a special nozzle. This device will allow for puncture in alternative places. When using it, your fingers will rest, which is especially important for children. A special nozzle allows you to take a blood test on the inner surface of the hands, on the earlobe, on the edge of the palm and on the toes.

For those with type 1 diabetes, it is important that the device measures the ketone bodies in the blood. This parameter is much more accurate than the one obtained using the test strip.

Typically, such patients carry the device with them. That is why, when choosing a device, its weight, as well as its size, should play an important role.

The device for those who have an insulin-independent disease

How to choose a glucometer for type 2 diabetes? For such patients, it is important that the device is able to show not only glucose levels. At this stage of the pathology, it is necessary to control the indicators of triglycerides and cholesterol. This will significantly reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, as well as its complications - ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction.

For such patients, how to choose a glucometer? The price of devices with similar additional functions is much higher than for simpler models of devices. If your attending physician has not recommended frequent measurement of these indicators, then you can use the services of the laboratory, saving the money in your wallet.

How to choose a glucometer for type 2 diabetes? User reviews suggest that this does not have to be a small device, because there is no need to carry it with you all the time. An important point is the guarantee that the manufacturer gives on his equipment.

Variety of models

Comparison of glucometers allows you to decide on the choice of the desired device. As for the accuracy of the analyzes performed, the BIONIME Rightest GM 550 is in the first place here. In the course of its work, it uses the most advanced technological solutions.

how to choose a glucometer

As for the measurement of ketone bodies, which is needed for patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, today only the Optium Xceed meter can offer it.

The smallest amount of blood to get the result will be required when using the FreeStyle Papillon Mini. If you are interested in the high speed of the meter, then you should buy OneTouch Select or Bionime Rightest GM 550. The time to get the result in such devices is 5 seconds.

The most convenient automatic coding is provided in Accu-Chek Performa Nano, Bionime Rightest GM 550 and Contour TS glucometers.

Modern manufacturers offer devices with a large amount of memory and the ability to keep statistics. The best of these are the Bionime Rightest GM 550 and the Accu-Chek Performa Nano. They allow you to see up to five hundred results indicating the time of the analysis and the date. In this case, a marking will be affixed when the analysis was performed - before or after a meal. Devices will calculate the average result for a period of seven to ninety days.

Confident PC users can purchase models like the SensoLite Nova Plus and the Bionime Rightest GM 550.

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Reason for complaint
Elena Viktorovna
And why is there no mention in the article of non-invasive glucometers? They are so comfortable. There are non-invasive glucometers such as Omelon B-2, Bobonich glucometer from Uzhgorod and others. I have type 2 diabetes and a non-invasive glucometer is just my salvation! I currently use Omelon.


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