
What professions exist? List of creative professions

A few years before the graduation class of the school, the question arises for adolescents: "What profession to choose for yourself?" This choice is quite complicated, because it is influenced by parents, friends, and others. It is important to have an idea of ​​what professions exist, how many of them, and also what is needed in order to choose one direction or another for yourself.

What professions exist? Classifications

When answering the question “what professions exist?”, It must be taken into account that everything depends on the criteria by which to divide. There are several classification systems for all existing professions. The most popular is according to E. A. Klimov, which shares all specialties in accordance with the system of relations between a person and nature, a person, technology, a sign system and an artistic image.

what professions exist

Classification of professions by EA Klimov

The first category characterizes specialties in one way or another connected with nature: communication and caring for animals, biological profile, agricultural field, medical and scientific activity.

Specialties "man-man" - this is the most understandable system, because a person faces people of this system every day in everyday life: teachers, sellers, doctors, hairdressers, etc.

"Man and technology" means technicians, engineers, equipment assemblers, workers on machine tools, etc. The activities of these people are directly related to the mechanisms. This also includes mining and processing of metal, car repair and various installations, construction specialties.

What are the professions related to the relationship between a person and a sign system? There is nothing complicated about it. Secretary, engineer, translator, programmer in a working environment are faced with documents, symbols, signs, diagrams.

what creative professions exist

The last system, correlated with artistic images, is creative specialties associated with the creation of musical creations, objects of fine art.

Number of professions

Of course, there are many professions, and calculating the exact number is quite difficult. This is not a static system that has remained unchanged for years: every year the number of specialties in the world increases in parallel with the development of mankind. Since quite often the question arises, “how many professions exist in the world?”, There must also be relevant documents counting them.

The approximate number of specialties in the world is 40,000, and many of them for the temperate latitudes seem rather exotic, if not to say, incomprehensible and stupid. About 500 new professions are born annually.

And what professions exist in Russia? For our country, not all of the available specialties are available, only about 1/4 part. But this is more than 9000 items. Over the past 3 centuries, the figure has increased 450 times.

Demand for specialties

Of course, how many professions exist, so many can be found in this field. At the same time, not all specialties have the same popularity: in this business, there is its own seasonality. A specific list has been compiled of which professions from the fashionable today exist in Russia. And it differs from what types of work are in demand today.

Determining the reason why applicants choose a particular specialty, the first place should indicate the need to have a prestigious profession and at the same time the possibility of a high level of earnings.

Therefore, many applicants go to receive knowledge at the Faculty of Economics. Despite the fact that every company needs an economist, some time ago the market for such workers was saturated. As an economist, you need to have an idea of ​​the place where such a specialist will be needed after graduation.

there are many professions

A wide profile of activity implies such a position as a manager. They come in various directions: advertising, sales, crisis management, etc.

In connection with the development of information technology, the work of a programmer is popular and in demand. In order to work with him, it is not enough to have only desire - you still have to have abilities for this type of activity.

The category of popular specialties also includes work in the field of advertising. This is an interesting activity, creative and in demand, creative and paid, which attracts many young professionals.

Legal education is also at the top of the ranking of applicants.

Demand for professions: scarce specialties

Given the fact that not everyone can afford to study at a prestigious university, many choose construction specialties for themselves. In this area, there is a constant shortage of personnel, therefore, even in such conditions, demand exceeds supply.

how many professions are there

Since effective earnings are associated with sales, then the sales manager continues the list of popular professions. Good specialists in this field have good earnings and are respected by the leader. However, finding such a person is not so easy.

Continues the list of specialties that are not fully provided with specialists, the seller’s work. Supermarkets that open in a great many are lacking in professionals, and there are not many who want to go to such a job.

Next on the list is the profession of engineer. The country needs such specialists, however, it still cannot provide itself with the necessary number of employees. Many graduates become specialists of this link annually, however, despite this, need in them increases.

Everywhere, businesses advertise driver needs. Such positions exist in the food industry, and in the field of light textile production, and in public service points, and in stores that provide delivery services. The working conditions are very diverse: some require the presence of personal transport, others provide a working car.

Professions for girls

From the whole list there is a certain list of those specialties that are more suitable for girls.

What are the professions for girls? Traditionally, the work of a flight attendant, a train conductor, a dispatcher of various call centers, a cosmetologist, and a nurse are referred to women. Some of the list is diluted by men, but this is rather the exception, and the male hairdresser or stylist makes an ambiguous impression.

More often, women's work is associated with the creative process of creating something new, since the mental organization of the weaker sex is more subtle, and ladies are not too adapted for physical labor.

Creative professions

In the directory of all specialties there is a list of those that are considered creative. To have such a job is interesting and prestigious today. The only catch is that in order to follow the path of creativity, you must have talent or ability to do something. Further, it is necessary to consider in detail what creative professions exist.

  • Traditionally, they include musicians, composers, artists. These people have their own vision of the world, which can be verified by talking to them. As a rule, such people have talent since childhood and develop it in the respective art and music schools.
  • If a person has a so-called sense of beauty, then you can come to a creative profession over the years. Interesting work of the photographer, designer. Fashionable words, but under them lies a very wide profile of activity: this is interior design, and the design of clothes, shoes, and landscape design. Society will always need good specialists in this field.
  • Speaking about what professions exist in the creative sphere, one cannot fail to mention the work of the stylist. It has a fundamental difference from the work of a hairdresser who performs a haircut according to the pattern, while the stylist develops the image as a whole. A new direction in style is the work of a groomer, shearing animals.
  • Journalism and PR management require quick response and communication skills; you need to be a good psychologist, feeling what others are focused on.
  • The creative professions include actors, and this includes both film and theater actors, as well as animators, circus artists, and representatives of the humorous genre. More generally, all those individuals whose activities are related to public speaking.

what professions exist in Russia

How to choose a profession

When choosing the desired specialty from a huge list, you must first determine for yourself a list of those industries that are more attractive. Then you need to objectively evaluate for yourself what exactly you like about them and whether they are really interesting.

It is necessary to approach the choice of a profession individually, taking into account your preferences, not based on the popularity of a specialty or its profitability. It is better to be a good doctor than a bad programmer.

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