Today we will find out what documents are needed to obtain SNILS. He is extremely important. Without it, you can’t count on “insurance”. So, for free medical care on the policy too. SNILS can and should be obtained from birth. It is advisable not later than a month later. Yes, now for young parents this is a huge problem, but it needs to be addressed as soon as possible. What documents are needed to obtain SNILS? How to make out this "paper"?
From the situation
To begin with, the algorithm for obtaining SNILS may differ. More precisely, the required list of documents. For example, if personal account insurance number if the child needs it, the parents will have to deal with the process. Up to his 14th birthday. Of course, the recipient himself must also be present at registration.
In addition, work plays an important role. A non-working citizen is required to submit all applications and a package of documents in person. Otherwise, your employer will do this. Similar rules apply to foreign citizens: the boss submits documents for the employee, and the unemployed does everything on his own.
A child after 14 years old will have to fully receive SNILS without the presence of parents. Of course, no one forbids taking adults with them, just children at this age do all the actions themselves. So, what documents are needed to obtain SNILS?
Mandatory for everyone
Fortunately, this process is not shrouded in paperwork. The list of mandatory documents for any citizen includes only two items. The first is a passport. Or any other identity document. It all depends on your age and the specific case.
What documents are needed to get SNILS for a newborn or an adult? Next, you just have to fill out a special form. And provide it to the Pension Fund. It is called the profile of the insured person. It would seem that not everything is so scary, right? Although with documents and obtaining an insurance number still have a little torment.
For kids
What documents are needed to receive SNILS for a child under 14 years old? Usually newly made parents are actively involved in this process. The thing is that in this case, an identity document is nothing more than a birth certificate. You will also have to take your parents passports. Better them with photocopies.
Also, children will need to fill out the form of the insured person. But there is a small exception - newborns. Since 2014, the process of obtaining SNILS has been simplified for them. Parents can apply to the Pension Fund without a questionnaire. If this is a child under 14 years old, then all the manipulations, as already mentioned, are done by the parents. The recipient will only need a personal presence. So SNILS is best done in childhood. In this case, you do not have to deal with paperwork.
What documents are needed to get SNILS for an adult? Working citizens must take an inventory of the documents submitted to the list of compulsory papers already submitted. This is in cases where the employer or educational institution draws up insurance numbers for its subordinates.
By the way, if an employee resigned before receiving SNILS, the previous authorities should send him a notification about receiving the “number”. And already with it you will take your document from the Pension Fund. Nobody has the right to deprive him of you.
Unfortunately, foreign citizens can not always get SNILS in Russia. First, they must comply with several rules at the same time. Fortunately, there are only two of them:
- You do not have to be a highly qualified specialist;
- must be an employment contract for at least 6 months (or indefinitely).
If these points are observed, you can think about documents. The list of necessary "papers" will not differ much. Provide a sample employment contract, application form and passport with its copies. The problem is different - if the identity document is in a foreign language (as it usually happens), then you will have to translate it. And provide an already translated (with the original) passport.
Since 2015, a rule was introduced according to which even a non-working foreign citizen can receive SNILS. It turns out that an employment contract is now not such a prerequisite. True, problems can begin without him. Not all regions willingly issue insurance accounts to foreign citizens without an employment contract for at least 6 months. You need to know your rights so that you are not refused to receive SNILS.
Now we understand what documents are needed to obtain SNILS in the Crimea or any other region of Russia. Let's take a closer look at the process of “establishing” an insurance number.
About profile
Particular attention should be paid to the questionnaire. Or, as it is also called, an application for receiving SNILS. There is nothing difficult to fill out. The main thing is to carefully read all the fields and write only the truth in them. The slightest mistake - and you will be denied a number. Remember, an employee of the Pension Fund will transfer this form to an electronic form right with you.
It is important that you fill out the application (application form ADV-1) by hand. No computers. An exception can only be electronic filing. Then you will be required to have an electronic signature on the document. Write in block letters only. If we are talking about children, then all the signatures for the baby are put by the parents.
Filling out the questionnaire directly is extremely simple. Here you will have to write your initials, date and place of birth, citizenship. In addition, you will also have to enter the registration address. If you do not live on it, do not worry: below will be a field for the actual address. Phone, data from the identity document, signature and date of filling out the application form - that’s all you need.
How to get
Now we understand what documents are needed to obtain SNILS, how to fill out the form of ADV-1.
But how can we get our document today? It is enough to apply with all the collected "papers" to the Pension Fund of your city. Usually, electronic coupons are issued at the entrance to a particular window. Tell me in which area you live and what you want to get SNILS. Here, specify to whom exactly: a child under 14 years old, a newborn or yourself.
By the way, if you lost SNILS or you need to replace it (for example, when you marry women), you will also have to convey a marriage / divorce certificate. That is, a document confirming the change of surname. The insurance number will not change. You get to the operator, give all the documents and wait. When the SNILS is ready, you will be informed about this. As a rule, the whole process takes about 14 days.