The procedure for buying real estate from a legal point of view is one of the most difficult. Especially if it concerns objects with a long history of operation, during this time, as a rule, several homeowners change. But in the case of new buildings, the situation is not so simple, even taking into account the right of the first owner to the buyer. In addition to problems with long-term construction, it is this segment that accounts for mortgage transactions and with the involvement of maternal capital, which, in turn, significantly complicates the procedure.
One way or another, there is no way to get away from the need to purchase an apartment, so you need to know exactly what documents are needed to buy an apartment in a particular case. This will help a potential client of a real estate office not only to save money, but also to better evaluate the services provided due to a deeper knowledge of the nuances when registering a transaction.
The main package of documents
Regardless of how the apartment is purchased, there is a basic list of documents that are required in most cases of a transaction. This list looks like this:
- Identity card (it is possible to provide a military ID for citizens serving).
- If the person is married, then a document is required confirming the consent to the purchase of real estate by the spouse.
- If the registration is made on the basis of a power of attorney, then an appropriate document from the trustee should be provided with confirmation of his identity.
Often, deals affect the interests of children. In this case, you should also consider what documents are needed to buy an apartment from people under the age of 18 years. If the child is not 14 years old, then a birth certificate is presented, and if we are talking about people whose age varies from 14 to 18 years, then a passport should also be added to the certificate.
Documents for buying a mortgage
In the case of a mortgage loan, the task of acquiring an apartment is complicated because the client is responsible to the bank. The entire list of documents that will be required when buying a mortgage housing can be divided into two parts. The first package includes documents submitted to the bank to confirm the solvency of the client. Despite the universality of approaches to the provision of such services, conditions in different banks may vary. In order to figure out what documents are needed to buy an apartment in a mortgage, you should familiarize yourself with the following list:
- Application for a loan.
- Passport of a borrower or several borrowers.
- Income statements.
- Depending on the terms of the contract, receipts for the payment of the down payment may also be required.
The second package of documents relates to the immediate property, which is selected either independently or with the help of a realtor. This list includes a certificate of registration of ownership, an extract from the house book and a contract of sale. If you look more deeply at what documents are needed to buy an apartment through a bank, it should be noted and reporting on the value of the property. Today, many banks and real estate organizations work closely with appraisal firms, so there should be no problems with this report.
Maternity purchase
If a second child is born in the family, then parents have the right to use a special certificate of maternity capital. Its presence will allow you to purchase an apartment on more favorable terms. So, what documents are needed to buy an apartment for the maternity capital of a young family? First of all, this is the birth certificate of two children and copies of parental passports. It also requires the provision of a pension insurance card and a document that confirms the citizenship of the children and their mother. After this, the package of documents is sent to the local Pension Fund, and after their registration, you can proceed to the direct processing of the transaction.
Documents for purchase through a "military" mortgage
From the point of view of collecting documents, this is the easiest way to purchase an apartment. To use the right to a “military” mortgage, you must become a member of a special funded program. In this case, the question completely disappears regarding what documents are needed to purchase an apartment with a loan? The employee must submit a report to the commander of his unit. Next, a list will be provided with a basic set of documents that can be collected within the specific military unit where the service takes place. Next, a loan for the purchase of an apartment is executed and an agreement is concluded according to the usual mortgage lending scheme.
Buying in a house under construction
When buying an apartment in a house that does not actually exist yet, the main attention should be paid to the seller’s documents. This is due to the risks associated with the lack of guarantees for the delivery of the facility on schedule. There are no special requirements for documents regarding the buyer. The package includes the same passport or military ID, as well as the consent of proxies and spouse. But this applies to purchases without the use of credit. If you need to determine what documents are needed to buy an apartment in a house under construction through a mortgage, you should prepare the package that is required to complete the transaction through the bank. That is, it will also include income statements, an application for the loan itself, etc.
Everyone who plans to acquire new housing must be prepared for serious risks. Unfortunately, transactions for large amounts always imply a certain probability of encountering scammers. From the point of view of financial security, the questions about what documents are needed to buy an apartment in a new building or a house on the secondary market are not particularly acute.
Knowledge of this list of documents allows you to save your own time to undergo sometimes costly and painstaking procedures. A more serious consideration requires a package of documents from the seller - the main share of risks falls on this side of the legal process. Nevertheless, to ensure maximum security of the transaction, you should carefully approach the preparation of your basic package with certificates and certificates, and, of course, study the seller’s property rights in detail.