In today's world, the real estate market occupies a fairly large percentage of transactions.
All kinds of operations with apartments, private houses and other property are firmly rooted in the life of most modern people.
However, the preliminary collection of documents, the conduct of inspections and the subsequent conclusion of contracts are often carried out by employees of specialized agencies.
For such services, of course, you need to pay a certain percentage of the total amount of the transaction, however, most people prefer to pay a little more, rather than independently engage in the above activities. However, you can always meet those who agree to spend some of their time to personally achieve the above result.
Important questions
In fact, conducting an independent sale of real estate is not a big deal. However, you should pay special attention to every little thing, check every letter and know at least the main nuances of their huge number. Assessment of living space, collection of all necessary papers, communication with potential buyers ...
Of course, it is quite natural that it is impossible to know everything in advance. However, a preliminary familiarization with a particular aspect of a future sale will always be useful. In the presented article, the question of what documents are needed for the sale of an apartment will be examined in detail. This is the most difficult nuance for an inexperienced seller. However, one should not be afraid of him. In fact, the list of documents for the sale of an apartment is quite standard. However, to clarify the situation, we consider each of the references separately.
Perfect option
In the simplest case, the package of documents for the sale of an apartment is subject to the following conditions:
- One buyer and one seller.
- Both are adults.
- Not married.
- Do not have minor children.
In such a situation, you, as a seller, will need the so-called minimum list of required securities. It will include:
- A copy of your identity document. This can be a passport, residence permit and other similar papers.
- A document that confirms your ownership of the property in question. As a rule, such securities include a contract of sale, transfer of authority under the right of inheritance, gift and other things. Currently, there are about a dozen different forms of ownership. You need to provide confirmation on one of them.
- In addition to the above, cadastral and technical passports for the property in question will also be required.
- In addition, an important condition may be the availability of extracts from the Unified State Register of Rights. This document will indicate all information about transactions already completed with the apartment in question.
- For citizens of the Russian Federation, it is considered important to have a certificate called "Form No. 9". However, the documents for registering the sale of an apartment also include the contract of sale, a certificate of payment of the necessary state duties, as well as a certificate of a successful transaction.
Title document
As mentioned earlier, for the successful implementation of the property in question, you must have the appropriate paper confirming your rights with respect to the subject of the transaction.Thus, this paper is called one of the first points in answering the question, what documents are needed for the sale of an apartment.
As mentioned earlier, in the modern world, the practice of real estate transactions has about a dozen different forms of ownership. Therefore, the content of this document directly depends on the conditions under which you became the owner of the living space in question.
Such documents necessary for the sale of an apartment can be presented in the form of a barter, gift, privatization or other agreement. In the event that the property in question passed to you by right of inheritance, an appropriate certificate must also be provided. Along with the title documents listed above, such can also be considered a court decision on the transfer of the required powers to you.
Registration of rights
In the conditions of the modern world, every citizen of the Russian Federation knows that the list of documents for the sale of an apartment also includes a certificate of registration of property rights, which indicates the date and place of the relevant operations regarding the real estate in question. However, it is currently believed that the transfer of rights to the new owner of the desired living space is carried out after receiving the above certificate.
However, many citizens believe that the presence of the paper in question is not a mandatory item. However, the future buyer will probably want to know if you have the above document on hand. Therefore, it is better to care about the availability of the evidence in advance. So, the owner has all the powers to dispose of the property at his discretion.
Object passport
If you come to the idea of self-realization of your property, then, of course, you are wondering what documents are needed to sell an apartment. Among most other references, certificates and papers, a cadastral passport is especially distinguished.
Indeed, it is thanks to the document under consideration that you, as the owner, have the right to register the transfer of authority to any other owner. The so-called cadastral passport of an object contains a lot of useful information for both the seller and the buyer. In such a document, the main technical characteristics of the property in question are traditionally indicated. In addition, this object passport contains a cadastral number.
Should remember
Many forget, but the owner of the object, in addition to the cadastral, must also have a technical passport. Thus, you should not forget about him when you asked yourself what documents are needed to sell an apartment. After all, the future buyer will certainly be interested in its availability. Among other things, it is also necessary to remember that, unlike the cadastral one, which contains information only on the conditional description of the living space in question, as well as the object number, the technical passport traditionally contains a complete list of the characteristics of the property you are looking for.
In addition, it is in it that you can find the so-called estimated cost of an apartment for the current period of time. A feature of the technical passport is the buyer’s disagreement with his “non-obligation”. As a rule, from the side of the seller it is important to prove your words, as well as the parameters seen when viewing the officially certified document.
Currently, the Unified State Register of Rights collects all kinds of information about all transactions with real estate. So, if you have to sell an apartment (what documents are needed, we are considering), then clarify all available information about the previous owners of the apartments being sold. This data can accelerate the successful conclusion of an agreement between you and the future buyer.
Among the many other documents mentioned, the current legislation of the Russian Federation distinguishes the so-called "Form No. 9". It is traditionally believed that the above document is not binding on
Rosreestra, however, its availability is important for the buyer. In the certificate in question, full data on the registration in the required real estate of each tenant for the current period is indicated. It must be remembered that there are no legislative restrictions on the duration of the specified document. Nevertheless, many companies have the ability to independently assign the period of use of the certificate in question. Traditionally, the so-called "nines", whose age is not more than a month, are accepted for consideration in various organizations.
Family matters
In the above material, the necessary documents were presented for the sale of a room in an apartment or the apartments themselves. However, this was considered the simplest case. In the modern world, most people have spouses, whose consent is also important to consider. Your positive answer must be expressed in writing. Otherwise, an agreement between the buyer and seller will be deemed null and void. And your partner has every right to challenge your decision. However, marriage contracts between spouses are becoming increasingly popular. In such a situation, it is considered necessary to attach a copy of this document, certified by a notary office, in return for a simple written consent.
Non-childish question
In the modern world, a situation is possible when you, as the current owner of the apartment in question, have minor children. With this scenario, the prospective buyer must be provided with an officially certified permission to conclude the required agreement from the department of trusteeship and guardianship of the administration of the municipality. Otherwise, an unpleasant situation may arise in the future in which a child who has become an adult will be able to dispute the current sale of living space.